FGC:Episode 12 Scene 01

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


TEXT:“15 Years Ago Year 2000 A.D.”

Dr. Nick: Just a year after the events of Godmars.


Screen CUT IN
Beyond the Moon, a brilliant, beautiful blue planet comes IN.
At the end of the cut, a light is emitted from the darkness of the South Pole.

UrsusArctos: This shot of Second Impact from behind the moon a likely reference to the opening of 2001: A Space Odyssey. However, as the tributes page notes, it's fairly common and has been referenced more directly elsewhere, such as the end of Ideon.

Mr. Tines: cf. the iconic Christmas Eve broadcast from Apollo 8

Zusuchan: What follows is the best scene of the episode and one of the greatest, most intriguing parts of the "lightweight" episodes.


Missing Number:
The Antarctic continent is engulfed in a sphere of light. A shockwave slowly spreads over the surrounding area.
The light grows larger.


Low-angle shot of a lurching, battered steel tower.
Debris and powdery snow are blown about in the foreground.
A dismembered corpse flies by.


The bodies of wintering team members lie in heaps.
Beyond them, on ground level, a human figure is walking unsteadily.
(He holds a smaller person in his arms.)
Clouds of sand roll up in front.


Amidst the dancing debris and powdery snow, a man with tattered clothes walks forward, carrying a 14-year-old girl.
Both of them are ruddied with blood.



The hatch of a one-person escape capsule opens.


Part of the roof, flapping about from a sudden gust, is blown off, revealing a giant of light.


The man's blood-covered back covers the camera.
When he raises his body, we can see the girl laying recumbent within the capsule (14-year-old Misato).
There is a cross-shaped pendant on her chest.


Pull up on the girl.
The man's blood falls with a spatter onto her cheek.
The girl stirs and slowly faces our direction.
Soon as she has spoken, the capsule closes, covering her completely.


dzzthink: As pointed out in the excellent video 'A Story That Repeats: Evangelion's Visual Poetry' at 02:42 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjHSs90J9Ts), this scene has many similarities with Misato's final sacrifice in the end of Evangelion, down to how the elevator closes the doors, how she collapses like her father and to how she holds her injury.


Bird's-eye view of the base through the ceiling.The silhouetted character briefly looks at the capsule.
Then, his strength failing, he collapses over it.
The moment after, a shockwave covers the screen and everything is blown away.


The skies over Antarctica. As if spreading with a flap, wings of light — like a demon's — stretch up from a vortex of clouds into the stratosphere.

Mr. Tines: For the record, the glue used to join the original film stock with in this scene turned into a major red herring, back in the day


Satellite view of the same.


The escape capsule drifts on the ocean's surface.
The hatch opens.


A human figure stands up from the capsule with a stagger.


Pull in on that.
The girl (14-year-old Misato) slowly lifts her head.


The scene from her POV.
Two pillars of light extend up into the vortex of clouds from the ocean's surface.
Beams of light slowly fall downwards from the rifts in the clouds.


Her chest UP.
Her clothes are tattered and stained with blood.


Misato fastens the front hook of her bra.
(She has a scar.)

dzzthink: This theme of sacrifice and responsibility is quite significant in this episode. Misato carries literal and mental scars from the events of the impact. We also get the feeling that her relationship and co-habitation with Shinji isn't just out of affection or maternal instincts but rooted in her previous experiences with her father. It could be survivor's guilt but like Shinji, she carries the obligation (or burden) of her father's work. As a result, she imposes her own mentality and ambitions to Shinji. Perhaps it can be seen as good and bad, since she wants to help Shinji and allow him to mature, but at the same time there is a sense of hypocrisy as she mainly wants to fulfil her own issues.


Misato in front of a full-length mirror.


Misato front UP, reflected in the mirror.
Her face is grave.
Lightning illuminates Misato.
The cross placed on the dresser.

Dr. Nick: Here's one of those redesign things that you cannot unsee once you've seen it: Misato's necklace has its hole placed differently in EoE.


SUBTITLE:“Episode #12 The Value of a Miracle”

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