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Number 3rd
Appearance(s) {{{appearances}}}
Defeated by Evangelion Unit-01

Sachiel is the first Angel to appear in the 15 years since Second Impact. Sachiel has a fairly humanoid appearance, compared to later Angels, and has a characteristic bony plate/face-like structure shaped like a crow's skull. Sachiel possesses "energy-lance" weapons inside of each arm, which can extend outwards to destroy targets (it is not an energy "beam", but almost a retractable spear). Each of the Angel's arms are tipped with two claw-like fingers (and no thumbs). Sachiel's core is located prominently in the front of its chest.


Sachiel first appeared out of the ocean, coming ashore just east of Tokyo-3. The JSSDF tried to stop Sachiel's advance, sending in a force of Heavy-Fight Jet VTOL craft, but they fail miserably.

At first, Sachiel is knocked back slightly by the JSSDF's missile barrage, possibly simply in surprise, but quickly it apparently gets used to the missiles and doesn't even flinch from direct hits.

Sachiel actually does not seem to behave like a stereotypical "rampaging giant monster"; it destroys a few VTOL craft almost as if it were swatting flies, but generally Sachiel seems to ignore the ineffectual attacks of the JSSDF, as it proceeds on its march to Tokyo-3. Sachiel even tilts its bony "face" slightly as if puzzled by what it is experiencing, and blinks in confusion. Sachiel also seems to avoid the VTOL craft by leaping away from its current position using an energy wave of sorts, almost like limited flight.

The JSSDF eventually uses their "last resort" by luring Sachiel to the region of Mt. Takanosu, and then detonating a planted N² Mine underneath its feet. However, this only results in slight damage to Sachiel, melting some 18% of its mass, but it is not long before it regenerates the damage. In the process of regenerating from the N² Mine attack, Sachiel's original bony "face" structure is pushed towards the upper right of its torso as a new slightly more rounded bony "face" grows from the center of its chest.

NERV eventually defeats the Angel with Unit-01


  • The "ch" in "Sachiel" is pronounced as a hard "K".
  • Sachiel's core begins to glow when it first encounters Unit-01.
  • Sachiel is capable of either limited flight or making unusually large jumps.
  • Sachiel's respiration system is somewhat unusual; this is made more clear in production sketches, but apparently it "breathes in" through the gills on its thighs, and "breathes out" through what is apparently a large "nostril" in the center of its crotch. Its gills apparently function equally well under water or on land.

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Angels (general)
First and Second Angels (Seeds of Life): Adam | Lilith
Third to Seventeenth Angels (Adam's Children):
Sachiel | Shamshel | Ramiel | Gaghiel | Israfel | Sandalphon | Matarael | Sahaquiel
Ireul | Leliel | Bardiel | Zeruel | Arael | Armisael | Tabris
Eighteenth Angel: Lilin
Rebuild of Evangelion: ?Adams? | Lilith | 3rd Angel | 4th Angel | 5th Angel | 6th Angel | 7th Angel | 8th Angel | 9th Angel | 10th Angel | 11th Angel | 12th Angel | 1st/13th Angel
Other: Extracanonical Angels