FGC:Episode 07 Scene 07

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For the rest of my life

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Auxiliary take-off boosters igniting. Close-up of the rockets!


UrsusArctos: For military nerds out there, the Eva transporter looks like a scaled-up Northrop XB-49, a jet-powered flying wing from the late 1940s/early 1950s. Rocket-assisted takeoff (RATO) was used during the turbojet era, but it fell out of service because modern turbofan engines generate their maximum thrust at sea level.

ath: Wait, wasn't Northrop's aircraft called YB-49? If I remember correctly, the 'Y' prefix designates a prototype of an aircraft intended for production, while the 'X' prefix is reserved for purely experimental aircraft. That said, the distinction can be a little fuzzy at times (compare YF-22/YF-23 to X-32/X-35, for example).

The Evangelion Encyclopedia seems to be confused on this point. It notes the resemblance to a real aircraft they call "XB-49"; but seems surprisingly sure that the official designation of this aircraft in the Evangelion universe is in fact "YB-49". Does any official source confirm this?

UrsusArctos: Interesting! You're right, and I was mistaken. There's no XB-49, the designation jumps straight to YB-49. I suppose the XB-35 was meant to be the prototype to the YB-49 pre-production aircraft? This is new to me. EDIT: Confirmed, the real-world aircraft is a YB-49 (no "XB" involved), developed straight from the XB-35 and YB-35.


The large-scale transport aircraft taking off.


Missing Number

Out from a full screen of clouds (show for 12 frames), suddenly (use about 4 frames), when the clouds part, the giant aircraft can be seen. It is flying at a fairly low altitude.

SE <<Engine roar>>

ath: That plane is ridiculously huge. Assuming a Reichu Standard Measurement (RSM) for the height of an Evangelion unit of 40 meters, we can roughly estimate the wingspan of that aircraft at around 350 meters (almost 1150 ft). The current record holder for "largest wingspan" is the Scaled Composites Stratolaunch at only 117 meters. For comparison, the real YB-49 is way down the list at slightly less than 53 meters.


Shot from behind the back of the Eva looking forward.
The scene is only lit by interior lights.

MISATO (OFF to begin with):“The target is J.A. There's a danger that its reactor could melt down within the next five minutes.”

imprimatur13: What is it with these people and their arbitrary (and true for any given value of "5") 5-minute limits?


The unexpectedly narrow interior.
Misato and Shinji, seen through gaps in the ceiling.
It is so cramped that their knees are almost pressed together.

MISATO:“Therefore, we cannot allow the target to get closer to a more densely populated area. (Looking towards Hyuga) Hyuga-kun?”

Kendrix: They're sitting across from each other, both in action gear. This time its a lot more apparent that they'll be risking their lives together and that if she could be with him on the front lines all the time, she would be.

Hyuga, in the co-pilot's seat, with Misato and Shinji in the foreground.


MISATO (BACK):“Withdraw immediately once you've released the Eva.
Ascend until you reach a safe altitude.”

UrsusArctos: Yet another instance of "the main characters do everything". Hyuga being qualified to sit in the pilot's seat is a bit of a stretch - they could've gotten a nameless pilot to follow Misato's orders just as well.

imprimatur13: Obviously, what happened is, they put out a notice on the NERV PA system: "We need someone to pilot the transporter to pick up Captain Katsuragi. Any-"

Hyuga: "I'll do it."

Maya: "But you don't know how to fly a plane!"

Hyuga: "Maya, there comes a time in every man's life when he must do the impossible, disregarding all thoughts of personal safety. That time, is now."

singing quietly to himself: "Do the impossible, see the invisible; Row Row, fight the power..."

ath: To be fair, the scripts says he's sitting in the co-pilot's seat. Note that he's actually sitting in the left seat, which in reality is the captain's seat in virtually every fixed-wing aircraft. Right-hand-drive confusion on part of the storyboarder, I guess...

imprimatur13: Well, I see your point... Counterpoint! Misato tells Hyuga to withdraw the transporter, not the pilot (whom we don't actually see at all; and who, for all we know, isn't even there). Apparently, he is expected to know how to pilot it on his own. Somehow.

(Spiral Power, I guess.)

Misato turns her face back towards Shinji.

MISATO:“(Looking towards Shinji) Shinji-kun.”


Misato and Shinji seen through gaps in the ceiling.


MISATO:“Run alongside the target, and place me on its back.
After that, prevent the target from moving as much as you can.”


Shinji with Misato in the foreground. Shinji is alarmed.

SHINJI:“You're going to board it?


Misato, speaking readily, with Shinji in the foreground.

MISATO:“That's right.”


Shinji, alarmed.

