FGC:Episode 15 Scene 08

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MISATO:“What're you saying after all this time?”

UrsusArctos: Ooh, lovely view. This seems like a fine place to host Shiro Sagisu's Evangelion Jazz Night ;;>


MISATO:“I'm ducking out to the restroom.”


KAJI:“Don't ditch me now!”





KAJI (MONO):“High heels...”


KAJI:“How many years has it been since the three of us last drank together?”

RITSUKO:“Isn't Misato drinking too much? She's acting a little giddy.”

KAJI:“And you drink some more to keep your high spirits in check. Or vice versa, today.”

RITSUKO:“As someone who lived with her, your words carry the weight of truth.”

KAJI:“Well, I did live with her, but that was before she started wearing heels and things.”

RITSUKO:“It was unimaginable when we were back in school.”


KAJI:“I was a brat too. That wasn't really sharing a life. It was just living together, playing house. Reality isn't that easy.”


KAJI (OFF):“Oh yeah, here. A cat souvenir.”

thewayneiac: O.K., here it is, the most enigmatic scene in the entire series.


RITSUKO:“My, thank you. You're very thorough.”

KAJI:“Only with the ladies. When it comes to work, I'm sloppy.”

thewayneiac: Kaji hands Ritsuko the souvenir.


RITSUKO:“I somehow doubt that. What about for Misato?”


KAJI:“I lost once before. I make a point of not fighting when I can't win the battle.”


RITSUKO (OFF):“I think you have a chance at victory.”

thewayneiac: She starts to put it in her bag...


KAJI (OFF):“What about you?”

RITSUKO:“I make a point of not talking about myself, because it's no fun.”

thewayneiac: ...but then does a double take...


KAJI:“Katsuragi's sure taking a long time. Maybe she's fixing her make-up?”

RITSUKO:“What were you doing in Kyoto?”

KAJI:“Huh? That's from Matsushiro.”

RITSUKO:“It's no use playing dumb. Your fingers will get burned if you get involved in this too deeply. That's the advice of a friend.”

KAJI:“I'll take it seriously, but if I have to get burned, I'd rather be burned while playing with fire along with you.”

MISATO (OFF):“Shall I go buy you some fireworks?”

KAJI:“Welcome back!”

MISATO:“You haven't changed, have you, you player?”

KAJI:“Of course I've changed. To live is to change.”

thewayneiac: ...and accuses him of doing something dangerous. It's plain from the way this scene is presented that she took another look at this trinket and realized both where Kaji had been and what he had been doing. This only makes sense if she had seen the souvenir before and knew who gave it to him. This is what leads people, including me, to believe that Kaji's cat lady contact is Ritsuko's grandmother, who is also associated with at least one cat. This would mean that she knows that her own grandmother is a government agent working against Nerv. I wonder if Ritsuko ever gave grandma a similar friendly warning.

UrsusArctos: Since Ritsuko never knew her father, her grandmother would be Naoko's mother. I'm sure that old lady Akagi would be pretty damn suspicious of Nerv after her daughter's mysterious suicide. She may have been the one to raise Ritsuko in Naoko's absence when Ritsuko was a child (Naoko does say "I feel like I'm being a mother only when it is convenient to me") and Naoko's death and the events afterwards might conceivably have driven a wedge between grandmother and Ritsuko.

thewayneiac: I nearly forgot that there's an extension to this theory. Some people believe that when Ritsuko's grandmother calls her in Ep. 23 about her cat passing away they were speaking in code and were actually talking about Kaji. I'm not sure how likely this is since she mentions the cat dying when Gendo interrogates her in Ep. 24.

UrsusArctos: The cat conversation in Episode 23 is weird and gives the definite impression of meaning a lot more than it does on the surface. Ritsuko and Kaji are fairly close in their own way, and Ritsuko really does seem to care about him. I can't imagine Ritsuko remaining completely immune to Kaji's death, and she seems like the kind of person to refer to Kaji as a cat in front of Gendo (to hide how much she knew about him). Then again, there's no hard evidence pointing this way and that cat might just be...well, a cat.


RITSUKO (OFF):“Homeostasis and transistasis.”


MISATO:“What are those?”

RITSUKO:“One is a force for the status quo, and the other's a force for change. A living thing is something that has both of these conflicting qualities.”


KAJI:“Like men and women.”

RITSUKO:“Well, I'll be leaving now. I've still got some work to do.”


KAJI:“Sorry to hear it.”




MISATO (PHONE - OFF):“Hey, Shin? It's me. I'm drinking with Kaji right now. Right, we're on the third after-party.”


SHINJI:“Yes... Okay, later.”

ASUKA:“Was it Misato?”

SHINJI:“Yes, she said she'll be late, so don't wait up for her.”


ASUKA:“What? Don't tell me she's coming back in the morning!”


SHINJI:“No way, she's with Mr. Kaji.”


ASUKA:“What are you, stupid?”


ASUKA:“That's WHY!”

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Episode 11: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08
Episode 12: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 13: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 14: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Scene 12
Episode 15: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11
Episode 16: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11
Episode 17: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08
Episode 18: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 19: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Scene 12
Episode 20: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 21: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 22: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Scene 12 | Scene 13 | Scene 14
Episode 23: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 24: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Scene 12 | Scene 13 | Scene 14
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