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IPEA logo

The IPEA (International Project Evangelion Agency) is a mysterious organization under the jurisdiction of the United Nations. It operates independently of Nerv.

They are in charge of the Eva storage facility that Eva-02 is placed within under the terms of the Vatican Treaty. Given that Eva-02 was later sortied against the 10th Angel, with Mari Makinami Illustrious as pilot and the facility's technicians assisting her, IPEA may also possess independent power to mobilize Evangelion units.

Eva-05's boot-up screen indicates that the start-up program is IPEA built, suggesting that IPEA also plays a role in the preparation of at least some Eva units.

IPEA's logo incorporates a three-eyed, two-cored, Eva-like being to which Evangelion Unit-01 at Near Third Impact achieves a strong resemblance. A more subtle allusion between the two is provided via the way the IPEA logo is situated over the storage chamber doors: when the doors open, light streams out between the logo's two cores in much the same way as light streams from Eva-01's heart.

Seele | Gehirn | United Nations | IPEA | JSSDF | Wille | Kredit
Special Agency Nerv:
Nerv Headquarters | Nerv 1st Branch | Nerv 2nd Branch | Nerv 3rd Branch
Nerv 7th Branch (Tabgha Base) | Bethany Base | Golgotha Base