SHINJI:“You're doing something that crazy!?”


Misato, composed, speaks matter-of-factly.

MISATO:“I know that it's crazy. There's just no other or better way.”


Shinji trying to put a stop to it.
That's understandable.

SHINJI:“But it's too dangerous!”


Here, too, she speaks straightforwardly.
Misato knows what he meant but diverts the conversation.

MISATO:“Don't worry. If it comes down to it, the Eva can withstand a direct explosion.”


Shinji's concern is seriously felt. He becomes irritated, not realizing that she had missed the point deliberately.

SHINJI:“That's not what I meant!
I meant you, Misato-san, will...”

Sailor Star Dust: Episode 07 always felt somewhat underrated to me, but this exchange is so important. Shin-chan's already begun to think of Misato as family that he doesn't want to lose (again?).

Kendrix: Here at first Misato thinks he's afraid for his own sake, but he's reached a point where he's way more worried about her.


Close-up of Misato in profile.
Her face is kind as she speaks. She finishes with a slight smile.

MISATO:“Well, if I don't give it my best shot (her facial expression becomes kind) it will leave a bad taste in my mouth afterwards.”

Kendrix: Life lesson time, I guess, as well as a bit of a telling moment. She pursues these wacky dangerous strategies because she couldn't forgive herself if she didn't try her best - which, for all her flaws, makes her pretty inspirational. And we've previously see in Episode 06 that Shinji has a certain admiration for people who seem to have the kind of determination he can't always bring himself to muster.


Shinji is worried, but he is persuaded by Misato's resolution.
His face becomes stern.


Kendrix: ...and here, too, the result is that he tries to live up to their example.


Hyuga's words break in as though interposing between the two.

HYUGA:“Direct visual confirmation of the target.”

J.A. running through the wasteland, casting a long shadow.

SE <<(Distantly) Thud thud thud thud>>

Kendrix: JA has this creepy long wispy shadow

UrsusArctos: Yes, the shadow gives it a touch of the Lovecraftian, something like a Flood carrier form from Halo.

BGM End: E-1 rhythm only [Spending Time in Preparation]

Misato and Shinji on the other side of the window, looking out with serious expressions.
Shinji displays a reaction.

SE <<Distantly heard footsteps OFF>>

MISATO:“Okay, let's go.”

Kendrix: Let's appreciate that little nod of determination they give to each other - in a sense they're already functioning as an unit, at least to a certain extent (It's telling that most of Shinji's greater fuckups happen when they're cut off from each other).

Eva, within the aircraft.
The socket on the back is disconnected with a "GAN".

BGM Start: A-3 [NERV]

SE <<GAN>>


Unit-01 is withdrawn backwards out of the aircraft.
After it stops moving Hyuga is heard on the radio.

SE <<Whirrrrrrrr>>

HYUGA (OFF・RADIO):“Eva in drop position.”


Misato, speaking from between the fingers of Unit-01.

MISATO:“Docking release!”

UrsusArctos: This is actually crazier than boarding JA. Had Shinji accidentally clenched Eva-01's hand in the drop, or had Misato slipped out, she would have been killed instantly. She would have done better to lash herself to Eva-01's horn on the way down!

ath: Not sure that's necessarily a good idea.


Shinji within the entry plug.



The locks all disengage at once.
The Eva's body drifts backwards.

SE <<Ka-chack.


Unit-01 falling away from the giant aircraft.


The sky.
Unit-01's legs enter the frame.


It passes onwards from there.


Close-up of the legs hitting the ground with a SKREEEEE!!


Unit-01 bracing itself against the shock of landing.
As soon as the camera stops, it immediately dashes forwards!!


Mr. Tines: Momentum, how does it work...


The giant aircraft, turning right and ascending.
Unit-01 running in the foreground.

SE <<Rooooooar thudthudthudthud>>


Close-up of Unit-01, running.

SE <<Thud thud thud>>


The two giant humanoids running on through the ruins of Old Tokyo.

The Flying Fortress: I always found it very strange how Eva-01 runs so quickly to catch up to JA, compared to when the Eva's rush to stop Sahaquiel from invading the Geo-Front in Episode 12. The way they run there makes much more sense, considering their height and weight.


Shinji in the entry plug.

SHINJI:“We've caught up!”


Misato, speaking from between the fingers of Unit-01.

MISATO:“We have less than four minutes left.
Put me on now! (bleed)”

Missing Number

Close-up of Unit-01 running. Reuse from previous.

SE <<Thud thud thud>>

Translator's Note:

The direction on the image indicates the background element is to be moved.


Unit-01, right on the heels of J.A.

