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| affiliation  = [[Nerv]]
| affiliation  = [[Nerv]]
| rank        = First Children<br>(Rebuild): First Girl
| rank        = First Children<br>(Rebuild): First Girl
| relations    = [[Yui Ikari]] (cloned from), [[Gendo Ikari]] (Nerv Commander),<br> [[Shinji Ikari]] (son of Yui Ikari)
| relations    = [[Yui Ikari]] (derived from), [[Gendo Ikari]] (Nerv Commander),<br> [[Shinji Ikari]] (son of Yui Ikari)
| image      = [[Image:OP_C016_rei.jpg|260px|Rei Ayanami]]
| image      = [[Image:OP_C016_rei.jpg|260px|Rei Ayanami]]
| age        = 14 (biologically)
| age        = 14 (biologically)
| birthday    = Unknown
| birthday    = Unknown
| seiyu      = [[Megumi Hayashibara]]
| seiyu      = [[Megumi Hayashibara]]
| va          = (English): Amanda Winn Lee (TV/Films),  Brina Palencia (Rebuild)<br> (Italian): Valentina Mari <br> (Brazilian): Priscila Concépcion<br> (French):Stéphanie Lafforgue<br>(Spanish, Spain): Gaby Ugarte,<br> (Spanish, Latin America): Circe Luna<br>(German): Marie Bierstedt
| va          = (English): Amanda Winn Lee (TV/Films),  Brina Palencia (Rebuild), Ryan Bartley (Netflix)<br> (Italian): Valentina Mari <br> (Brazilian): Priscila Concépcion<br> (French):Stéphanie Lafforgue<br>(Spanish, Spain): Gaby Ugarte,<br> (Spanish, Latin America): Circe Luna<br>(German): Marie Bierstedt , Samia Little Elk (Rebuild) , Franziska Lather (Netflix)
'''Rei Ayanami'''<ref>Rei is a pun on the Japanese word for "zero," and Ayanami is the name of a warship, the [[| Ayanami destroyer]]. For more information on how Rei and the other characters were named, see [[Character Name Origins#11/02/2000 (Entry 1)|Character Name Origins]].</ref> is the First Children, designated pilot of [[Evangelion Unit-00]].
==Character Summary==
''Main articles: [[Episode 21]], [[Episode 22]], [[Episode 23]]''
See also: ''[[Theory and Analysis:Rei's Ghostly Appearances and Quantum Mechanics]]''
Rei Ayanami was the product of [[Gendo Ikari]] and [[Kozo Fuyutsuki]] attempt to retrieve [[Yui Ikari]] from [[Eva-01]] using her salvaged remains. This attempt failed. On some level, Rei Ayanami may incorporate DNA from the Second Angel, [[Lilith]], because she is the vessel for Lilith's soul. Rei Ayanami was created sometime between 2004 and 2010, as suggested by her appearance in [[Episode 21]]. Seen in 2010, she has the physical appearance of a small child, perhaps around four or five years old. She is later seen in 2015 apparently aged 14 (she would have to appear the same age as Shinji's classmates since they are in the same class). Since Rei was created after Yui died and none of her bodies can possibly be 14 years old, it's implicit that Gendo and Fuyutsuki can manipulate her growth. In [[Terminal Dogma]], a large tank full of spare Rei clones is maintained. These are referred to by [[Ritsuko Akagi]] as being "spare parts" for the [[Dummy Plug]]  system. The Dummy System in Eva-01 also shows the name REI on it's side when it is activated during [[Episode 18]]. These clones are the origin of Rei's "If I die, I can be replaced" statement from [[Episode 19]]. Rei's birthplace in [[Central Dogma]] is also shown in Episode 23. It is noted by Shinji Ikari as being remarkably similar to Rei's apartment, and Ritsuko makes it clear that the room certainly has made it's mark on Rei's subconscious. On the concrete walls, different states of quantum particle spin and different quark names are painted. (Up, Down, Strange, Charmed, Top, Bottom- Up and Down quarks form normal matter, the other four are much rarer and have been generated only in particle accelerators so far). It is likely that this is where Rei spent the majority of her early years.
The reason Rei was created was also to establish a controllable link between Gendo Ikari and Lilith. It seems to have been Gendo's intention to use Rei to control [[Third Impact| Human Instrumentality Project]], and allow him to see Yui again in the [[End of Evangelion]].
===Introduction and Injury===
''Main articles: [[Episode 1]], [[Episode 2]], [[Episode 3]]''
The very first time we see Rei is Rei 3's appearance to Shinji on the street near the beginning of the episode. The first time we see Rei 2, the Rei we meet for most of the series, she is badly injured and wrapped in bandages, in so much pain that she has trouble even sitting up. This evokes a sense of sympathy in us and Shinji. An extra piece of animation showing Rei collapsed on the floor in this scene was added in [[Evangelion: Death and Rebirth|Death]].
We learn later that these injuries were caused during the activation experiment with Eva-00 which Gendo supervised. While Gendo was concerned enough for Rei's safety during the activation test to rescue her himself<ref>Remember that Rei is actually part of a series of clones produced in Nerv HQ; the Rei we see here is actually the second Rei, or "Rei II."  When one Rei dies, she can be replaced with another.  So why would Gendo risk badly injuring his hands to save Rei if, by her own admission later in the series, she can be replaced? 
*Gendo might be trying to keep up the charade that Rei is not a clone to the other Nerv personnel involved in the activation experiment; most of them do not know that she is a clone.
*Gendo might have just been swept up in the moment; he cares a great deal about Rei because of her connection to Yui, and might just not want to see any harm come to her even if she can be resurrected.</ref>, he now treats her coldly when Kozo questions Gendo sending out Rei in Eva-01. It has been suggested that using Rei in this way was a ruse to get Shinji to pilot Eva-01 when Misato and Ritsuko couldn't convince him.
During [[Episode 02|episode 2]], Rei is wheeled past Shinji in a hospital bed, mirroring episode 1. Instead of vacantly staring up as she was in episode 1, Rei now glares at Shinji as she passes. In [[Episode 03|episode 3]], Rei has crutches propped up against her school desk but isn't seen using them.
===Living Conditions===
''Main article: [[Episode 5]]''
During [[Episode 05|episode 5]] we learn that Rei lives alone in her apartment, numbered 402. Her apartment is part of a large block of apartment buildings on the [ western edge of Tokyo-3] that is in the process of being demolished<ref>When Shinji enters Rei's apartment, he notices that her floor is conspicuously dirty and badly scuffed by her shoes, before proceeding to take off his own shoes.  In Japan, it is of course customary to take off one's shoes when entering a home, and this is a telltale sign to a Japanese audience (perhaps not quite as noticeable to a North American audience) that Rei is indifferent and aloof to her surroundings.  Also, she apparently hasn't opened any of her mail in quite some time, but just lets her mailbox overflow.  There is still blood on Rei's pillow from when she was injured.  As she is not injured now, and wasn't wearing bandages even the day before, it appears that she just didn't bother to wash it.</ref>.  From this episode it becomes clear just how little Rei values her own personal space and comfort. When Rei emerges from the shower naked, she seems completely unconcerned that Shinji can see her. Instead, she is upset that he is handling Gendo's Glasses. Even when he falls on top of her, she treats it as a minor annoyance, and asks him to please move. She then gets up and dresses in his presence quite casually.  It should be kept in mind that this scene is the first time they actually spoke to each other. When Shinji later brings the event up in order to apologize Rei doesn't seem to care.  This seems to show that Rei has so little experience with other people that she has no idea of the effect that her nudity might have upon a teenage boy.<ref>Similarly, it is possible that her Adamite counterpart, Kaworu, has no idea of how his suggestion that he and Shinji go to bed together might be interpreted.</ref>  Rei is only roused to anger in this episode when Shinji speaks disparagingly about his own father and Rei slaps him.
===Unit-00 Activation===
''Main articles: [[Episode 5]], [[Episode 6]]''
Rei participated in Eva-00's activation experiment in Test Facility 2. When the process of synchronization reached phase 3, approaching the absolute borderline, Eva-00 suddenly went [[berserk]] and the entry plug was auto-ejected. Rei was badly injured as a result of the ejection of the entry plug, her left arm and eye being damaged. This is when Rei obtains Gendo's glasses and this is the moment when we learn why Rei treasures them.
Just prior to the re-activation experiment, Rei smiles as she puts on her plugsuit, as she recalls when Gendo came to her aid during the failed activation experiment. In the [[Neon Genesis Evangelion (manga)|manga]], Gendo's glasses case is present on the bench next to Rei in this scene.
Rei takes Gendo's glasses with her into the Entry Plug during the re-activation experiment which helps to calm her and thus the re-activation experiment is successful. After the re-activation is complete, Rei tilts her head back in the entry plug and a number of air bubbles escape her mouth<ref>Rei appears unusually relaxed when sitting in the [[LCL]] of the Entry Plug, after the reactivation test ends.  At several points throughout the series, Rei almost seems to "bathe" in LCL.</ref>, this indicates that Rei had held her breath throughout the entire re-activation experiment, showing how nervous she was. Rei also takes Gendo's glasses with her into the entry plug prior to the fight with Ramiel, as she believed she was going to die during the battle.
Towards the end of episode 5, Rei curiously watches Shinji and Eva-01 as he moves out from the cage.
===The End of Evangelion===
''Main articles: [[Episode 25']], [[Episode 26']]''
==== Episode 25' ====
When the [[JSSDF]] begin attacking [[Nerv Headquarters]], Rei is found by [[Gendo Ikari|Gendo]] inside of the lower levels of central dogma, staring at the destroyed corpses of her clones. She turns to Gendo, giving him a cold stare, one of her first signs of retaliation towards him. Gendo reveals that the promised time has come. During the fray above, the two go to [[Terminal Dogma]], specifically to Lilith's resting place. There they encounter [[Ritsuko]], who fails in an attempt to destroy Nerv Headquarters, and is killed by Gendo.
==== Episode 26' ====
Rei's [[AT Field]] is beginning to fail, as her left arm falls off and begins to dissolve into [[LCL]]. Gendo, using the Embryo of [[Adam]] within his hand, penetrates Rei's remaining AT Field as part of his plan. However, while this happens, [[Eva-01]] begins awakening as the trigger of [[Third Impact]]. Realizing Shinji needs her, Rei denies Gendo and takes his arm (and Adam's embryo) into herself, regenerating her lost arm in the process. She then turns and approaches Lilith, stating "I'm home" (to which Lilith responds "Welcome home"). Lilith ingests Rei's body, and her soul, Adam's embryo, and Lilith's body merge, and transform into a new Lilith, resembling a giant, white Rei. The new Lilith then floats up to Shinji, passing through the rising [[Black Moon]], to begin Third Impact.
==== Third Impact ====
Third Impact begins with Lilith appearing to Shinji in a strange form; Rei's eyes are missing, instead having ominous black pits in their place. When Shinji addresses the being as "Ayanami", the pits turn into Rei's eyes. However, Shinji is traumatized already by the events, and so Lilith appears to Shinji in the form of [[Kaworu]] (who is believed to be within the new Lilith). It is at this point that Shinji relaxes, and lowers his AT Field, allowing Lilith to penetrate Eva-01's core. The result of this penetration is the creation of the [[Tree of Life]]. With the tree of life created, and the Black Moon ascending into space, the new Lilith appears as an even larger, angelic Rei.<ref>This Rei is sometimes referred to as "Giant Naked Rei", or GNR for short.</ref> Angelic Rei begins collecting the souls of humanity into the [[Doors of Guf]], their deaths signified by apparitions of Rei, followed by apparitions of those who they love the most.<ref>See [[Theory and Analysis:Rei's Ghostly Appearances and Quantum Mechanics]] for more details.</ref> From within the tree of life, Shinji is given the option to proceed with [[Human Instrumentality Project|Instrumentality]], or to return humanity back to Earth as individual beings. Shinji, choosing the latter, kills the new Lilith, who falls apart and releases the souls of humanity back unto Earth. Shinji wakes up on the surface of Earth, and is visited one last time by an apparition of Rei, which parallels the apparition in [[Episode 01]].
==Profile and Relationships with Other Characters==
===With Shinji===
Rei's relationship with Shinji is one that plays a large part in the series progression. The two meet when she's brought out to pilot Unit 01 when Shinji refuses, despite being in critical condition.
The two still are apart at first; many awkward scenes playing out between them, both due to each other's lack of social skills. In one particular scene, when Shinji goes to her apartment to give her her new ID card for Nerv. He finds her naked; having just gotten out of the shower. Later, when talking to Shinji, he criticizes his father: Gendo, to which Rei responds with a hard slap across Shinji's face.
However, once the fifth angel Ramiel attacks, the two start getting close, with Rei protecting Shinji from the angel's destructive beam, damaging Unit 00 and herself in the process. When Shinji breaks down crying after seeing her alive, she responds with confusion at what to do, but soon smiles when Shinji asks her. It's the first one not aimed at Gendo.
From then on, Rei continues to build her relationship with Shinji, despite her abnormal nature. To her, Rei sees Shinji as the first one to give her kindness after Gendo's selfish use of her.
===With Gendo===
Rei's bond with Gendo is one of the most complex throughout the series. Being at least partially derived from the salvaged remains of his wife, Gendo has kept Rei very close to his side. Until Shinji becomes an Eva pilot, Gendo is the only one who is established to have shown Rei any act of kindness. Her memory of Gendo saving her after Unit 00 goes berserk during an activation test has been held cherished to her, so much so that she keeps his burnt glasses held in a case as a memento. Despite this, Rei claims to not pilot the EVA because of Gendo, but because it is her "bond" with all people.
As time went on, Rei became more wary of Gendo, focusing more of her attention of Shinji; even countering Asuka's claims that "She's the special one" in [[Episode 11]]. Her disobedience starts when she refuses to take down Unit 03 after being affected by [[Bardiel]], knowing that Shinji's friend [[Toji Suzahara|Toji]] is trapped in the entry plug, even getting herself hurt in the process. It's taken to extremes when she sorties without orders to fight Zeruel on her own, or when she disobeys direct orders to eject from her EVA when she sacrifices herself to defeat [[Armisael]], protecting everyone (in particular, Shinji) from getting killed as all EVA's were out of commision.
Despite dying, Rei returns to life through NERV's cloning technology, and she still retains a vague remembrance of her past life. The trauma causes Rei to reflect more deeply on herself and her relationships, coming to antagonize Gendo as a result. Thus, when Gendo tries to assume control over Instrumentality through her, she flat out rejects him and instead rushes to help Shinji.
===With Asuka===
From the moment Rei rejected Asuka's request to be friends in Episode 09, the two are set up to have different feelings for each other. Rei shrugs Asuka off at first as "the other Eva pilot" during her inner monologue in Episode 14, in part due to her lack of social skills.
She is seen by Asuka as a stuck-up girl who thinks she's better then everyone else; constantly being picked on and nicknaming her "Wonder Girl". On multiple occasions, when Rei is with Shinji - whether it be working or hanging out with him - Asuka gets more fired up<ref>It is possible that her responses come out that way because of a possible attraction towards Shinji.</ref>. Rei's silence only adds fuel to the fire when it's misinterpreted for arrogance.
However, overtime, Rei becomes a lot more sturdy in standing up for herself. Starting in Episode 11, with overgrowing suspicion of Gendo, she shuts down Asuka's claim on being treated better then everyone else. It continues in Episode 16  when ignoring Asuka's frustration at Shinji getting the highest sync ratio and if she pilots the Eva for her own benefit instead of helping others. Naturally, both moments are meant with bitterness.
In Episode 22, after a long period of ignoring each other in an elevator ride, the two get into a heated argument with Rei trying to convince Asuka to calm down if she wants to improve her below average sync ratio stats. Asuka, with her downward descent into depression, lashes out more then usual at Rei, calling her Commander Ikari's doll and even slapping her when Rei says how she'll die if commanded to. Even with Rei's best intentions, the image of her as a useless puppet stays planted in Asuka's mind throughout the series, and it is unknown if she ever comes to terms with it.

