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Latest revision as of 18:29, 9 July 2014

You never know unless you try

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


The Angel leaps up, breaking the surface of the water.



The perspective of the Angel as it plunges in a straight line towards Unit-02.


The Angel having leapt into the air, it swoops down on Unit-02, burdening the flight deck.


UrsusArctos: *Roy Scheider voice* "We're gonna need a bigger boat."

Line: ...But, observing it better, it really is a huge, and beautiful fish...Love his color scheme.


The fighters lined up on the deck.
The fin of the Angel flops down there.

SE <<Craaaash>>


The deck of the carrier. Unit-02 and the Angel are in the background. In the foreground, the knife is stuck into the deck. It topples straight over, slicing through the nose of a Sukhoi.

SE <<Fwooosh

Kendrix: All those ‘destruction detail’ shots really give the angels and EVAs a sense of presence & weight – they think of having the knife slice through things while falling etc.


Overhead angle. On the deck of the carrier, Unit-02 is holding the Angel down by its neck.

SE <<Creeeeeeeak>>

UrsusArctos: WWE-style wrestling doesn't work well when one of the opponents is larger than the wrestling ring.


Misato, leaning forward and looking out of the window. Her left hand holds a microphone, and her right hand is pressed against the windowpane.

MISATO:“Asuka! Well done stopping it.”

CAPTAIN:“This isn't a joke! The flight deck is completely wrecked!”

BGM End: E-4 [EVA-02]

UrsusArctos: The Captain's lucky that Gaghiel didn't capsize the entire ship!

Kendrix: Oh noo Misato jinxed it, just when they almost had it.


On the flight deck, pushed by the Angel, Unit-02's feet slide backwards.

SE <<Screeeee...>>

At the end of the cut, it steps onto an elevator, which gives way.

SE <<...CRASH>>

Kendrix: No time to be looking at the floor when you’re wrestling a giant monster and also precariously balancing on a boat.


Asuka and Shinji suffering the impact.

ASUKA (conc.):“*shrieeeek*

SHINJI (conc.):“Waaaaaaah!”


The glass shatters in the room where Misato and the others are. The members of the group are ducking down.


SE <<Shatter>>

Male Chatter:“Uwaaa!”


Unit-02 loses its balance.
Pushed back by the Angel, it falls into the sea.


The long body of the Angel forms a circle above the aircraft carrier.


The captain and the others lean out through a shattered windows.

CAPTAIN:“They've fallen!”

Misato tries to establish contact with the microphone.



The Angel and Eva-02 sink, trailing white foam.
Unit-02 clings to the neck of the Angel.

MISATO (OFF):“It's impossible to fight underwater with B-type equipment!”

UrsusArctos: This shot of Gaghiel descending reminds me of one of the shots of the New Nautilus from Nadia, and Gaghiel's overall design is fairly reminiscent of it too.


Asuka, confident, inside the entry plug.

ASUKA:“We won't know...”


Misato, a little worried.

ASUKA (RADIO):“...unless we try.”


Cable being sent out. There is a fighter that has been knocked over on the flight deck.

SE <<Wsssh wsssh wsssh>>


The ruins of a city under the sea.
The Angel and Unit-02 sink.
They crash into the ocean floor!!

SE <<Glubglubglub>>

Mr. Tines: From mid-ocean, we're suddenly very close to land (even if nothing shows on the horizon here).

Kendrix: It’s a nice bit of incidental worldbuilding/ visual storytelling to have this take place atop a ruined pre-2I city.


A cloud of silt fills the screen.

SE <<Rumblerumble>>

UrsusArctos: You go, cowgirl! Ride that Angel! The in-script rodeo reference and the superhero stunts seen previously seem to be Anno's way of signaling Asuka's American heritage as blatantly as possible to his Japanese audience.

It suddenly shifts offscreen, and Unit-02 is riding on the Angel's back rodeo style.

SE <<Fwoosh>>

They plunge into an area where many large buildings line the ocean floor. They become obscured by a cloud of dust.

SE <<Whrooooooar>>

Near the end of the cut they send elevated highways etc. flying.


