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Number 15th
Appearance(s) {{{appearances}}}
Defeated by Evangelion Unit-00

Arael is the Fifteenth Angel.


Arael is a massive glowing winged creature that appears in Earth orbit, and uses a psychological mind-probe attack, based on a projection of its A.T. Field. It appears to have a mask similar to that of the Angel Sachiel, but it is not clearly visible due to the Angel's brightness. In addition, it holds its core outside its body with two of its smaller appendages.


With an order forbidding the use of Evangelion Unit-01 after it absorbed the S² Engine from Zeruel, Eva Unit 00 and Unit 02 were launched to the surface of Tokyo-3 and tried to fire on Arael using their long-range particle-beam weapons. However, Arael was so far away in orbit that those shots which actually reached the Angel were of insufficient strength to penetrate its AT Field.

Arael then targeted Asuka in Eva 02 with a special beam which psychically attacked Asuka. Arael "mind-raped" Asuka, forcibly replaying traumatic childhood memories in her mind to the point that she was incapacitated.

With the Eva's weapons useless against the Angel while it was in orbit, and unwilling to use Eva 01 against the Angel for fear that Shinji's mind would be compromised as well, Gendo Ikari ordered Rei to use Eva 00 to retrieve the Spear of Longinus from Terminal Dogma where it was pinned into Lilith. Eva 00 then returned to the surface, and hurled the Spear of Longinus into the sky, with so much force that it broke escape velocity and reached Earth orbit. The Spear pierced Arael's AT Field and destroyed the Angel. However, the Spear escaped Earth's gravitational pull and entered lunar orbit, ultimately landing on the Moon.


  • In the booklet that comes with volume 6 of the Platinum Edition DVD booklet, artwork is shown which reveals that Arael's core is held outside of its body by the appendages on its underbelly.

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Angels (general)
First and Second Angels (Seeds of Life): Adam | Lilith
Third to Seventeenth Angels (Adam's Children):
Sachiel | Shamshel | Ramiel | Gaghiel | Israfel | Sandalphon | Matarael | Sahaquiel
Ireul | Leliel | Bardiel | Zeruel | Arael | Armisael | Tabris
Eighteenth Angel: Lilin
Rebuild of Evangelion: ?Adams? | Lilith | 3rd Angel | 4th Angel | 5th Angel | 6th Angel | 7th Angel | 8th Angel | 9th Angel | 10th Angel | 11th Angel | 12th Angel | 1st/13th Angel
Other: Extracanonical Angels