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Rei Ayanami is most famous for her distinctive appearance. She has blue hair, pale skin, and red eyes. It has been stated that Rei's unusual appearance was intended by the creators of the series to make her stand out. Strangely, Rei's unusual appearance is never commented upon throughout the series, even by Asuka.
Rei Ayanami is most famous for her distinctive appearance. She has blue hair, pale skin, and red eyes. It has been stated that Rei's unusual appearance was intended by the creators of the series to make her stand out. Strangely, Rei's unusual appearance is never commented upon throughout the series, even by Asuka.

Rei is a vegetarian. This is seen in [[Episode 12]].It is not clear whether this is by choice, or through quirk of her physiology. It should be noted that series creator Hideaki Anno is also a vegetarian, as was Nadia Ra Alwar of Nadia: Secret of the Blue water<ref>[[Statements_by_Evangelion_Staff#Hideaki_Anno.27s_Roundtable_Discussion|Hideaki Anno's Roundtable Discussion]]</ref>.
Rei is a vegetarian. This is seen in [[Episode 12]].It is not clear whether this is by choice, or through quirk of her physiology. It should be noted that series creator Hideaki Anno is also a vegetarian, as was Nadia Ra Alwar of Nadia: Secret of the Blue water<ref>[[Statements_by_Evangelion_Staff#Hideaki_Anno.27s_Roundtable_Discussion|Hideaki Anno's Roundtable Discussion]].</ref>

Outwardly, Rei can seem somewhat cool and aloof, often spending time on her own reading books. Yet, she can easily be confused by emotions, and is somewhat detached from her own. This is most obvious in [[Episode 6]], when Rei finds her self unsure how she is supposed to feel after being rescued by [[Shinji Ikari]].  In Episode 12 Rei did not come to Misato's party, even though she was specifically invited by Asuka.  Rei was specifically brought to the synch-training party at Misato's apartment in [[Episode 09]], but that seems to be because Misato actually brought her.  Rei isn't simply mysterious to people she doesn't know at first (i.e. during the introductory episodes):  Rei is disconnected socially even from the other Eva pilots.  When Rei is invaded by [[Armisael]] in [[Episode 23]], the Angel forces her to feel her own true loneliness and pain. In the next scene, Rei is shown crying and not even understanding why she is crying. [[Episode 25]] further shows that Rei has a deep despair and a wish to return to nothingness.
Outwardly, Rei can seem somewhat cool and aloof, often spending time on her own reading books. Yet, she can easily be confused by emotions, and is somewhat detached from her own. This is most obvious in [[Episode 6]], when Rei finds her self unsure how she is supposed to feel after being rescued by [[Shinji Ikari]].  In Episode 12 Rei did not come to Misato's party, even though she was specifically invited by Asuka.  Rei was specifically brought to the synch-training party at Misato's apartment in [[Episode 09]], but that seems to be because Misato actually brought her.  Rei isn't simply mysterious to people she doesn't know at first (i.e. during the introductory episodes):  Rei is disconnected socially even from the other Eva pilots.  When Rei is invaded by [[Armisael]] in [[Episode 23]], the Angel forces her to feel her own true loneliness and pain. In the next scene, Rei is shown crying and not even understanding why she is crying. [[Episode 25]] further shows that Rei has a deep despair and a wish to return to nothingness.