The Angel speeds through the sunken city.
Clouds of silt rise up, forming a trail behind it.

SE <<RumbleRUMBLE>>

The power cable remains connected. The cable, which had been arcing, becomes tightly stretched and extends.

Line: So there is a city engulfed in the deep seas? Is it because of Second Impact, right? Incredible!

UrsusArctos: Episode 14 identifies the sunken city as Ito off the Izu Peninsula, but the map shown later is that of Yokohama. There's an old forum discussion on the sunken city here [1].

ASW_Canuck: Anno's used a lot of creative license with the water depth, because melting all of the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps would only increase ocean depth by ~70 m, not the hundreds of meters shown here. Would be rather anticlimactic for them to go overboard, panic about not having the B-type equipment for aquatic operation, and then realize that the water only comes up to Eva-02's chin.


The cable moves all around the deck of the ship.
It sweeps away the remaining fighters,
knocking them into the sea.

UrsusArctos: That sweeps the deck clean of those beautiful fighters. If you look closely, you'll realize that the fighters are actually about half the size of what they should be.

SEELE-01: Compared to Nerv's operative budget, those sunken planes were pocket change...

UrsusArctos: So were the sunken ships, but that doesn't make the tragedy any smaller.


The trio leaning out of a shattered window. Kensuke shoots video of the scene with chagrin.

KENSUKE (His mouth cannot be seen):“...what a waste.”

Misato directs her words towards the interior of the bridge.

MISATO:“What is the cable length?”


Thick, robust umbilical cable spills out from a bobbin attached to a transformer on the deck.

SE <<Whirrrrrrrrrrr>>


Shot looking into the bridge from outside.
The captain, first officer, and — in the background — Misato.

FIRST OFFICER:“We have another 1200 remaining!”

CAPTAIN:“What will you do?”

Misato sticks her chest out, brimming with self-confidence.

MISATO:“We'll manage somehow.”


Inside the entry plug, the two endure the effects of the speed and water pressure.

SHINJI:“W-we've got to do something......”

UrsusArctos: The script comment is interesting, I wonder how the pilots feel water pressure inside the Entry Plug?

Kendrix: So far Shinji was just a passenger being dragged along & acting all worried, but now that shit has got real, the roles have reversed, & he’s the one thinking of doing something useful.

I’ve always felt that Shinji actually kinda gets to be real cool in this ep but no one noticed cause he’s wearing a silly outfit during it. To be fair though, Asuka must’ve felt the shock more .


The sunken, pre-Second Impact city. Upon the waters surface above, the undersides of the ships of the fleet can be seen next to one another. Drawing a trail of air bubbles behind it, the Angel plunges into the city! Sedimented earth and sand scatter explosively in all directions. The bursts continue in succession. (Unit-02's cable stretches out further and further.)

SE <<Glubglubglubglubglubglub
Vshoooom brakowbrakowbrakowbrakow>>

UrsusArctos: The rodeo goes on, and in true Tokusatsu fashion rampaging monsters continue to destroy cities, even when said cities are underwater and for all practical purposes completely destroyed...

Kendrix: They had a whole lot of fun drawing the destroyed cityscapes here, it was probably a big part of the ~aesthetics~ discussion – the proposal already notes that “we gotta have an underwater battle”


The three leaning out of a window with no glass.
Misato speaks instructions into the microphone.

MISATO:“The cable is going to run out! Brace yourselves for a shock!”


The small remaining amount of cable. The reel is rapidly wound off. Finally it stops. There is a jolt.

SE <<Fwshwshwshwshwshwshwsh

UrsusArctos: That's a helluva strong umbilical cable.


The cable, heavily arcing as it extends. It stretches taut. The cable strains with tension.


The Angel slips away from Unit-02, at the cable's end. Having lost its tension, the cable goes limp, undulating.

Asuka clicks her tongue.



The three looking down anxiously towards the surface of the water. Kensuke is feeling about in his pocket, searching for a video disk.

SPEAKER (OFF):“Eva has lost the target!”

KENSUKE:“Change disks now, while I have a chance.”

