Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance

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Part of a series of articles on the
Rebuild of Evangelion
movie series

Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance (ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:破 Evangelion Shin Gekijōban: Ha, "Evangelion New Theatrical Version: Breakup") is the second film in the Rebuild of Evangelion movie series. It will premiere in Japan on June 27, 2009. As of March 14, 2009, two trailers have been released, along with a poster revealing key terms and names from the movie in chronological order.

The movie will introduce Asuka Langley Shikinami, Ryoji Kaji, and the new character Mari, along with Eva-02, Eva-03, Eva-05, and Eva-06. At least three Angels (Sahaquiel, Bardiel, and Zeruel) have confirmed appearances, and a new Angel has been rumored[1]. New locations will also feature.

Eva 2.0 will depart from the original much more extensively than 1.0, with a greater emphasis on new material, although little is known about the plot at this time. Elements from several TV episodes will be present in some form, namely Episodes 08, 12, 15, 17, 18, and 19.

Trailer Summaries


A preview following the credits of Eva 1.0, structured the same as the "Next Episode Previews" in Neon Genesis Evangelion, complete with the same musical theme, voice-over by Misato, and promise of more fan service.

It opens with an introduction to the Evas scheduled to appear: The "provisional" Eva-05 on an underground rail, Eva-02 being air-dropped (outfitted with the new "S-type Equipment"), Eva-04's explosion, Eva-03 (infected by Bardiel), and Eva-06 descending from the Moon. The text "ADAMS" and a cryptic image of several ghostly, vaguely humanoid figures are flashed on the screen. The text "LILIN+?" then appears, followed by several shots of the "human" cast: Kaji and Gendo (as seen at the end of Episode 08); Misato slapping Ritsuko (recycled from Episode 16); Asuka, Rei, and Shinji (from the Zeruel battle in 19); and Kaworu (smiling against a dusky sky). Finally, the new character Mari is seen from behind, looking up at multiple giant glowing pink crucifixes, followed by a close-up of her face, a fleeing flock of birds reflected in her glasses.

Resources:Eva 2:0 Promotional Posters

Theatrical Trailer

Released in Japanese cinemas on March 14, 2009, set to "FLY ME TO THE MOON 2007 MIX" by Hikaru Utada (same as 1.0's theatrical trailer). This summary is based upon the two low-quality camcorder recordings (which both lack the very beginning), combined with reports from those who saw the trailer in person. Several familiar scenes are indicated, including: the Evas racing to "catch" Sahaquiel (although Sahaquiel itself is not depicted), Shinji and Gendo visiting Yui's "grave", Eva-03/Bardiel's attack and subsequent destruction, and Zeruel's attack. Some kind of maritime event is also implicated.

It opens with several shots of the Evas:

  • A berserk Eva-01 roaring (not present in camcorder recordings).
  • Eva-05 seen from the front, with visor and pylons glowing.
  • Eva-01 rearing back to punch (presumably Eva-03's head).
  • Eva-00 leaping in mid-sprint. Probably from the "Sahaquiel run". The color scheme is unchanged from 1.0, and no pylons have been added -- i.e., no upgrade.
  • Eva-02 running while paired weapons emerge from the pylons.
  • Eva-01's foot touching off the ground (from Sahaquiel run).
  • Eva-01 unleashing her A.T. Field (in preparation to catch Sahaquiel).

Several character shots follow:

  • Shinji wearing a shirt with two stripes across the front, hanging onto a railing, talking to someone. Possibly on a ship.
  • Misato, with a dusky sky in the background, smiling and talking.
  • Asuka in plugsuit, standing on top of ?Eva-02, with hands on hips. Followed by a closeup of Asuka talking with an intense expression.
  • Rei sitting in her dimly-lit apartment, speaking.
  • Gendo with VTOL in background. (Presumably being picked up from Yui's "grave" site.)
  • A flustered-looking Ritsuko.
  • Shinji in dimly-lit environs, wearing SDAT earbuds, hoisting himself off the floor.

Several "environmental" shots follow, including:

  • A railway track switching lanes.
  • School girls ascending a building's exterior staircase, with a male student in the foreground leaning against a railing.
  • Tokyo-3 in the mist.
  • A flock of crows aggregated on telephone pole wires. (Corresponds to a shot from Episode 18.)
  • A space vehicle, apparently above the Moon's surface.
  • Buildings rising up from the ground.
  • People on a crosswalk over several train tracks.
  • Tokyo-3's array of mirror buildings.
  • A train emerging from a subterranean tunnel.

Several action shots follow:

  • Enigmatic shot of two stilt-like "legs" walking across the ocean. When a "foot" touches the water, an A.T. Field-like projection spreads out and causes what appears to be instant frosting. (Low quality image.) This has been compared to Matarael, although the walking pattern is completely different. (Matarael's walk.) Possibly the "new Angel".
  • Eva-03 descending from a jump, seen from below. The shot ends with a super-closeup of the Eva's eye.
  • Ambiguous scene that recalls the polysomes firing at the "corrosion" in Episode 13.
  • Closeup of Zeruel's face, unleashing a blast via eyes.
  • A row of tanks (being hit by said blast?).
  • Eva-01 running through a city (Sahaquiel sprint).
  • Eva-05 in dark environs (possibly being pushed back violently by launching one of her weapons).
  • Missile silo.
  • Eva-02 holding up Sahaquiel's A.T. Field. At the end of the cut, she rapidly draws her knee up (as if mid-kick).
  • Zeruel, unleashing another cross-blast.
  • A ship being consumed by a giant spout of water (i.e., exploding?).
  • Giant explosion between two hills in the distance, with a reddish dome and a large halo.
  • Red fluid flooding a town or city. (Possibly the dissolved body of an Angel.)

It closes with more character shots:

  • Shinji seen from the side, with the red ocean behind him and a flooded settlement at the horizon.
  • A girl in a plugsuit rearing up and rapidly looking to one side. She is sitting in some kind of cockpit, face obscured by a giant helmet and plugsuit outfitted with various cables. The helmet has a red visor with "EVANGELION-05" written across it. (Possibly Mari.)
  • Asuka sitting in front of an aquarium, picking up a small electronic device.
  • Gendo and Fuyutsuki standing near one another. Location unclear.
  • Kaworu on the Moon, gazing "adorably" towards the camera.
  • Toji and Kensuke chattering in the classroom. Shinji is standing nearby and looks away (at Rei?).
  • Kaji leaning back, smoking a cigarette. Possibly on a ship, same as Shinji earlier.
  • Misato hoisting herself off her car.
  • Asuka laying on a futon. She rolls over to one side and looks at something.
  • Rei sitting alone at school.
  • Aerial shot of Shinji standing at his mother's "grave", presumably watching Gendo fly away. He walks off-camera (thus ending 2.0's theatrical trailer much the same as 1.0's ended).


  1. Newtype 2008/12: "New character(s), new mechs, new Angel(s), new conflict. From 1.0 to 2.0, Eva is getting an upgrade."