Rei has been shown to place no value on her own existence. In [[Episode 19]] she states that If she dies, she can just be replaced. It is only in [[Episode 23]] that finally we understand what she means by this. This is further shown by her indifference towards her own comfort or personal space. In Episode 5, she shows nothing but indifference to Shinji when he accidentally falls on top of her, in what would be seen as a compromising position. Yet, she is also aggravated enough when he makes disparaging remarks about [[Gendo Ikari]] to slap Shinji in the face for it.
Rei has been shown to place no value on her own existence. In [[Episode 19]] she states that If she dies, she can be replaced, but it is not unitl [[Episode 23]] that finally the audience understands what she means by this. This is further shown by her indifference towards her own comfort or personal space. In Episode 5, she shows nothing but indifference to Shinji when he accidentally falls on top of her, in what would be seen as a compromising position. Yet, she is also aggravated enough when he makes disparaging remarks about [[Gendo Ikari]] to slap Shinji in the face for it.

Yet she is also capable of placing value in investing herself in people. She has a strong connection with Gendo Ikari throughout the series. Rei keeps a broken pair of Commander Ikari's glasses as an memento of his rescuing her after EVA-00's failed activation test shown [[Episode 4]]. It can be suggested that Rei is seeking to stave off her own despair, by investing herself fully towards the needs of one single person, in order for her to be recognized as a person.  
Yet she is also capable of placing value in investing herself in people. She has a strong connection with Gendo Ikari throughout the series. Rei keeps a broken pair of Commander Ikari's glasses as an memento of his rescuing her after EVA-00's failed activation test shown [[Episode 4]]. It can be suggested that Rei is seeking to stave off her own despair, by investing herself fully towards the needs of one single person, in order for her to be recognized as a person.  

As the series progressed, Rei began to distance herself more from the Commander. Meanwhile a bond of somesorts began to develop between herself and Shinji Ikari, beginning shortly after the attack of the Sixth Angel, Rei was shown talking with Shinji on several occasions, something stated within the series that she almost never does to anyone else. As the series finale approached, Rei eventually chooses Shinji over Commander Ikari, and allows Shinji to control Third Impact through her. She also destroys Commander Ikari's glasses, the symbol of her bond with him.
As the series progresses, Rei began to distance herself more from the Commander. Meanwhile a bond began to develop between herself and Shinji Ikari; beginning shortly after the attack of the Sixth Angel, Rei was shown talking with Shinji on several occasions, something stated within the series that she almost never does to anyone else. As the series finale approached, Rei eventually chooses Shinji over Commander Ikari and allows Shinji to control Third Impact through her. She also destroys Commander Ikari's glasses, the symbol of her bond with him.


Rei's true origins are revealed in their majority through Episodes 21 and 23. Rei Ayanami is a clone of [[Yui Ikari]]. On some level, she may also incorporate DNA from the Second Angel, [[Lilith]], seeing as she is the vessel for Lilith's soul. Rei Ayanami was created sometime  between the year 2004, and 2008, as suggested by her appearance in [[Episode 21]]. At this stage, she is a child capable of walking unaided, apparently around four years old in 2010. She is later seen in 2015 apparently aged 14. This would suggest that on some level, Commander Ikari has the ability to manipulate her growth. In [[Terminal Dogma]], a large tank of spare Rei clones are maintained. These are referred to by [[Ritsuko Akagi]] as being 'Spare Parts' for the [[Dummy Plug]] system. The Dummy System in [[Eva-01]] also shows the name REI on it's side when it is activated during [[Episode 18]]. These clones are the origin of Rei's "If I die, I can be replaced" statement from [[Episode 19]].
Through the run of the series, Rei Ayanami died at least twice. On these occasions, she was apparently resurrected through the use of the Dummy Plug system and the tank of cloned bodies. Despite this process causing her to lose recent memories, in Episode 23 she is apparently able to recognize that she is her own third incarnation. Her new incarnation differs from the preceding one (See below).
===Rei I===
Rei 1 was first Introduced in Episode 21. She is shown as a small child wearing a simple red dress. She is later murdered by [[Naoko Akagi]], for revealing that [[Gendo Ikari]] referred to her as an 'old hag' behind her back (displaying behavior noticeably different from her later incarnations).

Rei's birthplace in [[Central Dogma]] is also shown in Episode 23. It is noted by Shinji Ikari as being remarkably similar to Rei's apartment. On the concrete walls, different states of quantum particle spin and different quark names are painted. (Up, Down, Strange, Charmed, Top, Bottom- Up and Down quarks form normal matter, the other four are much rarer and have been generated only in particle accelerators so far). It is likely that this is where Rei spent the majority of her early years.
The term "Rei 1" is also used in the script for the distorted image of Rei that is seen inside Eva-00, suggesting strongly that the part or the whole of Rei 1 was used for Eva-00's soul. For more on this theory, see [[Eva-00's soul]]. Rei 1 is also shown alongside her two 'sisters' and Yui Ikari during Commander Ikari's final scene in [[Episode 26'|End of Evangelion]].  

Rei's reason for creation was as a controllable link between Gendo Ikari, and Lilith. It appears to have been his intention to use Rei to control [[Third Impact| Human Instrumentality Project]], and allow him to see Yui again in the [[End of Evangelion]]. The reason why the DNA of Yui Ikari was used is not explicitly stated. It may be due to  Commander Ikari's desire to be with his wife once more, in whatever way possible. 
===Rei II===
Rei 2 was the incarnation of Rei for the majority of the series, until Episode 23. This Rei is shown to have a strong attachment to Gendo Ikari, and a building attachment to Shinji Ikari. It is likely that Rei 2 was created soon after the death of Rei 1. Given that this occurred in 2010, this would suggest that in reality, Rei 2 is four years old at the most, despite appearing to be fourteen years old. In addition, it is theorized (see Eva-00's soul) that she has only part of Rei 1's soul. She is shown with her sisters in Episode 26' wearing the same bandages that she first wore after being injured in Eva-00's failed activation test.
===Rei III===
The Third incarnation of Rei Ayanami is first seen in Episode 23, after the death of Rei 2. This incarnation of Rei shows little attachment to Gendo Ikari, attempting to break the glasses that Rei 2 had kept after being rescued by Gendo Ikari from Eva-00 after its berserker incident. This incarnation appears capable of Angelic abilities including an A.T. Field (all but stated aloud in Episode 24) and rapid regeneration. Rei 3's distaste for Gendo results in her betraying him and handing control of [[Third Impact]] to Shinji in [[Episode 26']]. In Gendo's final scene in Episode 26', Rei 3 is shown naked with her "sisters", Rei 1 and Rei 2.
==Rei's depiction in the anime==
For information regarding Rei's psychology and for a examination of her character throughout the anime:

In [[Episode 24]], Shinji Ikari is able to make the link between Rei Ayanami and his own mother, wondering what Commander Ikari has planned for them. He also states in [[Episode 15]] that Rei's hands while washing remind him of a mother's while she is washing the classroom floor.
:See ''[[Rei Ayanami (In-Depth)]]''

==In Rebuild of Evangelion ==
[[Image:Rei Smile 1.11.png|left|thumb|300px|[[Rei Ayanami|Rei]] smiles warmly at [[Shinji Ikari]] after Operation Yashima ends.]]

Through the run of the series, Rei Ayanami died at least twice. On these occasions, she was apparently resurrected through the use of the Dummy Plug system and the tank of cloned bodies. This is not without flaws, as is seen in Episode 23 when after her death fighting the Sixteenth Angel, Rei is apparently able to recognize that she is her own third incarnation. Her new incarnation differs from the preceding one (See below).
Rei as seen in [[Rebuild of Evangelion]] begins as much the same as her anime counterpart, although according to Hideaki Anno, her "settei" (roughly "background") has been changed, and she is named after the later JMSDF destroyer Ayanami rather than the Fubuki-class destroyer to reflect that change. In Eva 1.0 and 2.0, she has been seen to have the same relationships with [[Gendo Ikari]], and maintains much the same distance from her classmates. Rei sits on her own while other members of her class are swimming, or talking in groups.  

:'''Rei 1'''
Two important differences are worth noting in [[Evangelion 1.0]]. After the battle with [[Sachiel]], Shinji is visited by an apparition of Rei in the first of the Personal Hell traincar scenes in the movie series. [[Gendo Ikari|Gendo]] and [[Yui Ikari|Yui]] discuss how Shinji would've been named Rei, if he had been born a girl. Rei is heard repeating the names "Shinji Ayanami" and "Rei Ikari" before correcting herself with "No, Rei Ayanami." when an apparition of a naked and demented looking Rei appears--in much the same way as the moment [[Eva-00]] runs berserk in [[Episode 14]]. Shinji wakes up in the infirmary after this.  
Rei one was first Introduced in Episode 21. She is show as a small child wearing a simple red dress. She is later murdered by [[Naoko Akagi]], for revealing that [[Gendo Ikari]] referred to her as an 'old hag' behind her back. Rei 1 is also shown alongside her two 'sisters' and Yui Ikari during Commander Ikari's final scene in [[Episode 26'|End of Evangelion]].  