SE <<Thud thud thud.>>

Joseki: This is one of the worst looking cuts in the entire Evangelion. Oddly animated, totally uninspiring; Unit 01 is too dark and it doesn't match the Jet Alone style at all. They look like they're mecha from two different shows, with different character designers and animators.


Its hand draws near to the rear section!

SE <<Thud thud thud.
Thud thud.>>

It grabs onto it.


J.A. is pulled backwards with a jerk.


Shinji firmly pulling back the lever.

SE <<Pull>>


J.A. trying to move forward despite that.
Unit-01, being dragged, slips.

SE <<Skreeeeee>>


Unit-01's feet, sliding, being dragged forwards.
Dragged along, they slide across the ground's surface.

SE <<Skreee.


Misato, speaking from between the fingers.

MISATO:“It doesn't matter! Do it!!”


Unit-01 holds out its right hand.
It stretches it forth.


The palm of the hand in the foreground, with J.A.'s backpack beneath. Misato jumps down.

imprimatur13: Yet another of the MANY MANY hand shots. (Open palms, fists... The list goes on and on and on.)


She lands with a thud, but due to the instability beneath her she loses her balance and falls.

Sailor Star Dust: Despite the dangerous situation, Misato's little shriek is kinda cute.


Shinji, in a panic, leans forward.



Misato rolls down the sloping surface of the backpack.
Luckily she is able to grab hold of a ladder.


Shinji, relieved.
Smiling, he speaks.

(Smiling) Be careful.”


Close-up of Misato on the monitor.
Even in so dangerous a situation she flashes a peace sign.

Joseki: In an episode that I could rate as mediocre at best, this cut shines bright. The same shot is used again for Episode 26 for a reason: it's pleasant, and Misato's smile is full of positive emotions.


Misato rotates the lever of the emergency hatch half-way and then pulls on it.
When the hatch opens with a “"hsssh",” an extreme heat comes flowing out!!

SE <<Hsssh!!


Her visor becomes fogged up immediately.
Heat rises up from Misato's body.

MISATO:“Incredible heat.”

The interior of the hatch, shot from within.

This is a world of diffusion filters, ripple glass, and red filters.

MISATO:“This isn't good.”

BGM End: A-3 [NERV]

Shinji, straining himself.

YOU-- !!”


Unit-01, suddenly thrusting its right hand into the foreground.
Towards the camera.


An enormous hand enters the frame from the foreground and grips J.A.'s head, holding it back.

SE <<Gwah-WHAM>>


The left hand against the chest area, Unit-01 holds it back.

J.A. with Unit-01 in the foreground.

After a while steam suddenly starts to spout out from the top of its shoulder!

SE <<CRACK!!>>


Unit-01 hastily uses its right hand to hold back the steam.


Shinji in a panic.
He is holding down the levers.

SHINJI:“Misato-san, hurry!”


Close-up of a map in a plastic case. It slides down, and a door can be seen.

TEXT:““Emergency Manual Operation Control Room””

UrsusArctos: No "Cauntion" or "Emargency" misspellings - this episode gets the English right!

Dr. Nick: Well, almost. There's "all molt beer" in cut 353.

imprimatur13: I hope she keeps the "all molt" stuff out of reach of curious superintelligent penguins. Wouldn't want Pen-pen to lose his proud crest.

(Also: Odd, because they do get the spelling right in 350.)


Misato, convinced. Right away, she is dripping with sweat.


The switch for the emergency door.
She opens it with a punch.

SE <<Crack>>

The plastic cover cracks and the door opens.

SE <<(Sound of the door opening・on the left) Vsshoom>>


Misato steps inside and the door closes.
Here, too, is the world of red filters, diffusion filters, and ripple glass.

SE <<A background noise composed of a mixture of the sound of air conditioning and electromagnetic noise>>


When she swipes her key card, with a "“wsssh"” a cover opens, and a keyboard can be seen.

SE <<Beep>>

SE <<Wsssh>>


The console in the foreground. Its light is reflected by her visor.

SE <<Sound of typing at a keyboard>>

Close-up of the monitor. Data pours forth, streaming by onscreen.

SE <<At the beginning there is a sound signalling a termination, then the sound of data pouring forth at a rapid speed>>

Mr. Tines: 1st image reuses the boot screen from before.

(Also in Cut 322)

3rd image is a hex dump of something; lots of 00 and FF bytes, so probably a chunk out of a random executable.

Suddenly this stops, and the word “"password"” flashes on the screen.

SE <<Beeeeeeeeeep>>


Misato with the console in the foreground.

SE <<Beep>>


She rapidly inputs the characters.
Close-up of the monitor.



She hits the return key with a "“click".”

SE <<Beep>>

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