Shinji Ikari

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Shinji Ikari
Shinji Ikari
碇 シンジ
Rank / Title Third Children
(Rebuild): Third Boy
Affiliation(s) Nerv
National Heritage Japanese
Relations Yui Ikari (mother), Gendo Ikari (father),
Rei Ayanami (clone of mother)
Age 14
Birthday 06/06/2001
Seiyū Megumi Ogata
Voice Actor (English): Spike Spencer
(Italian): Daniele Raffaeli
(Brazilian): Fábio Lucindo
(French): Donald Reignoux
(Spanish): Victor Ugarte
(German): Hannes Maurer

Shinji Ikari is the Third Children, designated pilot of Evangelion Unit-01, and the protagonist of Neon Genesis Evangelion. He is the son of "deceased" Gehirn bioengineer Yui Ikari and Nerv Commander (formerly Chief of Gehirn) Gendo Ikari. After his mother's apparent death, he was abandoned by his father and lived for 11 years with his "sensei" [1], until he was summoned to Tokyo 3 to pilot Eva-01 against the Angels. He lives initially just with Misato Katsuragi; they are later joined by Asuka Langley Soryu.


After being abandoned by his father, Shinji was sent to live with with his ‘‘sensei’’. He described his life there as a "peaceful" one, where he did nothing but exist and "nothing ever happened" [2]. Aside from Shinji's words on the matter, and rare allusions throughout the series, nothing is known about Shinji's life and childhood prior to the series's events.

Like all the characters in Evangelion, Shinji has a very complex and layered personality. At the start of the series, Shinji initially appears somewhat passive, with a superficially polite but melancholic disposition. He has a tendency to consider himself less important or deserving of respect than other people[3]. Possibly as a result of such self-loathing or devaluing (combined with the likely fact he had very limited social interaction in the days he lived with his "sensei"), Shinji feels at odd or completely distance from humanity, feeling that he can't relate to anyone and that no one could understand him.[4]

Shinji's feelings about other people are generally rather ambiguous and subject to development and change throughout the series. On one hand, he seems to be afraid of other people and the emotional harm they might bring to him (combined with a pervasive fear of being hated or abandoned), but on the other he also finds himself yearning for their praise and acceptance (possibly as an attempt to "feed his weak ego"). This conflict of a fear of pain vs. a desire for praise is one of Shinji's most noticeable and recurrent characteristics. It is also worth nothing that his feelings of self-hatred and worthlessness also play a factor into his fear and distance of others, among other reasons because he's afraid he might end up hurting them. Despite the cynicism he sometimes expresses about his father, Shinji wants Gendo's love as well[5].

But because Shinji cannot find a reason to pilot for himself, he subsumes his entire identity in the act.

Shinji is also afraid of pain, of being hated, and/or left behind, which particularly manifests in his pervasive concern with the potential hurtful or offensive consequences of his actions. This might stem from being "abandoned" at a young age by both of his parents (though his mother, in truth, hadn’t gone far), and his blaming himself for not being good enough to make his father stick around.

Three-year-old Shinji, from Episode 21

Perhaps due to having had little meaningful contact with others, Shinji has difficulty controlling his emotions and seeing nuance in them. In Episode 18 he fixates on saving the life of a single pilot when Bardiel could destroy many more people, and at certain points in End of Evangelion he shows a considerable anger and indifference, even wishing that everyone in the world would die.

Yet Shinji is also aware of his own faults to some extent, and can be gentle and compassionate. He is the only one of the pilots who questions why they are fighting the angels, and sometimes his justification for fleeing from piloting or for not taking action is to avoid hurting others. Shinji is also usually very polite.

Shinji has a nervous tic in which he often twitches or flexes his right hand when being thoughtful, nervous, or anticipating something. In early episodes he can often be seen plugged into his SDAT music player to shut out the world, though in Episode 25' he ignores its dead battery, a sign of his increased apathy. In Episode 15, Shinji mentions that he's been playing the cello since he was 5 years old, because "No one told me to stop". Despite his lack of enthusiasm, he apparently has some talent at it, according to Asuka.[6]

Relationships with Other Characters

With his Father

Torn-up letter from Gendo.

