FGC:Episode 24 Scene 07

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希望 / The Hope of Man

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


UrsusArctos: Yet another unfamiliar ceiling for Shinji! This is Kaworu's room, and from the previous shot of Nerv HQ it seems that they found him a temporary room somewhere in the pyramid. I guess they had no other choice with the city above destroyed.

KAWORU:“Come on, I'll sleep on the floor.”

SHINJI:“It's okay. You're the one who's doing me a favor by letting me stay over. I'm fine where I am.”

KAWORU:“What do you want to talk about? There are things you want me to hear, right?”

SHINJI:“All sorts of things have happened since I came here. Before coming here, I used to live with my teacher. The days were peaceful. Nothing ever happened. I only had to exist there. But that was okay, because there was nothing I had to do.”

KAWORU:“Did you hate people?”

SHINJI:“Not really, I think it didn't matter, one way or another.”

Mr. Tines: Technically not quite the same as going to bed together.

SHINJI:“But I did hate my father.”

SHINJI (MONO):“Why am I telling Kaworu all this?”



KAWORU:“Maybe I was born, so that I would meet you.”
dzzthink: I think this line (and possibly every other line said by Kaworu) expresses his love for Shinji. Japanese is quite an indirect language, and as Natsume Soseki once said, "I love you" can simply be rephrased to “The moon is beautiful, isn't it?”

UrsusArctos: Natsume Soseki created that phrase - "Tsuki wa kirei desu ne?" because he felt that the literal "Kimi wo aisu yo" was too blunt, direct and rude as a translation, and his poetic turn of phrase works as a pun between tsuki and suki, among other things. Whether one is talking about the beauty of the literal moon or is expressing love poetically depends entirely on the context, and while it is entirely possible that this is Kaworu's way of saying "I love you" (romantically), it could have other meanings. Our bishie Angel is a rather mysterious character in the finished Evangelion, much less so in the drafts.

Dr. Nick: Oh boy, this scene. As much as I generally like the DC additions, this lake scene is just incongruous in so many ways.
  • It introduces the apparent plot hole of Kaworu being informed of where Adam's body actually is.
  • It features a wrong number of Seele monoliths.
  • Even the art direction is busted, as the angel statue's visual consistency just goes out of the window. In the original on-air scene, it looks like a plausible bit of public art, whereas in here it's this grotesque foreshadowing monster.

And since the scene in question is a later addition, the usual production crunch explanation doesn't hold water. Was some new staff brought over to take care of this particular sequence?

KAWORU:“Humans cannot create anything out of nothingness.”

KAWORU:“Humans cannot accomplish anything without holding onto something.”

KAWORU:“After all, humans are not gods.”

KEEL:“But there is one man who is trying to obtain power equal to that of God.”

SEELE A:“There is a man, who is not one of us,

attempting to open Pandora's Box once again.”

SEELE B:“There is a man trying to close the Box before the Hope at the bottom appears.”


KAWORU:“You're saying that is the Lilim's hope?”

SEELE C:“Hope exists in as many forms as there are people.”

SEELE A:“And that is because hope only exists in the hearts of people.”

KEEL:“However, our hope is becoming substantiated.”

SEELE B:“That is Lilith, the progenitor of mankind who are the false successors from the black moon.”

SEELE C:“And Adam, the progenitor of the Angels who are the true successors from the lost white moon.”

SEELE A:“His salvaged soul exists only within you.”

KEEL:“However, his resurrected body already exists within Ikari.”

KAWORU:“Shinji's father...”

UrsusArctos: Apart from the lingering mysteries of the conversation itself - Is it a memory of meeting with Seele? Is it something more esoteric, such as talking to the souls of the dead Angels? - this DC addition throws in a plot hole with the very last line. If Kaworu knew that Adam's body was within Ikari (which there's no ambiguity about), why was he surprised to see Lilith on the cross later? Why didn't he go after Gendo?

Dr. Nick: As wild as the idea of the monoliths representing Angel souls is, it doesn't make much sense. Why would they need disguises in the first place, since they're clearly invisible to humans? And why would they disguise themselves as Seele, taking on the form of their enemy? It's not like the show is lacking in ways to depict disembodied spirits. My take is that this is indeed supposed to be Kaworu's recollection of his mission briefing, and the wrong number of monoliths is simply an intentionally continuity-breaking artistic choice, à la Eva-02's redesign in EoE.

KAWORU:“So, he is also the same as me.”

KEEL:“That is why we entrust you with our wish.”

KAWORU:“I know. That's why I'm here now after all.”
UrsusArctos: The mysterious Angel statue appears to be dead center in the middle of the lake right now. A long time ago, I voiced puzzlement about it and came up with a little theory that it was the incinerated and transformed remains of Eva-00. Not a very good piece of headcanon but probably better than nothing...


MISATO:“It's no good.”

MISATO:“I can't read his lips from here.”

MISATO:“But he certainly is a shady character,

going out for a walk so early in the morning to talk to himself.”

MISATO:“He noticed me?”
UrsusArctos: <Dr. Freud voice> Zo, Fräulein, perhaps zis younk man reminds you of your father, ja? </Dr. Freud>

Dr. Nick: This would have indeed been an ideal place to establish a link to Dr. Katsuragi if they had that in mind, quick cutting to Misato's memory of him, just like in the scene just minutes earlier when Shinji is connecting the dots between Rei and Yui. Alas, there's nothing.

UrsusArctos: Alas is right - just one quick cut here would've made an ocean of difference.

MISATO:“No, it's not possible.”

KAWORU:“All will be as the Lilim direct it.”

MISATO (OFF):“How did it go? Did you get any data on him?”

MISATO (OFF):“How did it go? Did you get any data on him?”

HYUGA:“Here it is. I borrowed it from First Lieutenant Ibuki without her permission.”

MISATO:“I'm sorry I keep making you do these theft-like things. What is this?!”

HYUGA:“It's no wonder Maya can't release this information. It's all theoretically impossible data.”

MISATO:“You're right. It only deepens the mystery. To think that he can freely set his synch rate with the Eva... And of his own will at that.”

MISATO:“I guess this is yet again no time to be worried about appearances.”

RITSUKO:“I'm surprised you made it in.”

MISATO:“There's something I want to ask you.”

RITSUKO:“All conversations in here are recorded, you know.”

MISATO:“I don't care. Just who is that boy? The Fifth Child?”

RITSUKO:“He is likely the final messenger.”
UrsusArctos: Since Ritsuko spells it out - Kaworu really is the last Angel - the sequence of events that follow this reveal seems incredibly weird.
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Episode 10: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09
Episode 11: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08
Episode 12: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 13: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 14: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Scene 12
Episode 15: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11
Episode 16: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11
Episode 17: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08
Episode 18: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 19: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Scene 12
Episode 20: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 21: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 22: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Scene 12 | Scene 13 | Scene 14
Episode 23: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 24: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Scene 12 | Scene 13 | Scene 14
Episode 25: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09
Episode 26: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10