Mass Production Evangelions

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Mass Production Evangelions
Model Type Mass Production
Pilot(s) Dummy System (Kaworu Nagisa)
Soul(s) Unknown
First Sortie Episode 25'


The nine Mass Production Model Evangelions, Eva Unit-05 through Unit-13, were manufactured by Seele at seven different facilities throughout the globe. The specifics of their creation are unknown, but presumably they were, like prior Evas, made from Adam's genetic material.


The MP Evangelions were deployed as part of Seele's assault on the Nerv Geofront, but primarily to be utilized as part of Third Impact in conjunction with Evangelion Unit-01.


In addition to incredible size and strength, the MP Evangelions had large, mechanical wings attached to their backs, allowing them to fly. They were also given individual S² Engines, removing the need for umbilical cables or batteries.

Because they carry no real living pilots, they can sustain what would normally be considered fatal damage in previous Eva models, but still keep fighting. This is because there is no living pilot synchronized with the Evas; in previous Eva models, the Eva would have to be shut down if the pilot sustained critical injuries, and presumably would stop functioning if the pilot died and could no longer control it. Theoretically, so long as the S² Engine and Kaworu-based Dummy Plug (both in the torso) remained intact, nothing short of total body dismemberment would be required to stop an MP Eva. It seems likely that they can even remain operational even with their head totally decapitated: at the very least, one was able to survive Eva 02 thrusting its hands into its mouth, cleaving off its upper jaw and smashing most of its brain pan into pulp.

They carried no armament except for replicas of the Spear of Longinus.


  • Several continuity errors in the animation of the Mass Production Evas in The End of Evangelion has led to some confusion: in several cuts, the MP Evas appear to have restored their severed limbs and regenerated their injuries. However, later cuts after these clearly show that they retain the damage sustained at the hands of Eva Unit 02 through the end of the film (indeed, in a bit of morbid humor, one MP Eva whose head was impaled by spikes fired from Unit 02 retains the spikes impaled in its head through all subsequent appearances). This does raise the question of how the MP Eva that was completely cut in half through its waist was able to still move with the rest; it must be remembered that the MP Evas all have wings, and Asuka apparently didn't damage any of their wings, so even an MP Eva completely missing the lower half of its body could still fly around. Many of the shots we see after the battle with Eva 02 are just of MP Evas that were relatively lightly damaged, and the more severely damaged ones (specifically the one whose legs were completely cut off) just aren't focused on by the "camera" that much.
  • A popular and fairly wide-spread fan-nickname for the Mass Production model Evangelions is "harpies".

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Evangelions (general)
Failed Evangelion Prototypes | Simulation Bodies
Eva-00 | Eva-01 | Eva-02 | Eva-03 | Eva-04 | Mass Production Evangelions (Evas 05~13)
Rebuild of Evangelion: Mark.04 | Eva-05 | Mark.06 | Eva-08 | Mark.09 | Eva-13
Eva 8+2 | Mass Production Evangelions | Failures of Infinity
Other: Extracanonical Evas