:'''Rei 2'''
[[Image:Eva2-22 C1826.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Rei being rescued by Shinji at the end of the second film.]]
Rei 2 was the incarnation of Rei for the majority of the series, until Episode 23. This Rei is shown to have a strong attachment to Gendo Ikari, and a building attachment to Shinji Ikari. It is likely that Rei 2 was created sometime after the death of Rei 1. Given that this occurred in 2010, this would suggest that in reality, Rei 2 is approximately four years old, despite appearing to be fourteen years old. She is shown with her sisters in Episode 26' wearing the same bandages that she first wore after being injured in Eva-00's failed activation test.
In the film's final scene where Shinji is with Rei in the entry plug of Eva-00, Rei is depicted holding Shinji Ikari's hand.

:'''Rei 3'''
Rei's character continues to develop in [[Evangelion 2.0]], with Rei even asking Gendo for permission to hold a dinner for her fellow pilots, and putting a very determined effort at cooking for the party. Although, Shinji is unaware that Rei invited Gendo to the party. Rei shows visible shock after hearing about the [[Bardiel#In Rebuild of Evangelion|Ninth Angel]] incident and Asuka's fate.
The Third incarnation of Rei Ayanami is first seen in Episode 23, after the death of Rei 2. This incarnation of Rei shows little attachment to Gendo Ikari, attempting to break the glasses that Rei 2 had kept after being rescued by Gendo Ikari from Eva-00 after its berserker incident. This comes to a head, when Rei 3 decides to betray Gendo. In Gendo's final scene in Episode 26' Rei 3 is shown naked with her "sisters", Rei 1 and Rei 2.

==Rei's depiction in the anime==
When the Angel Zeruel appears and Mari fails to fend off the attacking Angel, there is no one left to defend humanity. Rei therefore decides to pilot [[Evangelion_Unit-00#In Rebuild of Evangelion|Eva-00]] against the attacking [[Zeruel#In Rebuild of Evangelion|Tenth Angel]], now with [[Mari Illustrious Makinami|Mari]]'s help. Rei brings a large N^2 rocket which she intends to use in a decisive strike against the Angel. The attack is delivered successfully,  and before the explosion Rei is able to save Mari by throwing her clear of the explosion. However, the attack did not damage the Angel enough, and Rei is swallowed by the Angel and trapped. Shinji observing this, is overcome with emotions of guilt and remorse for having left her behind, and he rushes to pilot [[Evangelion_Unit-01#In Rebuild of Evangelion|Eva-01]]. Shinji is able to topple Zeruel, and aims to save Rei from Zeruel. Rei at first protests from the Angel's core, saying that she can be replaced, but Shinji says that there is only one Rei before saving her. Shinji embraces Rei and thanks her for her efforts of trying to get Gendo and Shinji on good terms. This is where Rei is last observed in the Rebuild series, as she is not to be found in it's sequel, much to Shinji's dismay. Shinji's heightend emotional state during the attack on Zeruel forces [[Eva_Pseudo-Evolution|Eva-01 into awakening]] and becomes part in causing [[Third_Impact#Near_Third_Impact|Near Third Impact]].

For information regarding Rei's psychology and for a examination of her character throughout the anime:
Rei's character within Rebuild 3.0 is depicted in a much more mysterious light. She is shown being a part of the New Nerv organization sporting a new Black Plugsuit. She has seemingly no recollection of previous events depicted in 2.0 and doesn't share many key traits, like reading books. It's made clear throughout the entirety of 3.0 that this Rei Ayanami is a different clone, made after the events of 2.0. The fandom has come to dub this character "Rei Q" or "Kuronami" (coming from kuro-, meaning black). While it's heavily implied by New Nerv and Wille that the Rei Ayanami of 2.0 is gone without a trace, her real whereabouts are unknown and haven't been confirmed by a reliable source. It's speculated that this will come into more importance in 3.0+1.0

:See ''[[Rei Ayanami (In-Depth)]]''
Rei also very briefly appears as a sort of apparition in 3.0 wearing her normal school clothes. Its been speculated that this Rei is either not real, or is similar to the phenomenon that occurred in the opening moments of 1.0. 

==In Other Media==
==In Other Media==

Rei Ayanami features in much of the officially licensed Gainax media.
Rei Ayanami features in much of the officially licensed Gainax media.
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[[Image:Reimangainjuries.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Rei bleeds from her injured eye.]]
[[Image:Reimangainjuries.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Rei bleeds from her injured eye.]]

In the manga adaptation by [[Yoshiyuki Sadamoto]], Rei's character comes off as being a much warmer and more open, at least with regards to Shinji and despite having the same initial reaction to Shinji in the anime, she soon becomes Shinji's romantic interest.  
In the manga adaptation by [[Yoshiyuki Sadamoto]], Rei's character comes off as being much warmer and more open, at least with regards to Shinji and despite having the same initial reaction to Shinji in the anime, she soon becomes a romantic interest of Shinji.  

Unique to the manga, in Vol. 01 she pilots Eva-01 against [[Sachiel]] and loses, her injuries seemingly being a direct result of the defeat.  Though Vol. 03 of the manga includes the Eva-00 berserk incident from Ep. 05 of the anime, and seems to be implying that she received her injuries at that time.  If so, then she was piloting Eva-01 while badly injured, and when Gendo tried to shame Shinji into piloting, he was threatening to send a severely injured Rei into battle for the second time that day!  Including the Ep. 05 material may have been an attempt by Sadamoto to retroactively correct the source of Rei's injuries to match the anime.
Unique to the manga, in Vol. 01 she pilots Eva-01 against [[Sachiel]] and loses, her injuries seemingly being a direct result of the defeat.  Though Vol. 03 of the manga includes the Eva-00 berserk incident from Ep. 05 of the anime and seems to be implying that she received her injuries at that time.  If so, then she was piloting Eva-01 while badly injured, and when Gendo tried to shame Shinji into piloting, he was threatening to send a severely injured Rei into battle for the second time that day!  Including the Ep. 05 material may have been an attempt by Sadamoto to retroactively correct the source of Rei's injuries to match the anime.

For information regarding Rei's psychology and for a examination of her character throughout manga:
For information regarding Rei's psychology and for an examination of her character throughout manga:

