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A core is a red, spherical organ possessed by Angels and Evangelions. It uniformily serves as a container for the soul and, in Angels and some Evas, contains the S² Engine, as well. The core is (typically) the only vital point of Angels and Evas; unless it is sufficiently damaged, these entities can receive inordinate amounts of damage without truly dying.

In humanoids such as Adam, the Evas, and Sachiel -- and even Zeruel and Israfel -- the core lays exposed in the solar plexus region. (Lilith, alternatively, has no exposed core. Being outside of Adam's "family", she may not possess a core at all.) The organ is positioned variously in other Angels. Examples:

  • Shamshel: "Throat" region, exposed
  • Ramiel: Central position, internal
  • Gaghiel: Back of mouth, internal
  • Sahaquiel: Center of "eye", exposed
  • Leliel: Beneath ultra-flat "shadow", hidden
  • Arael: Between "brachial" wings, free-floating

Leliel's unusual nature results in its core appearing two-dimensional. The nature of the core in two other oddities, the amorphous Bardiel and Armisael, is unknown. Ireul presents another odd case, because it is actually a collection of many microscopic entities; however Israfel establishes the precedent that both parts of "one" Angel each had a core, so its possible that each of the microscopic entities making up "Ireul" had their own core.

For Yui and Kyoko's Contact Experiments and Eva piloting, the ventral end of the entry plug is inserted into the core. According to preparations prior to Yui's Contact Experiment, a cylindrical cavity is excavated to permit the accomodation of the plug [e21']. Eva cores also seem to generate their own supply of L.C.L. [e20, e23', e26'].

EVA-01 uniquely possesses two to four small core-like structures in addition to her main core.

At Second Impact, a black circle or ellipse appears in Adam's solar plexus region, apparently smaller than Adam's core should core. Possibly related, a dark sphere manifests within EVA-01's core shortly before she fuses with the Spear of Longinus.