Gendo abandoned Shinji shortly Yui disapeared into Eva-01, sending him to live with his "sensei". Shinji resents Gendo for this, even though it was he who ran away the last time they met, three years before.[7] When Misato asks Shinji if his father sent him a Nerv ID card, he hands her the letter that his father sent him summoning him to Tokyo-3. All of the printed out words on the entire letter are censored and blacked out because it is classified information. The only actual information on it is a handwritten message from Gendo which reads: "COME -- Gendo Ikari". Shinji presumably tore up the paper out of frustration at his father, and then taped the pieces back together (after getting a load of Misato's picture??). Nonetheless, Shinji still longs for words of praise from Gendo.[8]

With Asuka

Shinji is attracted to Asuka, though the reasoning is not explicitly stated. It might be that her bullying sometimes causes Shinji to bite back at her, and he views Asuka, in a strange fashion, as a source of strength, one that he misses when Asuka is laid low by her encounter with Arael. However, the only times Shinji directly expresses his feelings for Asuka are when he tried to kiss her as she slept,[9], when he masturbated at the accidental exposure of the then-comatose girl's breasts[10], and in the Ep. 26' Pre-instrumentality sequence when he says "I want to help you somehow and be with you forever".[11]

With Kaji

Shinji looks up to Kaji as a sort of mentor, and accepts behavior in him that he would disapprove of in other characters. For instance, in Episode 08 when Kaji asks him about Misato's sleeping habits, implying that Shinji and Misato might be in a sexual relationship and simultaneously implying that he is intimately familiar with these habits as well, Shinji just laughs. If anyone else asked him that same question he would probably have stuttered with embarrassment, barely able to get out a denial.

With Kaworu

Though fans have speculated on what kind of relationship Shinji had with Kaworu it is at least clear that Kaworu represented a sort of idealized friend-figure to Shinji, granting his wish for someone to understand him, treat him well. Shinji also found himself confessing his own emotions to Kaworu, talking about things he hadn’t had with anyone else.

This, paired with the fact that Shinji had killed what he saw as a human being, was part of what drove Shinji into his state of absolute despair in Episode 25', in which he declared that he felt unworthy even of the piloting which had consumed his identity, thinking that if all he did was hurt and kill others, it was better to do nothing. By that, though, he may have condemned Asuka, who was fighting against the Mass Production Evangelions, to death.

With Others

The two other main women in Shinji’s life are Rei Ayanami and Misato Katsuragi. He seems to care about them both dearly, but with them it is more difficult to determine the exact nature of his feelings. Shinji appears frightened by Misato’s attraction to him[12], and though he is kind to Rei, grows to fear her after discovering her connection to his mother[13].

Shinji is friends with Toji Suzuhara and Kensuke Aida. He is sometimes confused by their more typical teenage male behavior, and especially by Kensuke’s burning desire to be an Evangelion pilot.

Shinji's Mental State at the End of the Story

Episode 25 and Episode 26 have Shinji feeling lost and begging for others to help him. Much of the TV ending is devoted to Shinji being taught by the other characters about the ability of individuals to make their own destiny by reshaping their viewpoint.

In Episode 26', Shinji chooses to reject Instrumentality for individual existence, even though it will be painful. He learned that he wanted real feelings even if he would be betrayed and hurt again, because fleeing from that reality brought him no happiness. This might suggest that, buried deep in Shinji, is the capacity for redemption and change.

In the final scene of The End of Evangelion, Shinji is surprised at seeing both Rei and Asuka alive before trying to strangle the latter. He had apparently been alone for some time before Asuka's return, and was nearly insane from isolation. The fact that he stopped strangling Asuka (and began sobbing at her caress), however, suggests that he's capable of returning to his true self.

Shinji in Other Media

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See Shinji Ikari (Rebuild)
See Shinji Ikari (Manga)

Manga adaptation

The manga version of Shinji Ikari is significantly different from his anime depiction. In the manga, Shinji has the same issues with his abandonment, but is a much more violent and troubled youth, sometimes even turning physically violent.(He even attempts to strike Gendo). He is also something of a smart-alec and slightly more forward and cynical when it comes to dealing with others, for instance mentally thinking of Asuka as a "bitch" and displaying an intense hatred towards her unseen in the anime.

Fan opinion of this characterization is mixed, with some preferring the manga Shinji because he has more of a "backbone", more like a typical hero. However, other fans feel that removing Shinji's neurotic anti-hero aspects makes him less human and harder to relate to.