:See ''[[Rei Ayanami (In-Depth)]]''
:See ''[[Rei Ayanami (In-Depth)]]''
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In the latest [[Neon Genesis Evangelion Academy]] manga, Rei is seen to be acting in a much more Rei-like manner.
In the latest [[Neon Genesis Evangelion Academy]] manga, Rei is seen to be acting in a much more Rei-like manner.
===In Rebuild of Evangelion===
Rei as seen in [[Rebuild of Evangelion]] is much the same as her anime counterpart. So far, she has been seen to have the same relationships with [[Gendo Ikari]], and maintains much the same distance from her classmates. Rei sits on her own while other members of her class are swimming, or talking in groups.
[[Image:Rei Smile 1.11.png|left|thumb|300px|[[Rei Ayanami|Rei]] smiles warmly at [[Shinji Ikari]] after Operation Yashima ends.]]
Two important differences are worth noting in [[Evangelion 1.0]]. After the battle with [[Sachiel]], Shinji is visited by an apparition of Rei in the first of the Personal Hell traincar scenes in the movie series. [[Gendo Ikari|Gendo]] and [[Yui Ikari|Yui]] discuss how Shinji would've been named Rei, if he had been born a girl. Rei is heard repeating the names "Shinji Ayanami" and "Rei Ikari" before correcting herself with "No, Rei Ayanami." when an apparition of a naked and demented looking Rei appears--in much the same way as the moment [[Eva-00]] runs berserk in [[Episode 14]]. Shinji wakes up in the infirmary after this.
In the film's final scene where Shinji is with Rei in the entry plug of Eva-00, Rei is depicted holding Shinji Ikari's hand.
Rei's character continues to develop in [[Evangelion 2.0]], with Rei even asking Gendo for permission to hold a dinner for her fellow pilots, and putting a very determined effort at cooking for the party. Although, Shinji is unaware that Rei invited Gendo to the party. Rei shows visible shock after hearing about the [[Bardiel#In Rebuild of Evangelion|Ninth Angel]] incident and Asuka's fate.
[[Image:Eva2-22 C1826.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Rei being rescued by Shinji at the end of the second film.]]
After Shinji's inability to fight the [[Bardiel#In Rebuild of Evangelion|9th Angel]]-possessed [[Evangelion_Unit-03#In Rebuild of Evangelion|Eva-03]] which carried Asuka, Gendo activates the [[Dummy System#In Rebuild of Evangelion|Dummy System]] and through this, prompts Shinji to leave Nerv. Rei decides to pilot [[Evangelion_Unit-00#In Rebuild of Evangelion|Eva-00]] against the attacking [[Zeruel#In Rebuild of Evangelion|Tenth Angel]] with [[Mari Illustrious Makinami|Mari]]'s help. However, Rei is swallowed by the Angel and trapped, until Shinji pilots [[Evangelion_Unit-01#In Rebuild of Evangelion|Eva-01]]. Rei at first protests from the Angel's core, saying that she can be replaced, but Shinji says that there is only one Rei before saving her. Shinji embraces Rei and thanks her for her efforts of trying to get Gendo and Shinji on good terms. Shinji's decision to save Rei forces [[Eva_Pseudo-Evolution|Eva-01 into awakening]] and causes [[Third_Impact#Near_Third_Impact|Near Third Impact]], only to be halted by [[Kaworu Nagisa#In Rebuild of Evangelion|Kaworu]]'s intervention, spearing Eva-01.
Rei's character is more significant in [[Evangelion 3.0]], as she is a major plot point. After Shinji's initiation of the [[Near Third Impact]] at the end of Rebuild 2, Rei is trapped inside the Core of Eva-01, along with Shinji's mother. While the Rei that is seen in the first two Rebuild movies is not technically dead, her body is completely gone, leaving only Shinji's cassette player in the Eva. Because of this, Gendo clones a new Ayanami, which has almost no memory of Shinji, or of her old life. She is assigned as the pilot of [[Evangelion Mark.09]]. Piloting the Mark.09, she boards the [[AAA Wunder]] in order to retrieve Shinji from [[Wille]] and bring him to Nerv. She breaks through the wall of Shinji's interrogation chamber and manages to rescue him. Before she can escape, the Mark.09 is attacked by Mari in [[Evangelion Unit-08|Eva-08]]. Eva-08 succeeds in shooting off the Mark.09's head with a handgun, but neither Rei or her Eva appear to be affected and the Mark.09 escapes by using a bizarre piece of equipment on its back that forms an elongated rocket booster. When Shinji comes back to the now-decimated [[Nerv]], he asks Rei for confirmation that he saved her, to which her response was simply a series of blank looks. Rei no longer resides in her old apartment and instead lives in a small makeshift hut directly overlooking the LCL tube Rei was seen "bathing" in previously. While inside the tube, Rei briefly sees an apparition of herself in school uniform, similar to the apparition seen on the road by Shinji in ''1.0''.
Despite the loss of memory it seems that the Rei from 3.0 begins to start up relations with Shinji after he breaks down and declares that she was not "his" Rei. Rei followed Shinji and [[Kaworu Nagisa#In Rebuild of Evangelion|Kaworu]] down to [[Central Dogma]] in a decapitated Eva-00 when the two boys tried to reverse the effects of the Near Third Impact. Eva Mark.09 is equipped with a large scythe in order to protect Eva-13. Shortly after they reached Central Dogma, Eva-02 and Eva-08 attacked, attempting to prevent Eva-13 from starting Fourth Impact. Rei attempted to drive Eva-02 away from Eva-13 with the Mark.09's scythe, but was sniped from above by Mari and was forced to take cover under Lilith's fallen cross. Mari advises Rei to eject from the Mark.09 before she becomes an "Adam's vessel", but Rei says that it was not the order she received. Mari comments on how boring Rei is and says her "original" was more friendly, causing Rei to remember the apparition of herself she saw earlier. from Under orders from Gendo, she decapitates [[Evangelion Mark.06]] with Mark.09's scythe, releasing the [[Twelfth Angel]] that was trapped within it. After the Twelfth interacts with Lilith's liquefied remains, it forms a distorted giant Rei head, which horrifies Rei and causes her to question her identity. Shortly after this, the Mark.09 is taken over by a [[Seele]] program, which brings it under Seele's control and prevents Rei from controlling it (this causes several glowing Seele emblems to appear on the displays in the entry plug). After Eva-13's awakening and the beginning of Fourth Impact, Eva Mark.09 develops a halo and rises into the sky with the awakened Eva-13. Rei remains trapped in the entry plug as the Mark.09 assaults the Wunder to protect Eva-13. The Mark.09 proceeds to board the Wunder and extends blue tendrils from its legs, attempting to take over control of the Wunder from Eva-01. Eva-02 leaps onto the Wunder activates its [[Beast Mode]] and assaults the Mark.09to prevent it from taking over the Wunder. During the battle Rei manages to make contact with Asuka. Eva-02 bites off part of the Mark.09's head, temporarily disabling Seele's program. Rei asks Asuka what Rei Ayanami would do in this situation and decides to eject her entry plug, which allows Asuka to fire through the empty entry plug slot directly into the Mark.09's core (this turns out to be futile, as the entirety of the Mark.09's body is a core).
After her entry plug lands, Rei sets out through the red desert left behind by Fourth Impact and eventually finds Shinji and Asuka. Asuka notes that she is the pilot she encountered eariler and that she is from "an early lot of [[Ayanami Series]]", although Rei only responds with a blank stare. Rei shows interest in Shinji's fallen [[SDAT]], although it is left ambiguous if she picked it up. The final scene shows Rei accompanying Asuka and Shinji as the head to "where the Lilin are".

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*'''Rei''' in Japanese (レイ) is sometimes a synonym for "zero". Fitting, as Rei is the pilot of Eva-00, or that Rei is "zero" (or "nothing"), a case of identity that troubles her throughout the series. "Rei" spelled with different Kanji is the word for "spirit" (霊). Rei's name thus becomes a double pun, she is the pilot of Eva-00, and the vessel for the spirit of [[Lilith]].
*'''Rei''' in Japanese (レイ) is sometimes a synonym for "zero". Fitting, as Rei is the pilot of Eva-00, or that Rei is "zero" (or "nothing"), a case of identity that troubles her throughout the series. "Rei" spelled with different Kanji is the word for "spirit" (霊). Rei's name thus becomes a double pun, she is the pilot of Eva-00, and the vessel for the spirit of [[Lilith]].
**In [[Episode 20]] Shinji(dissolved inside Eva-01) hears a conversation between [[Gendo]] and [[Yui]] before his birth, where Gendo says, "If it's a boy, Shinji. If it's a girl, Rei." While it need not mean that Gendo alone had given Rei her name, it shows that Gendo wanted to give his own daughter that name, and suggests to some extent that he sees Rei as his daughter.
**In [[Episode 20]] Shinji(dissolved inside Eva-01) hears a conversation between [[Gendo]] and [[Yui]] before his birth, where Gendo says, "If it's a boy, Shinji. If it's a girl, Rei." While it need not mean that Gendo alone had given Rei her name, it shows that Gendo wanted to give his own daughter that name, and suggests to some extent that he sees Rei as his daughter.
**Rei Ayanami's first name comes from the character ''Rei Hino'' of the anime and manga series ''Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon''. This was done in an effort to get one of the series directors, Kunihiko Ikuhara, to work on Evangelion <ref>[[Resources:Character_Name_Origins#Rei_Ayanami_.28.E7.B6.BE.E6.B3.A2.E3.83.AC.E3.82.A4.29|Character Name origins]]</ref>. While this effort failed, some of the staff and voice actors of ''Sailor Moon'' did work on Eva as well, including one of ''Sailor Moon's'' series directors' [[Jun'ichi Satoh]] under the pen-name Kiichi Jinme. As well as the voice actresses [[Kotono Mitsuishi]] (Usagi Tsukino) and [[Megumi Ogata]] (Haruka Tenoh).
**Rei Ayanami's first name comes from the character ''Rei Hino'' of the anime and manga series ''Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon''. This was done in an effort to get one of the series directors, Kunihiko Ikuhara, to work on Evangelion <ref>[[Resources:Character_Name_Origins#Rei_Ayanami_.28.E7.B6.BE.E6.B3.A2.E3.83.AC.E3.82.A4.29|Character Name origins]]</ref>. While this effort failed, some of the staff and voice actors of ''Sailor Moon'' did work on Eva as well, including one of ''Sailor Moon's'' series directors' Junichi Satoh under the pen-name Kiichi Jinme. As well as the voice actresses [[Kotono Mitsuishi]] (Usagi Tsukino) and [[Megumi Ogata]] (Haruka Tenoh).
***In the original Japanese dub of the series the characters refer to Eva-00 using the half-English term "zerogouki" ("-gouki" = "unit"). "Reigouki", however, wouldn't be an entirely inaccurate alternate rendering of it's name.
***In the original Japanese dub of the series the characters refer to Eva-00 using the half-English term "zerogouki" ("-gouki" = "unit"). "Reigouki", however, wouldn't be an entirely inaccurate alternate rendering of it's name.

Revision as of 22:13, 29 December 2020

Rei Ayanami
Rei Ayanami
Rank / Title First Children
(Rebuild): First Girl
Affiliation(s) Nerv
National Heritage Japanese
Relations Yui Ikari (derived from), Gendo Ikari (Nerv Commander),
Shinji Ikari (son of Yui Ikari)
Age 14 (biologically)
Birthday Unknown
Seiyū Megumi Hayashibara
Voice Actor (English): Amanda Winn Lee (TV/Films), Brina Palencia (Rebuild), Ryan Bartley (Netflix)
(Italian): Valentina Mari
(Brazilian): Priscila Concépcion
(French):Stéphanie Lafforgue
(Spanish, Spain): Gaby Ugarte,
(Spanish, Latin America): Circe Luna
(German): Marie Bierstedt , Samia Little Elk (Rebuild) , Franziska Lather (Netflix)

Rei Ayanami[1] is the First Children, designated pilot of Evangelion Unit-00.

