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Number 10th
Appearance(s) {{{appearances}}}
Defeated by Evangelion Unit-02 with assistance from Evangelion Unit-00 and Evangelion Unit-01

Sahaquiel is the eighth Angel to appear in the 15 years since Second Impact.


After appearing in high earth orbit, the Angel destroys several satellites with it's AT field, before separating parts of it's body and dropping them onto the earth. Each subsequent part lands closer and closer to the Geofront's location as it refines it's aim, before finally the entire Angel descends with enough force to destroy all of Tokyo-3 and penetrate the Geofront.

Misato's plan to stop the Angel has a very slim chance of success, so all the civilian population of Tokyo-3 evacuates along with the Geofront's non-essential personnel. The three Evangelions are deployed at different points to cover as much as possible of the area in which Sahaquiel may land, with orders to "catch" the Angel with their AT-fields before destroying it.

Eva-01 reaches the Angel first, almost halting the Angel with it's AT field alone. Eva-00 and Eva-02 arrive shortly afterwards, opening a hole in the Angel's AT field and penetrating it's core respectively, killing the Angel. Although all three Evangelions were at ground zero of the subsequent explosion, the pilots were unharmed.


Sahaqiel means "Ingenuity of God," which is perfectly fitting considering the numerous abilities displayed by this Angel. It is the first Angel to use it's AT field as an offense, destroying several satellites and later using it to jam NERVs communications and tracking systems.

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Angels (general)
First and Second Angels (Seeds of Life): Adam | Lilith
Third to Seventeenth Angels (Adam's Children):
Sachiel | Shamshel | Ramiel | Gaghiel | Israfel | Sandalphon | Matarael | Sahaquiel
Ireul | Leliel | Bardiel | Zeruel | Arael | Armisael | Tabris
Eighteenth Angel: Lilin
Rebuild of Evangelion: ?Adams? | Lilith | 3rd Angel | 4th Angel | 5th Angel | 6th Angel | 7th Angel | 8th Angel | 9th Angel | 10th Angel | 11th Angel | 12th Angel | 1st/13th Angel
Other: Extracanonical Angels