In the manga, Shinji lived with an aunt and uncle instead of with his sensei before going to Nerv. Stage 91 (Volume 13) mentions Shinji lived with Yui's side of the family (Yui's older sister). Stage 91 reveals the family consisted of Shinji's uncle, aunt, and cousin. They would speak badly of Gendo, claiming he caused Yui to die.

Throughout the majority of the manga, Shinji appears to be attracted to Rei Ayanami, and their relationship is far more developed than in the anime. However, after the death of Kaworu, Shinji visits Asuka in the hospital, similar to in End of Evangelion. He confesses his love to her in a way, claiming, "The Asuka I want to protect isn't this empty shell!" However, instead of shaking her and revealing her body, Asuka wakes up, and chokes Shinji, until she is subdued by the nurses. This suggests that Shinji's manga adaptation has feelings for Asuka as well.

In other Eva-based Manga

The Shinji Ikari Raising Project manga portrays Shinji as acting more like his manga counterpart since he's more confident about himself. Shinji here also is something of a pervert, which goes along with Shinji's personality in the possible world sequence of Episode 26 as well as Girlfriend of Steel 2 video game Shinji.

In the Girlfriend of Steel 2 manga, however, Shinji acts like his anime self, to the point where he doesn't have the perverted side of his personality that the Girlfriend of Steel 2 video game Shinji has. He also still acts shy and introverted around others, although he's friendly.

In Rebuild of Evangelion

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Shinji smiling at Rei after Operation Yashima.

Shinji in Rebuild, while mostly the same as his anime counterpart, comes across as somewhat more angry about his situation (although he isn't outwardly angry like his manga counterpart with Sadamoto's take on the series). For instance, he calls Misato and other members of Nerv as being selfish that he's "left feeling scared" when he and Rei have to pilot during the Operation Yashima battle. Somewhat similar to his feelings in The End of Evangelion, Shinji realizes that he "has no freedom" and "has no choice but to pilot Eva" when he attempts to run away from Nerv after the Fifth Angel battle. Although he decides to stay in Tokyo-3 instead of leaving like in episode 04 of the series, Shinji can't help but feel that he's only needed for piloting Eva and that nobody truly cares for him.

These feelings are dissolved to an extent when Misato shows Shinji the Angel identified as Lilith in Terminal Dogma, explaining to him why he and the rest of Nerv have to do what they can to prevent Third Impact from happening. He agrees to pilot Evangelion Unit-01 once more, and together with Rei Ayanami in Evangelion Unit-00, the Sixth Angel is eventually defeated during the Operation Yashima battle.

Shinji's relationships with the other characters in Evangelion 1.0 are similar to those in the series. A difference with his relationships towards Misato Katsuragi and Rei Ayanami, however, is that he is somewhat physically close to them as the film progresses. When Misato shows Shinji Lilith, Shinji lets Misato hold his hand. Also, when Shinji checks on Rei in her Entry Plug after the Sixth Angel's defeat, the two hold hands as Rei smiles at him.

Shinji being affected by Eva-01's pseudo-evolution at the end of the second film.

In Evangelion 2.0, Shinji is somewhat more accustomed to living in Tokyo-3. His friendship with Toji and Kensuke is a solid one (due to them becoming friends in the first film) and he has occasional conversations (as well as smiling around) Rei. Shinji also becomes friends (and additionally roommates) with Asuka Langley Shikinami, but so far shows no romantic interest in either pilot. Shinji briefly meets Mari Illustrious Makinami twice during the film, but he knows nothing of her, save for a few verbal exchanges. During lunch with his friends at a marine preservation institute, Shinji mentions that he learned to cook meals because Misato didn't know how to. He makes lunches for Misato, Asuka, as well as Rei during the film. Shinji hopes to get along with his father and is happy when Gendo praises him after the Eighth Angel attack. Shinji is unaware that Rei tried to surprise him by inviting Gendo to a dinner party. The plans for the party were cut short, however, by the Ninth Angel's attack.

After Shinji's inability to fight the Ninth Angel-possessed Eva-03 which carried Asuka, Gendo activates the Dummy System and prompts Shinji to leave Nerv. He only returns after encountering Mari and seeing the Tenth Angel devour Eva-00. Shinji pilots Eva-01 to save Rei from the Angel's core. He embraces Rei and thanks her for her efforts of trying to get Gendo and Shinji on good terms. Shinji's decision to save Rei awakens God Mode Eva-01 and causes Near Third Impact, only to be halted by Kaworu's intervention, spearing Eva-01's core. Shinji and Rei are said to be trapped inside Eva-01 during the Evangelion 3.0 Next Time Preview.