Character Summary


Main articles: Episode 21, Episode 22, Episode 23

See also: Theory and Analysis:Rei's Ghostly Appearances and Quantum Mechanics

Rei Ayanami was the product of Gendo Ikari and Kozo Fuyutsuki attempt to retrieve Yui Ikari from Eva-01 using her salvaged remains. This attempt failed. On some level, Rei Ayanami may incorporate DNA from the Second Angel, Lilith, because she is the vessel for Lilith's soul. Rei Ayanami was created sometime between 2004 and 2010, as suggested by her appearance in Episode 21. Seen in 2010, she has the physical appearance of a small child, perhaps around four or five years old. She is later seen in 2015 apparently aged 14 (she would have to appear the same age as Shinji's classmates since they are in the same class). Since Rei was created after Yui died and none of her bodies can possibly be 14 years old, it's implicit that Gendo and Fuyutsuki can manipulate her growth. In Terminal Dogma, a large tank full of spare Rei clones is maintained. These are referred to by Ritsuko Akagi as being "spare parts" for the Dummy Plug system. The Dummy System in Eva-01 also shows the name REI on it's side when it is activated during Episode 18. These clones are the origin of Rei's "If I die, I can be replaced" statement from Episode 19. Rei's birthplace in Central Dogma is also shown in Episode 23. It is noted by Shinji Ikari as being remarkably similar to Rei's apartment, and Ritsuko makes it clear that the room certainly has made it's mark on Rei's subconscious. On the concrete walls, different states of quantum particle spin and different quark names are painted. (Up, Down, Strange, Charmed, Top, Bottom- Up and Down quarks form normal matter, the other four are much rarer and have been generated only in particle accelerators so far). It is likely that this is where Rei spent the majority of her early years.

The reason Rei was created was also to establish a controllable link between Gendo Ikari and Lilith. It seems to have been Gendo's intention to use Rei to control Human Instrumentality Project, and allow him to see Yui again in the End of Evangelion.

Introduction and Injury

Main articles: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3

The very first time we see Rei is Rei 3's appearance to Shinji on the street near the beginning of the episode. The first time we see Rei 2, the Rei we meet for most of the series, she is badly injured and wrapped in bandages, in so much pain that she has trouble even sitting up. This evokes a sense of sympathy in us and Shinji. An extra piece of animation showing Rei collapsed on the floor in this scene was added in Death.

We learn later that these injuries were caused during the activation experiment with Eva-00 which Gendo supervised. While Gendo was concerned enough for Rei's safety during the activation test to rescue her himself[2], he now treats her coldly when Kozo questions Gendo sending out Rei in Eva-01. It has been suggested that using Rei in this way was a ruse to get Shinji to pilot Eva-01 when Misato and Ritsuko couldn't convince him.

During episode 2, Rei is wheeled past Shinji in a hospital bed, mirroring episode 1. Instead of vacantly staring up as she was in episode 1, Rei now glares at Shinji as she passes. In episode 3, Rei has crutches propped up against her school desk but isn't seen using them.

Living Conditions

Main article: Episode 5

During episode 5 we learn that Rei lives alone in her apartment, numbered 402. Her apartment is part of a large block of apartment buildings on the western edge of Tokyo-3 that is in the process of being demolished[3]. From this episode it becomes clear just how little Rei values her own personal space and comfort. When Rei emerges from the shower naked, she seems completely unconcerned that Shinji can see her. Instead, she is upset that he is handling Gendo's Glasses. Even when he falls on top of her, she treats it as a minor annoyance, and asks him to please move. She then gets up and dresses in his presence quite casually. It should be kept in mind that this scene is the first time they actually spoke to each other. When Shinji later brings the event up in order to apologize Rei doesn't seem to care. This seems to show that Rei has so little experience with other people that she has no idea of the effect that her nudity might have upon a teenage boy.[4] Rei is only roused to anger in this episode when Shinji speaks disparagingly about his own father and Rei slaps him.

Unit-00 Activation

Main articles: Episode 5, Episode 6

Rei participated in Eva-00's activation experiment in Test Facility 2. When the process of synchronization reached phase 3, approaching the absolute borderline, Eva-00 suddenly went berserk and the entry plug was auto-ejected. Rei was badly injured as a result of the ejection of the entry plug, her left arm and eye being damaged. This is when Rei obtains Gendo's glasses and this is the moment when we learn why Rei treasures them.

Just prior to the re-activation experiment, Rei smiles as she puts on her plugsuit, as she recalls when Gendo came to her aid during the failed activation experiment. In the manga, Gendo's glasses case is present on the bench next to Rei in this scene.

Rei takes Gendo's glasses with her into the Entry Plug during the re-activation experiment which helps to calm her and thus the re-activation experiment is successful. After the re-activation is complete, Rei tilts her head back in the entry plug and a number of air bubbles escape her mouth[5], this indicates that Rei had held her breath throughout the entire re-activation experiment, showing how nervous she was. Rei also takes Gendo's glasses with her into the entry plug prior to the fight with Ramiel, as she believed she was going to die during the battle.

Towards the end of episode 5, Rei curiously watches Shinji and Eva-01 as he moves out from the cage.

The End of Evangelion

Main articles: Episode 25', Episode 26'

Episode 25'

When the JSSDF begin attacking Nerv Headquarters, Rei is found by Gendo inside of the lower levels of central dogma, staring at the destroyed corpses of her clones. She turns to Gendo, giving him a cold stare, one of her first signs of retaliation towards him. Gendo reveals that the promised time has come. During the fray above, the two go to Terminal Dogma, specifically to Lilith's resting place. There they encounter Ritsuko, who fails in an attempt to destroy Nerv Headquarters, and is killed by Gendo.

Episode 26'

Rei's AT Field is beginning to fail, as her left arm falls off and begins to dissolve into LCL. Gendo, using the Embryo of Adam within his hand, penetrates Rei's remaining AT Field as part of his plan. However, while this happens, Eva-01 begins awakening as the trigger of Third Impact. Realizing Shinji needs her, Rei denies Gendo and takes his arm (and Adam's embryo) into herself, regenerating her lost arm in the process. She then turns and approaches Lilith, stating "I'm home" (to which Lilith responds "Welcome home"). Lilith ingests Rei's body, and her soul, Adam's embryo, and Lilith's body merge, and transform into a new Lilith, resembling a giant, white Rei. The new Lilith then floats up to Shinji, passing through the rising Black Moon, to begin Third Impact.

Third Impact

Third Impact begins with Lilith appearing to Shinji in a strange form; Rei's eyes are missing, instead having ominous black pits in their place. When Shinji addresses the being as "Ayanami", the pits turn into Rei's eyes. However, Shinji is traumatized already by the events, and so Lilith appears to Shinji in the form of Kaworu (who is believed to be within the new Lilith). It is at this point that Shinji relaxes, and lowers his AT Field, allowing Lilith to penetrate Eva-01's core. The result of this penetration is the creation of the Tree of Life. With the tree of life created, and the Black Moon ascending into space, the new Lilith appears as an even larger, angelic Rei.[6] Angelic Rei begins collecting the souls of humanity into the Doors of Guf, their deaths signified by apparitions of Rei, followed by apparitions of those who they love the most.[7] From within the tree of life, Shinji is given the option to proceed with Instrumentality, or to return humanity back to Earth as individual beings. Shinji, choosing the latter, kills the new Lilith, who falls apart and releases the souls of humanity back unto Earth. Shinji wakes up on the surface of Earth, and is visited one last time by an apparition of Rei, which parallels the apparition in Episode 01.

Profile and Relationships with Other Characters

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With Shinji

Rei's relationship with Shinji is one that plays a large part in the series progression. The two meet when she's brought out to pilot Unit 01 when Shinji refuses, despite being in critical condition.

The two still are apart at first; many awkward scenes playing out between them, both due to each other's lack of social skills. In one particular scene, when Shinji goes to her apartment to give her her new ID card for Nerv. He finds her naked; having just gotten out of the shower. Later, when talking to Shinji, he criticizes his father: Gendo, to which Rei responds with a hard slap across Shinji's face.

However, once the fifth angel Ramiel attacks, the two start getting close, with Rei protecting Shinji from the angel's destructive beam, damaging Unit 00 and herself in the process. When Shinji breaks down crying after seeing her alive, she responds with confusion at what to do, but soon smiles when Shinji asks her. It's the first one not aimed at Gendo.

From then on, Rei continues to build her relationship with Shinji, despite her abnormal nature. To her, Rei sees Shinji as the first one to give her kindness after Gendo's selfish use of her.

With Gendo

Rei's bond with Gendo is one of the most complex throughout the series. Being at least partially derived from the salvaged remains of his wife, Gendo has kept Rei very close to his side. Until Shinji becomes an Eva pilot, Gendo is the only one who is established to have shown Rei any act of kindness. Her memory of Gendo saving her after Unit 00 goes berserk during an activation test has been held cherished to her, so much so that she keeps his burnt glasses held in a case as a memento. Despite this, Rei claims to not pilot the EVA because of Gendo, but because it is her "bond" with all people.

As time went on, Rei became more wary of Gendo, focusing more of her attention of Shinji; even countering Asuka's claims that "She's the special one" in Episode 11. Her disobedience starts when she refuses to take down Unit 03 after being affected by Bardiel, knowing that Shinji's friend Toji is trapped in the entry plug, even getting herself hurt in the process. It's taken to extremes when she sorties without orders to fight Zeruel on her own, or when she disobeys direct orders to eject from her EVA when she sacrifices herself to defeat Armisael, protecting everyone (in particular, Shinji) from getting killed as all EVA's were out of commision.

