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Number Series: 13th
Rebuild: 9th
Symbol Hail
Appearance(s) Episode 18
Defeated by Evangelion Unit-01

Bardiel (Hebrew: ברדאל) is the Thirteenth Angel, which infects and takes over Evangelion Unit-03.


The form that Bardiel originally took, when it was hiding in a thundercloud, is not seen, but is assumed to be similar to the fungus-like growth on Eva-03. Somewhat similar to Ireul's control over the Simulation Bodies, the fungus-like Bardiel-infection spread into the Evangelion's systems, revealing itself when Eva-03 was activated at the secondary Nerv testing facility at Matsushiro. The infected Eva set off an explosion, partially destroying the base, and then proceeded towards Tokyo-3.

Bardiel is capable of spreading its infection beyond the Eva under its control, such as when it tried to spread to Eva-00 by seeping infected ooze out of Eva-03's arm. The presence of the Entry Plug and/or the Pilot seems to be necessary for the Angel to effectively control an Evangelion, since Bardiel physically prevented the Entry Plug from being ejected. That the Dummy System-controlled Eva-01 went specifically for the Entry Plug (which bled after being crushed) implies that a substantial portion of the Angel, presumably the portion of the Angel in control of the Eva, was located within the Entry Plug. Whether or not Bardiel had direct contact with Toji Suzuhara is not directly stated, although probable.

Bardiel is shown to be capable of mutating its host Eva, shown both with Eva-03's ability to leak infectious ooze and extend its arms to amazing lengths, instantaneously increasing them to nearly twice as long as an Evangelion is tall.


Eva-00, Eva-01 and Eva-02 were all deployed against the infected Eva-03, which was now re-classified as the 13th Angel. Bardiel succeeded in attacking and incapacitating Eva-02 when Asuka was distracted. Eva-00 succeeded in gaining a position from which it could attack from behind, but Rei hesitated to fire and possibly kill Toji, who was still trapped inside the infected Eva's entry plug. Her hesitation allowed the Angel to react to Eva-00's presence by making the infected Eva back flip and pin Eva-00 to the ground. The Bardiel-infection then began oozing out of Eva-03's arm and onto Eva-00's left arm, in an attempt to spread the infection. However, Nerv acted quickly and remotely severed its left arm with internal explosive charges, leaving the still-synchronized Rei writhing in pain. Bardiel did not press its attack on the downed Eva-00, and continued to advance.

Bardiel then encountered Eva-01. With Shinji totally unwilling to fight and risk killing the human pilot trapped inside Eva-03, the infected Eva attacked Eva-01, knocking it down on its back before extending its mutated arms to strangle Eva-01. Pinned against a mountain, with Shinji refusing to fight despite being in danger of being killed himself, Gendo Ikari ordered that pilot control over Eva-01 be cut and the Dummy System be activated. Under the Dummy System's control, Eva-01 reached berserk-like power levels and strangled the Angel-infected Eva in turn, breaking Eva-03's neck in little time. With Bardiel's host body crippled, the Angel was no longer capable of physical attack. The crippled Eva was thrown to the ground, its skull smashed in and its body ripped apart, until the infected Eva's entry plug was crushed, and along with it, the last of Bardiel.


  • The lightning display in the thundercloud as well as the similarity of Toji's usual attire to Bardiel's host body, Eva-03, foreshadows (along with just about every other hint) that he is to be the pilot and that he will be in grave danger.

Rebuild of Evangelion

"Making something... Nurturing something is really great. You can see and learn so many things from the process."
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The battle with Bardiel plays out similar to the original series, with a few key differences. The Angel still takes over the entry plug, but Asuka is the one trapped in the entry plug, directly inside its core. Bardiel creates a massive blue explosion, and despite JSSDF tank battalions shooting at it, it makes its way to NERV HQ. Shinji is forced to engage it alone, without Rei's assistance. The fight plays out similar to the series, but when the Angel is strangling Shinji, it gains an extra pair of arms that grow out of its shoulders.

Angels (general)
First and Second Angels (Seeds of Life): Adam | Lilith
Third to Seventeenth Angels (Adam's Children):
Sachiel | Shamshel | Ramiel | Gaghiel | Israfel | Sandalphon | Matarael | Sahaquiel
Ireul | Leliel | Bardiel | Zeruel | Arael | Armisael | Tabris
Eighteenth Angel: Lilin
Rebuild of Evangelion: ?Adams? | Lilith | 3rd Angel | 4th Angel | 5th Angel | 6th Angel | 7th Angel | 8th Angel | 9th Angel | 10th Angel | 11th Angel | 12th Angel | 1st/13th Angel
Other: Extracanonical Angels