  • Ikari means "anchor" in Japanese, but written in different Kanji, it can also mean "anger". See Character Name Origins for details.
  • "I mustn't run away" ("Nigecha dameda!" in Japanese) becomes a trademark line delivered by Shinji starting in Episode 1. According to Hideaki Anno, this was the phrase that came to him that inspired him to keep working on and finish Evangelion. [14]
  • In Episode 16, it's revealed that Shinji doesn't know how to swim.
  • The two songs usually played on Shinji's SDAT are: Track 25 for "You are the only one" and Track 26 for "Blue Legend", respectively. The songs are from "Lilia from Ys", an image album for the "Ys" RPG series. The Vocalist is Kotono Mitsuishi, Misato's seiyu. However, Episode 02 has two Eva BGM pieces playing, while Episode 23 has a different vocal song for Track 25 instead.
  • Shinji's birthday is the same day as his seiyu Megumi Ogata. This is a trait that can be found in several of the Evangelion characters, Rei Ayanami being an exception.
Sadamoto showing how to draw Shinji.
  • According to an interview with Yoshiyuki Sadamoto featured in volume 2 of the manga, Shinji’s design is a male version of Sadamoto’s design for Nadia, the title character from Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, which Hideaki Anno also directed.

Theories in Brief

Theory and Analysis:Shinji and Asuka's Relationship


  1. a general term used to describe various types of authority figures. In Shinji's case, the most likely translation could be "teacher", and this is the one used by ADV Films
  2. Episode 24
  3. One of the possible interpretations that could be given to his decision to pilot Unit-01 after witnessing Rei's state is that he considers any human life as more precious than his own, thus he didn't desire for Rei to suffer in his place
  4. It is perhaps for this reason that Misato's comment in Episode 1 that her father is just like Shinji's surprises him so much, and it's probably the first of many important changes that his relationship with Misato will bring him throughout the series.
  5. It should be noted, however, that after the events of episode 18 and from episode 19 onwards, Shinji seemingly gives up on his relationship with Gendo, and loses any desire or interest for his father's approval
  6. Shinji seems to be downplaying his talent. Despite his downplaying in Episode 15, he can play Bach's Suite No. 1 Prelude in G major, BWV 1007, which is not a beginner level piece. "They represent an enormous body of work, taking over three hours to play in one sitting. They also represent a huge and never ending challenge for any cellist. Like so much of Bach's solo works for any instrument, the easier movements can be begun at an early stage, but some movements will be a source of stress for the rest of your life." and "Anyway, all this makes Bach's venture quite an audacious one: I can only assume that there was a specific virtuoso for whom Bach wrote this set of suites. Either that, or he had the good fortune to have a pool of talented cellists, in spite of the humble nature of his station." (
    • Shinji is also seen playing the aforementioned piece in Evangelion Death, though it is an alternate universe Shinji playing this piece, not the same Shinji of the series.
  7. The last time they visited Yui's grave, Shinji admits this in Episode 15.
  8. Episode 12
  9. Episode 09
  10. Episode 26'
  11. See Theory and Analysis:Shinji and Asuka's Relationship for more details.
  12. Particularly after her attempt to seduce him in Episode 23.
  13. In Episode 23
  14. Hideaki Anno: What were we trying to make here?

Main characters: Shinji Ikari | Rei Ayanami | Asuka Langley Soryu
Nerv staff: Misato Katsuragi | Gendo Ikari | Ritsuko Akagi | Kozo Fuyutsuki | Ryoji Kaji | Maya Ibuki | Makoto Hyuga | Shigeru Aoba
Classmates: Toji Suzuhara | Kensuke Aida | Hikari Horaki
Other characters: Kaworu Nagisa | Yui Ikari | Naoko Akagi | Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu | Dr. Katsuragi | Mr. Langley | Keel Lorenz | Pen Pen
Rebuild of Evangelion: Asuka Shikinami Langley | Mari Makinami Illustrious | Sakura Suzuhara | Ryoji Kaji (Jr)
Miscellaneous: Minor Characters | Minor Characters (Rebuild) | Extracanonical Characters
Theory and Analysis: Name Origins (Warships) | Designs | Relationships | Profiles
Resources: 2015: The Last Year of Ryohji Kaji