Despite dying, Rei returns to life through NERV's cloning technology, and she still retains a vague remembrance of her past life. The trauma causes Rei to reflect more deeply on herself and her relationships, coming to antagonize Gendo as a result. Thus, when Gendo tries to assume control over Instrumentality through her, she flat out rejects him and instead rushes to help Shinji.

With Asuka

From the moment Rei rejected Asuka's request to be friends in Episode 09, the two are set up to have different feelings for each other. Rei shrugs Asuka off at first as "the other Eva pilot" during her inner monologue in Episode 14, in part due to her lack of social skills.

She is seen by Asuka as a stuck-up girl who thinks she's better then everyone else; constantly being picked on and nicknaming her "Wonder Girl". On multiple occasions, when Rei is with Shinji - whether it be working or hanging out with him - Asuka gets more fired up[8]. Rei's silence only adds fuel to the fire when it's misinterpreted for arrogance.

However, overtime, Rei becomes a lot more sturdy in standing up for herself. Starting in Episode 11, with overgrowing suspicion of Gendo, she shuts down Asuka's claim on being treated better then everyone else. It continues in Episode 16 when ignoring Asuka's frustration at Shinji getting the highest sync ratio and if she pilots the Eva for her own benefit instead of helping others. Naturally, both moments are meant with bitterness.

In Episode 22, after a long period of ignoring each other in an elevator ride, the two get into a heated argument with Rei trying to convince Asuka to calm down if she wants to improve her below average sync ratio stats. Asuka, with her downward descent into depression, lashes out more then usual at Rei, calling her Commander Ikari's doll and even slapping her when Rei says how she'll die if commanded to. Even with Rei's best intentions, the image of her as a useless puppet stays planted in Asuka's mind throughout the series, and it is unknown if she ever comes to terms with it.


Rei Ayanami is the First Children and exclusive Pilot of Eva-00. Officially, Rei Ayanami is fourteen years old, but it is stated that all records of her background have been erased. Unusually for a child her age, Rei lives alone in an decrepit apartment. Rei attends Tokyo-3 Junior high school and is a member of Class 2-A.

Rei Ayanami is most famous for her distinctive appearance. She has blue hair, pale skin, and red eyes. It has been stated that Rei's unusual appearance was intended by the creators of the series to make her stand out. Strangely, Rei's unusual appearance is never commented upon throughout the series, even by Asuka.

Rei is a vegetarian. This is seen in Episode 12.It is not clear whether this is by choice, or through quirk of her physiology. It should be noted that series creator Hideaki Anno is also a vegetarian, as was Nadia Ra Alwar of Nadia: Secret of the Blue water[9]

Outwardly, Rei can seem somewhat cool and aloof, often spending time on her own reading books. Yet, she can easily be confused by emotions, and is somewhat detached from her own. This is most obvious in Episode 6, when Rei finds her self unsure how she is supposed to feel after being rescued by Shinji Ikari. In Episode 12 Rei did not come to Misato's party, even though she was specifically invited by Asuka. Rei was specifically brought to the synch-training party at Misato's apartment in Episode 09, but that seems to be because Misato actually brought her. Rei isn't simply mysterious to people she doesn't know at first (i.e. during the introductory episodes): Rei is disconnected socially even from the other Eva pilots. When Rei is invaded by Armisael in Episode 23, the Angel forces her to feel her own true loneliness and pain. In the next scene, Rei is shown crying and not even understanding why she is crying. Episode 25 further shows that Rei has a deep despair and a wish to return to nothingness.

Rei has been shown to place no value on her own existence. In Episode 19 she states that If she dies, she can be replaced, but it is not unitl Episode 23 that finally the audience understands what she means by this. This is further shown by her indifference towards her own comfort or personal space. In Episode 5, she shows nothing but indifference to Shinji when he accidentally falls on top of her, in what would be seen as a compromising position. Yet, she is also aggravated enough when he makes disparaging remarks about Gendo Ikari to slap Shinji in the face for it.

Yet she is also capable of placing value in investing herself in people. She has a strong connection with Gendo Ikari throughout the series. Rei keeps a broken pair of Commander Ikari's glasses as an memento of his rescuing her after EVA-00's failed activation test shown Episode 4. It can be suggested that Rei is seeking to stave off her own despair, by investing herself fully towards the needs of one single person, in order for her to be recognized as a person.

As the series progresses, Rei began to distance herself more from the Commander. Meanwhile a bond began to develop between herself and Shinji Ikari; beginning shortly after the attack of the Sixth Angel, Rei was shown talking with Shinji on several occasions, something stated within the series that she almost never does to anyone else. As the series finale approached, Rei eventually chooses Shinji over Commander Ikari and allows Shinji to control Third Impact through her. She also destroys Commander Ikari's glasses, the symbol of her bond with him.


Through the run of the series, Rei Ayanami died at least twice. On these occasions, she was apparently resurrected through the use of the Dummy Plug system and the tank of cloned bodies. Despite this process causing her to lose recent memories, in Episode 23 she is apparently able to recognize that she is her own third incarnation. Her new incarnation differs from the preceding one (See below).

Rei I

Rei 1 was first Introduced in Episode 21. She is shown as a small child wearing a simple red dress. She is later murdered by Naoko Akagi, for revealing that Gendo Ikari referred to her as an 'old hag' behind her back (displaying behavior noticeably different from her later incarnations).

The term "Rei 1" is also used in the script for the distorted image of Rei that is seen inside Eva-00, suggesting strongly that the part or the whole of Rei 1 was used for Eva-00's soul. For more on this theory, see Eva-00's soul. Rei 1 is also shown alongside her two 'sisters' and Yui Ikari during Commander Ikari's final scene in End of Evangelion.

Rei II

Rei 2 was the incarnation of Rei for the majority of the series, until Episode 23. This Rei is shown to have a strong attachment to Gendo Ikari, and a building attachment to Shinji Ikari. It is likely that Rei 2 was created soon after the death of Rei 1. Given that this occurred in 2010, this would suggest that in reality, Rei 2 is four years old at the most, despite appearing to be fourteen years old. In addition, it is theorized (see Eva-00's soul) that she has only part of Rei 1's soul. She is shown with her sisters in Episode 26' wearing the same bandages that she first wore after being injured in Eva-00's failed activation test.


The Third incarnation of Rei Ayanami is first seen in Episode 23, after the death of Rei 2. This incarnation of Rei shows little attachment to Gendo Ikari, attempting to break the glasses that Rei 2 had kept after being rescued by Gendo Ikari from Eva-00 after its berserker incident. This incarnation appears capable of Angelic abilities including an A.T. Field (all but stated aloud in Episode 24) and rapid regeneration. Rei 3's distaste for Gendo results in her betraying him and handing control of Third Impact to Shinji in Episode 26'. In Gendo's final scene in Episode 26', Rei 3 is shown naked with her "sisters", Rei 1 and Rei 2.

Rei's depiction in the anime

For information regarding Rei's psychology and for a examination of her character throughout the anime:

See Rei Ayanami (In-Depth)

In Rebuild of Evangelion

Rei smiles warmly at Shinji Ikari after Operation Yashima ends.

Rei as seen in Rebuild of Evangelion begins as much the same as her anime counterpart, although according to Hideaki Anno, her "settei" (roughly "background") has been changed, and she is named after the later JMSDF destroyer Ayanami rather than the Fubuki-class destroyer to reflect that change. In Eva 1.0 and 2.0, she has been seen to have the same relationships with Gendo Ikari, and maintains much the same distance from her classmates. Rei sits on her own while other members of her class are swimming, or talking in groups.

Two important differences are worth noting in Evangelion 1.0. After the battle with Sachiel, Shinji is visited by an apparition of Rei in the first of the Personal Hell traincar scenes in the movie series. Gendo and Yui discuss how Shinji would've been named Rei, if he had been born a girl. Rei is heard repeating the names "Shinji Ayanami" and "Rei Ikari" before correcting herself with "No, Rei Ayanami." when an apparition of a naked and demented looking Rei appears--in much the same way as the moment Eva-00 runs berserk in Episode 14. Shinji wakes up in the infirmary after this.

Rei being rescued by Shinji at the end of the second film.

In the film's final scene where Shinji is with Rei in the entry plug of Eva-00, Rei is depicted holding Shinji Ikari's hand.

Rei's character continues to develop in Evangelion 2.0, with Rei even asking Gendo for permission to hold a dinner for her fellow pilots, and putting a very determined effort at cooking for the party. Although, Shinji is unaware that Rei invited Gendo to the party. Rei shows visible shock after hearing about the Ninth Angel incident and Asuka's fate.

When the Angel Zeruel appears and Mari fails to fend off the attacking Angel, there is no one left to defend humanity. Rei therefore decides to pilot Eva-00 against the attacking Tenth Angel, now with Mari's help. Rei brings a large N^2 rocket which she intends to use in a decisive strike against the Angel. The attack is delivered successfully, and before the explosion Rei is able to save Mari by throwing her clear of the explosion. However, the attack did not damage the Angel enough, and Rei is swallowed by the Angel and trapped. Shinji observing this, is overcome with emotions of guilt and remorse for having left her behind, and he rushes to pilot Eva-01. Shinji is able to topple Zeruel, and aims to save Rei from Zeruel. Rei at first protests from the Angel's core, saying that she can be replaced, but Shinji says that there is only one Rei before saving her. Shinji embraces Rei and thanks her for her efforts of trying to get Gendo and Shinji on good terms. This is where Rei is last observed in the Rebuild series, as she is not to be found in it's sequel, much to Shinji's dismay. Shinji's heightend emotional state during the attack on Zeruel forces Eva-01 into awakening and becomes part in causing Near Third Impact.