SE <<Vshooooo>>

Kendrix: In which Kensuke is very relatable. Those darn things always used to run out of space at the worst possible moment. I also appreciate the detail that he can’t get it to close properly, bits like that add a life-like feeling.

SEELE-01: Oh Kensuke... Maybe you'd have memory left in your camera if you hadn't recorded the frikkin' elevator!

UrsusArctos: That video disk stays glued to Kensuke's tongue while he's yelling, instead of falling to the floor. Anime physics at their finest.

Kensuke is the first to notice.

KENSUKE:“Aaaaah! A Yak-38 Custom!!”

He scrambles trying to get his camera ready, but the compartment won't close.
Belatedly, the other two turn to see.


A Yak-38 is lifted up to the deck on an elevator.
It comes to a halt.

(OFF - SPEAKER):“Hey, Katsuragi.”

UrsusArctos: Even over the radio, Kaji should be inaudible with the noise of the engines operating. The choice of a Yak-38 is unusual, because that plane was, well...a piece of junk. Anno and company should've chosen a Yak-41 "Freestyle", it's a lot cooler and it has a stylishness Kaji would appreciate. ;;>

Alaska Slim: Given the "widowmaker" notoriety of the Yak-38 and that its engines suffered in the hot, humid environment of the ocean (and we know it's hot because, Endless Summer and all), I would think Kaji would be safer riding the bow of one of the ships with a sign saying "bite me".


Misato, delighted. But a little uneasy.


(She is mistaken, thinking that Kaji is going out to provide support for the Eva, but...)
Kensuke is still fiddling with his camera.

Kendrix: It’s telling that just for a brief tidbit, she actually looked happy to see him.

Also, look at poor Kensuke trying to get the camera to work before the cool plane flies off.


Close-up of the two-seater cockpit, with Kaji inside.
He is wearing a [flight] jacket over top of his [shirt and] tie, and an irresponsible smile.

KAJI:“I've got something to deliver, so I'll be going on ahead.”


Misato's expression turns to one of rage.
Kensuke is still fiddling with his camera.



Kaji indicates to his pilot.
The pilot nods.

KAJI:“Take us out.”



The Yak-38 lifts off, reversing (as though blatantly escaping).

SE <<Vreeeeeeeeeee>>

KAJI (SPEAKER):“Well, I'll leave it to you~~~...”

UrsusArctos: I'm not sure any (real life) Yak-38 model was capable of flying backward in the manner depicted or doing so from atop an aircraft elevator. The heat of those exhausts can cause serious damage to a flight deck or an elevator, and Russian Kiev-class carriers needed water cooling to stop Yak-38 exhaust from overheating the deck. But visually, it sure does scream "running away" better than accelerating forwards like in real life.


The pair watch him as he goes, aghast.

KAJI (SPEAKER):“...Captain Katsuragi.”

Finally Kensuke resumes shooting with his camera.

TOJI:“H-he's run away.”

SPEAKER (OFF - RIGHT):“The target is again approaching Eva!”

UrsusArctos: She is so miffed that Kaji ran away that she didn't think of why he chose to run away. Just like the sabotage of Jet Alone in the previous episode, Misato overlooks the obvious signs that Nerv is up to no good.

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Episode 02: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07:A |Scene 07:B | Scene 08 | Previews
Episode 03: Scene 01 | Scene 02 | Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07:A |Scene 07:B | Scene 08 | Scene 09 | Previews
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Episode 07: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Previews
Episode 08: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Previews
Episode 09: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 10: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09
Episode 11: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08
Episode 12: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 13: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 14: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Scene 12
Episode 15: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11
Episode 16: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11
Episode 17: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08
Episode 18: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 19: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Scene 12
Episode 20: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 21: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 22: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Scene 12 | Scene 13 | Scene 14
Episode 23: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10
Episode 24: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10 | Scene 11 | Scene 12 | Scene 13 | Scene 14
Episode 25: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09
Episode 26: Scene 01 | Scene 02 |Scene 03 | Scene 04 | Scene 05 | Scene 06 | Scene 07 | Scene 08 |Scene 09 | Scene 10