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Number 3rd
Symbol Water
Appearance(s) Episode 01, Episode 02
Defeated by Evangelion Unit-01

Sachiel is the Third Angel and the first to appear in the 15 years since Second Impact.


Sachiel is a spindly, amphibious humanoid entity slightly larger than an Evangelion.

It has no neck or head in the traditional sense, but possesses a characteristic face reminiscent of a stylized bird skull. The face is mounted upon a mound of flesh positioned on the upper torso and seems to have a limited amount of mobility. After being injured by the N² mine, Sachiel's initial, long-"beaked" face lifts up to allow a second, short-"beaked" face to surface. For unknown reasons, the first face continues to remains attached at the right side of the second, as opposed to being discarded. The faces are not fleshy, but seem to be covered by ossified layers, and are thus susceptible to cracking. (This detail about the facial structure also marks the cut depicting a blinking Sachiel rather dubious.) Eyes with unusual red irises are hidden within the dark, gaping sockets.

The Angel has an unusually lanky physique and exaggerated proportions, with a shoulder span roughly six waist-widths, a rectangular pelvis < 3 waist-widths, arms reaching below the knees, and elongated shins and feet. (The impression of leg length is furthered by the absence of a head and neck.) It is covered in stringy, dark-green flesh sporting an array of ossified structures (in addition to the face) and other adornments.

The face is flanked on either side by three bony spikes (for a total of six); the two sets are imperfectly symmetrical.

Sachiel possesses an unusual respiration system based in the hips and thighs. Two long "nostrils" form thin, vertical projections that roughly where the iliac crests would be and curve away from the midline of the body until they fuse into the thighs. The bottom of the nostrils touch the top of the two pairs of three rows of gills, which wrap around each thigh, starting below the line of the gluteus maximus. The actual gills, which are pink and feathery, are protected by flexible lids. In physical respiration, Sachiel inhales via the gills and exhales through the nostrils. The gills are seen in use during Sachiel's regeneration process and thus, apparently, can be used in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Sachiel is also seen using the gills to propel itself forward underwater.

Sachiel possesses cyan-colored blood, making it unique among Angels for whom blood has been observed.


Sachiel has bony armor growing out of several regions, predominantly its shoulders and backside. The bone plate which covers Sachiel's back extends around its sides to the front of its mid-torso, partially shielding its core with bony protrusions. There are six holes in the plate on the back, in two even vertical rows, which appear to be a source of bioluminescence (though only when under water). Several free-floating spikes grow out of its body which aren't attached to any bone-plate (six bony protrusions in two vertical rows on its upper chest). The upper bone-spur on the bone-plate extending over the core's right side was apparently blown off by the explosion of the N² land mine, because before the explosion the bone plates on both sides of its core are symmetrical and both have spurs extending upwards.

Despite the stereotype of a "giant monster" usually being a hulking brute, Sachiel's body morphology is actually rather spindly. That is not to say that Sachiel does not possess great strength, or that it appears outright weak, but rather that its otherworldly and superpowerful nature is emphasized by this counter-intuitive body-shape (comparable to the effect of seeing a very tall and thin human effortlessly lifting a very heavy set of weights).

Each of the Angel's arms are tipped with three claw-like fingers (two facing up, one facing in the opposite direction). Sachiel possesses "energy-lance" weapons inside of each arm, which can extend outwards to destroy targets: it is not an energy "beam", but almost a retractable spear, the other end of which extends out beyond its elbow when retracted. These extend out of a red orifice in the "palm" of Sachiel's hand. Due to having the energy-lance stick out of the back of the elbows when not in use, it is normally impossible for Sachiel to totally lock its arm in a straight line, and instead its arms are usually bent slightly forwards to accommodate the energy-lance. Its slender, pointed feet apparently have no toes (there are three small ridges on the back of its feet in the Achilles tendon region, above the heel). Sachiel's core is located prominently in the front of its chest, in the solar plexus region. Sachiel first appeared from under the sea, making landfall east of Tokyo-3 before proceeding on foot; apparently the Angel is able to operate just as easily in aquatic or terrestrial environments.

Sachiel's second bony-face forms after it is hurt

Sachiel demonstrates the ability to adapt and enhance its own biology, capable of altering its body, to a limited degree, as the need arises and as it learns from its environment. It seems to be capable of enhancing its own muscle-mass when performing strenuous tasks: when it stops a missile by grabing it in its hand and when it snaps Eva Unit 01's arm, the muscles in its arm bulge to several times their original size while it is exerting itself, though they return to their normal size when it is done. Originally, Sachiel seemed almost confused when UN forces attacked it using ranged weapons, only after which it started using its ranged "energy-lance" weapons, which it seems to have only developed in response to the ranged attacks of humans. After this, it developed an energy-blast fired from its eyes, only after an N2 weapon was detonated under it.

The Angel is also capable of voluntarily self-destructing, a last resort used at the climax of its battle with Eva 01: Sachiel's body went limp and rubbery and it wrapped itself into a ball around Eva 01, then exploded (though this was not sufficient to destroy Eva Unit 01).


Sachiel cannot be said to have much of a personality or psychology, is not particularly intelligent, and does not really display any emotions. The Angel focuses on its single-minded goal of breaking into the GeoFront under Tokyo-3 to reach Nerv HQ, and only even acknowledges the existence of humans when it has to overcome direct hindrances to its advance, such as when it has to stop and defeat human military vehicles which are attacking it. Again breaking with the stereotypical cliche of a "rampaging giant monster", Sachiel does not indiscriminately start smashing buildings and tanks but simply continues on its path. Indeed, Sachiel's first reaction to having missiles shot at it by human tanks and hoverjets seems to be of almost curiosity or puzzlement.