Rei's character within Rebuild 3.0 is depicted in a much more mysterious light. She is shown being a part of the New Nerv organization sporting a new Black Plugsuit. She has seemingly no recollection of previous events depicted in 2.0 and doesn't share many key traits, like reading books. It's made clear throughout the entirety of 3.0 that this Rei Ayanami is a different clone, made after the events of 2.0. The fandom has come to dub this character "Rei Q" or "Kuronami" (coming from kuro-, meaning black). While it's heavily implied by New Nerv and Wille that the Rei Ayanami of 2.0 is gone without a trace, her real whereabouts are unknown and haven't been confirmed by a reliable source. It's speculated that this will come into more importance in 3.0+1.0

Rei also very briefly appears as a sort of apparition in 3.0 wearing her normal school clothes. Its been speculated that this Rei is either not real, or is similar to the phenomenon that occurred in the opening moments of 1.0.

In Other Media

Rei Ayanami features in much of the officially licensed Gainax media.

  • Rei features as a character in all officially licensed Eva manga: Evangelion Academy, Angelic Days, and Shinji Ikari Raising Project.
  • Ayanami Raising Project is a dating game licensed by Gainax that features Rei as the main character.
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion on the N64 features Rei and Eva-00 as playable characters.
  • Akihabara Hobby released a 1:1 scale model of Rei in 2007 (along with a large model of Eva-01) as part of Gainax's Eva Works series.

There is also much unofficial media circulating which is cantered around or featuring Rei: garage kit models, dojinshi, etc.

Manga adaption

Rei bleeds from her injured eye.

In the manga adaptation by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Rei's character comes off as being much warmer and more open, at least with regards to Shinji and despite having the same initial reaction to Shinji in the anime, she soon becomes a romantic interest of Shinji.

Unique to the manga, in Vol. 01 she pilots Eva-01 against Sachiel and loses, her injuries seemingly being a direct result of the defeat. Though Vol. 03 of the manga includes the Eva-00 berserk incident from Ep. 05 of the anime and seems to be implying that she received her injuries at that time. If so, then she was piloting Eva-01 while badly injured, and when Gendo tried to shame Shinji into piloting, he was threatening to send a severely injured Rei into battle for the second time that day! Including the Ep. 05 material may have been an attempt by Sadamoto to retroactively correct the source of Rei's injuries to match the anime.

For information regarding Rei's psychology and for an examination of her character throughout manga:

See Rei Ayanami (In-Depth)

Rei in other Eva based Manga

Most notorious is Rei's appearance in the Girlfriend of Steel 2 manga. She is regarded by some as being Rei in Appearance Only (RiAO), in that while she shares the same basic character design, her entire personality is different. Being based on the AU from Episode 26, Girlfriend of Steel 2 depicts Rei as a bubbly and excitable transfer student to Shinji's school, almost a mirror image of her character in the original animé series.

In the latest Neon Genesis Evangelion Academy manga, Rei is seen to be acting in a much more Rei-like manner.


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  • Rei in Japanese (レイ) is sometimes a synonym for "zero". Fitting, as Rei is the pilot of Eva-00, or that Rei is "zero" (or "nothing"), a case of identity that troubles her throughout the series. "Rei" spelled with different Kanji is the word for "spirit" (霊). Rei's name thus becomes a double pun, she is the pilot of Eva-00, and the vessel for the spirit of Lilith.
    • In Episode 20 Shinji(dissolved inside Eva-01) hears a conversation between Gendo and Yui before his birth, where Gendo says, "If it's a boy, Shinji. If it's a girl, Rei." While it need not mean that Gendo alone had given Rei her name, it shows that Gendo wanted to give his own daughter that name, and suggests to some extent that he sees Rei as his daughter.
    • Rei Ayanami's first name comes from the character Rei Hino of the anime and manga series Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. This was done in an effort to get one of the series directors, Kunihiko Ikuhara, to work on Evangelion [10]. While this effort failed, some of the staff and voice actors of Sailor Moon did work on Eva as well, including one of Sailor Moon's series directors' Junichi Satoh under the pen-name Kiichi Jinme. As well as the voice actresses Kotono Mitsuishi (Usagi Tsukino) and Megumi Ogata (Haruka Tenoh).
      • In the original Japanese dub of the series the characters refer to Eva-00 using the half-English term "zerogouki" ("-gouki" = "unit"). "Reigouki", however, wouldn't be an entirely inaccurate alternate rendering of it's name.
  • Ayanami (綾波) literally means "twill wave", the Kanji meaning "twill" and "wave". Ayanami was one of the Fubuki class destroyers of the former Imperial Japanese Navy. The Nihon Kaigun website's page on warship names [11] gives the (nonliteral) alternative "wave patterns" or waves "whose beauty suggests figures woven in silk".[12]
  • For a discussion over whether Rei 1's soul is present in Eva-00:
See Eva-00's soul.
  • For information regarding Rei's repeated association with the Moon:
See Rei and the Moon for more details.
  • For information regarding Rei's psychology and for a examination of her character throughout the TV series and manga:
See Rei Ayanami (In-Depth)
  • For an interpretation of Rei's monologue or poem:
See Rei's Monologue.
  • For an interpretation of the relationship between Gendo and Rei:
See Rei's relationship with Gendo.
  • In Episode 01, Rei mysteriously appears before Shinji in a brief instant before disappearing once more. This same scene is repeated during the final scene of Episode 26'. This effectively creates two "bookends" at either end of the series.
See Rei's Ghostly Appearances and Quantum Mechanics for more information.
  • Rei’s blue hair and red eyes are the inverse of Asuka Langley Soryu’s blue eyes and red hair, a visual reminder of their opposite personalities.
  • According to Misato it took seven months for Rei to synchronize with Eva-00. It is not clear if Rei's accident in which Eva-00 went berserk, which chronologically seems to happen right before this episode (and is seen in flashbacks in Episode 05, is what Misato is referring to as Rei's first synchronization, or if it happened sometime earlier.


  1. Rei is a pun on the Japanese word for "zero," and Ayanami is the name of a warship, the [Ayanami destroyer]. For more information on how Rei and the other characters were named, see Character Name Origins.
  2. Remember that Rei is actually part of a series of clones produced in Nerv HQ; the Rei we see here is actually the second Rei, or "Rei II." When one Rei dies, she can be replaced with another. So why would Gendo risk badly injuring his hands to save Rei if, by her own admission later in the series, she can be replaced?
    • Gendo might be trying to keep up the charade that Rei is not a clone to the other Nerv personnel involved in the activation experiment; most of them do not know that she is a clone.
    • Gendo might have just been swept up in the moment; he cares a great deal about Rei because of her connection to Yui, and might just not want to see any harm come to her even if she can be resurrected.
  3. When Shinji enters Rei's apartment, he notices that her floor is conspicuously dirty and badly scuffed by her shoes, before proceeding to take off his own shoes. In Japan, it is of course customary to take off one's shoes when entering a home, and this is a telltale sign to a Japanese audience (perhaps not quite as noticeable to a North American audience) that Rei is indifferent and aloof to her surroundings. Also, she apparently hasn't opened any of her mail in quite some time, but just lets her mailbox overflow. There is still blood on Rei's pillow from when she was injured. As she is not injured now, and wasn't wearing bandages even the day before, it appears that she just didn't bother to wash it.
  4. Similarly, it is possible that her Adamite counterpart, Kaworu, has no idea of how his suggestion that he and Shinji go to bed together might be interpreted.
  5. Rei appears unusually relaxed when sitting in the LCL of the Entry Plug, after the reactivation test ends. At several points throughout the series, Rei almost seems to "bathe" in LCL.
  6. This Rei is sometimes referred to as "Giant Naked Rei", or GNR for short.
  7. See Theory and Analysis:Rei's Ghostly Appearances and Quantum Mechanics for more details.
  8. It is possible that her responses come out that way because of a possible attraction towards Shinji.
  9. Hideaki Anno's Roundtable Discussion.
  10. Character Name origins
  12. Historical Warships in Evangelion

Main characters: Shinji Ikari | Rei Ayanami | Asuka Langley Soryu
Nerv staff: Misato Katsuragi | Gendo Ikari | Ritsuko Akagi | Kozo Fuyutsuki | Ryoji Kaji | Maya Ibuki | Makoto Hyuga | Shigeru Aoba
Classmates: Toji Suzuhara | Kensuke Aida | Hikari Horaki
Other characters: Kaworu Nagisa | Yui Ikari | Naoko Akagi | Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu | Dr. Katsuragi | Mr. Langley | Keel Lorenz | Pen Pen
Rebuild of Evangelion: Asuka Shikinami Langley | Mari Makinami Illustrious | Sakura Suzuhara | Ryoji Kaji (Jr)
Miscellaneous: Minor Characters | Minor Characters (Rebuild) | Extracanonical Characters
Theory and Analysis: Name Origins (Warships) | Designs | Relationships | Profiles
Resources: 2015: The Last Year of Ryohji Kaji