Sachiel first appeared out of the ocean, coming ashore just east of Tokyo-3. The JSSDF tried to stop Sachiel's advance, sending in a force of Heavy Fighter Jet-VTOL craft, but they fail miserably.

At first, Sachiel is knocked back slightly by the JSSDF's missile barrage, possibly simply in surprise, but quickly it apparently gets used to the missiles and doesn't even flinch from direct hits.

Sachiel easily penetrates the UN's defensive screen

Sachiel actually does not seem to behave like a stereotypical "rampaging giant monster"; it destroys a few VTOL craft almost as if it were swatting flies, but generally Sachiel seems to ignore the ineffectual attacks of the JSSDF, as it proceeds on its march to Tokyo-3. Sachiel even tilts its bony "face" slightly as if puzzled by what it is experiencing, and blinks in confusion. Sachiel also seems to avoid the VTOL craft by leaping away from its current position using an energy wave of sorts, almost like limited flight.

Sachiel's super-jump

The JSSDF eventually uses their "last resort" by luring Sachiel to the region of Mt. Takanosu, and then detonating a planted N² Mine underneath its feet. However, this only results in slight damage to Sachiel, melting some 18% of its mass, but it is not long before it regenerates the damage. In the process of regenerating from the N² Mine attack, Sachiel's original bony "face" structure is pushed towards the upper right of its torso as a new slightly more rounded bony "face" grows from the center of its chest. While this does not stop Sachiel, it does slow down the Angel long enough for Nerv to prepare Evangelion Unit-01 to be sent into combat against Sachiel.

Sachiel appears to be capable of learning from its environment and upgrading its physical capabilities in response to external threats. After the Angel regenerates from the N² Mine attack, it develops a new ability: a long-range energy blast (which results in crucifix-shaped spikes of energy) which it fires from its eyes (on its new, more rounded face).

Sachiel does begin to attack surrounding buildings when it gets to Tokyo-3 itself (possibly because it was trying to get to Nerv HQ below).

Finally, Eva Unit 01 is launched against Sachiel, but the Eva promptly falls flat on its face. Sachiel then grabs Eva by the head, and breaks its left arm. During this, Sachiel again displays its ability to adapt, by instantly increasing the muscle mass of its own arm to increase its physical strength. While holding Eva 01 by the head, Sachiel then shoots out its energy lance from its palm, impaling Eva 01's head and flinging it against a building.

However, Eva 01 then goes into "berserker" mode, making a somersaulting drop-kick against Sachiel ending in Eva 01 ripping off half of Sachiel's bony "face" plate. Sachiel fired its energy-lance at the Eva again, but to no effect. Eva 01 then broke through Sachiel's A.T. Field, grabbed both the Angel's arms with its left hand and broke them with a sharp snap, then kicked it into a building, and followed up by charging into it. Eva 01 then broke off pieces of bone from Sachiel's exterior ribs and repeatedly drove them into the Angel's core. Realizing it was on the verge of defeat, Sachiel once more adapted itself to give its body a whip-like consistently then jumped onto Eva 01, wrapped itself around the Eva, and self-destructed. However, this failed to destroy Eva 01.

In Other Media

Rebuild of Evangelion

Sachiel in Rebuild

Sachiel appears in Evangelion 1.0: You Are (Not) Alone, largely replaying its anime role. There are no apparent modification to Sachiel's design, although its blood is now red (as opposed to blue).


  • The "ch" in "Sachiel" is pronounced as a hard "K".
  • Sachiel's core begins to glow when it first encounters Unit-01.
  • Sachiel is capable of either limited flight or making unusually large jumps, possibly through some use of its A.T. Field.
  • Sachiel's original, long-beaked bony-face was able to turn, and the eyes could visibly blink. This should not be possible because the masks are actually made of layers of ossified tissue, as seen when Eva-01 damages the second mask.
  • Sachiel is one of the few Angels to appear in more than one episode (albeit in flashbacks to one event) as it appears in the first two episode. However, Sachiel also makes a brief "appearance" in Episode 03, in which an image of Sachiel is used for target practice in Nerv's simulation firing range program for Eva Unit 01.
  • Sachiel's blood is seen to be blue in the fight with Eva Unit 01 in Episode 02.
    • The target simulation of Sachiel in Episode 03 has red blood, although Sachiel is actually seen to have blue blood in Episode 02. It is possible, given that every subsequent Angel in the series is seen to have red blood, that a simulation of Sachiel has red blood in the following episode, and that the Rebuild-version of Sachiel (admittedly a separate continuity) has red blood, that Sachiel's blue blood in Episode 02 was simply an animation error.

Angels (general)
First and Second Angels (Seeds of Life): Adam | Lilith
Third to Seventeenth Angels (Adam's Children):
Sachiel | Shamshel | Ramiel | Gaghiel | Israfel | Sandalphon | Matarael | Sahaquiel
Ireul | Leliel | Bardiel | Zeruel | Arael | Armisael | Tabris
Eighteenth Angel: Lilin
Rebuild of Evangelion: ?Adams? | Lilith | 3rd Angel | 4th Angel | 5th Angel | 6th Angel | 7th Angel | 8th Angel | 9th Angel | 10th Angel | 11th Angel | 12th Angel | 1st/13th Angel
Other: Extracanonical Angels