Talk:Radioactive Waste

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Interesting idea, Wayne... (And, LOL Sarai.) --Reichu 03:00, 24 August 2007 (EDT)

Thanks, I'd thought you'd like this. "The Spear of Longinus = Adam's S2 Engine" would be another possible entry. --thewayneiac Aug. 24, 2007 11:30 EDT.

If our Failures are going to go here, then shouldn't DotS be moved, as well?
We should ask Ornette if the Spear=Adam's S2 Engine thread is still around... --Reichu 11:37, 24 August 2007 (EDT)
It looks like there may be a couple of threads:
Either of these look right? --Ornette 17:38, 28 August 2007 (EDT)

What about the "Tree of Life present during 2I" theory? --Dr. Nick 12:56, 24 August 2007 (EDT)

HAHAHAHA. --Reichu 13:15, 24 August 2007 (EDT)

Yes, "DotS" and ToL at 2I are both good choices. --thewayneiac Aug. 24, 2007 18:40 EDT.


"For some reason, even though it's just a pet name, for a brief time certain people began using it in serious posts": Hmm... No providing any "historical context" here, eh? --Reichu 13:15, 24 August 2007 (EDT)

Stardust is beyond confused, she thought this was a "real" theory and not just fan-fiction! --Sailor Star Dust 20:08, 30 August 2007 (EDT)
Akira was a name I proposed in a thread Magami No ER created for a Kaworu fanfiction she never finished, which incorporated the concept of Dr. K. being the donor. When I "went crazy", I hijacked the thread to rather messily peddle my complete conviction that this idea went far beyond fanfiction. But, strangely, I referred to Dr. K. as "Akira" in most of my posts, which probably led to the various proposals I was making about the doctor (and the miscellaneous strange ideas that were surfacing) being regarded as an elaborate "fanfiction". If I hadn't done the whole "Akira" thing, people might have described my ideas as just "overanalytical bullshit" instead.
So, yeah. The name "Akira" bears a certain stigma. People still haven't forgotten about it. --Reichu 20:38, 30 August 2007 (EDT)


An attempt at a writeup. Needs a lot of work, but it's a start. The times and topics have faded in my memory through time, so anyone with a better recollection of events should make the neccessary changes.ObsessiveMathsFreak 19:34, 4 September 2007 (EDT)

The wayneiac's writeup brought back recollections. With a writeup created, I think the capstone on Revelation's immortalisation would be a complete list of all the theories proposed by Reichu over the period. Simple one line mentions would suffice to bring home just how surreal things became back then. Unless that is, Reichu feels enough has been said already. ObsessiveMathsFreak 19:57, 5 September 2007 (EDT)

Um....OMF, did you mean to post all that here on the talk page, or was it actually intended for the article itself? --thewayneiac Sept. 04, 2007 19:51 EDT.

I meant it as an article, but I wasn't paying much attention. I'll try integrating it now ObsessiveMathsFreak 19:56, 4 September 2007 (EDT)

If the "Time of Revelations" were to be mentioned explained anywhere, it should be in a place like this. --Reichu 03:00, 24 August 2007 (EDT)

Wouldn't that be a "vanity entry", as I believe Wikipedia calls them? :P Also, wouldn't "genetic waste" fit the theme of Evangelion better? --Dr. Nick 03:40, 24 August 2007 (EDT)
Regarding "vanity entries", I've had to explain what happened that couple of months enough times that I've often wished there was a better way.
It's not vanity if Reichu doesn't write it. --Reichu 03:49, 24 August 2007 (EDT)
ADDENDUM: Since a number of things date back to THEN, an entry would be somewhat useful to provide quick 'n' dirty "historical context". "Revelations Incident" is somewhat more graceful than "when I/Reichu temporarily went off my/her nut". --Reichu 13:15, 24 August 2007 (EDT)

I think I'll let someone else write the "Revelations" entry; it scares me. (Unless absolutely no one else will write it; then I suppose I'll have to.) --thewayneiac Aug. 24, 2007 18:43 EDT.

"Scares" you, eh? Interesting... --Reichu 23:44, 24 August 2007 (EDT)

Someone's gotta take one for the team and tackle this bastard. --Dr. Nick 03:40, 25 August 2007 (EDT)

I wouldn't mind "taking one for the team" if something else needs to be added to this section, since I wasn't around during this goings-on anyway. For instance, should there be any examples of such revelations (would Bridge Theory or Akira or Fem-Kaworu count, then? O_o)?? --Sailor Star Dust 20:07, 30 August 2007 (EDT)
I went ahead and penned Revelations Incident myself, attempting to make it succinct, "lite", and self-parodying. My memory is vague on the exact timing of how things went down (e.g., flame war, when I started to become sane again, and so forth), so feel free to correct me on anything.
I'm not sure what the exact status of "Bridge Theory" currently is. Fem-Kaworu needs an actual Geektionary entry due to the status she mysteriously acquired at EMF; if not for that, she probably would go straight into Radioactive Waste. Akira is missing some crucial information (the name carries a certain... stigma). --Reichu 20:25, 30 August 2007 (EDT)
"Fem-Kaworu needs an actual Geektionary entry due to the status she mysteriously acquired at EMF". Dude, if Sarai and Akira are gonna stay here, that would not be a very consistent thing to do. This page was created to supplement the Geektionary, so let's make use of it and keep all the mythical creatures caged here. --Dr. Nick 16:37, 3 September 2007 (EDT)
You haven't been hanging out at EMF, right? --Reichu 16:49, 3 September 2007 (EDT)
I just died a little inside reading of F-K-kun's presence here. Yeah, it makes sense since it's one of Reichu's "crazed theories", but...*sniff* Please, think of the F-K supporters! ("What we lack in numbers, we make up for in enthusiasm."~Smith or Brik, I forget who). --Sailor Star Dust 18:49, 6 September 2007 (EDT)
I think this entry is reasonably detailed now, and it should be kept from getting any bigger. Compared to the other entries here, it might already be a bit bloated.
And SSD: learn to kill your darlings. --Dr. Nick 14:11, 8 September 2007 (EDT)

Wow, this little bitch got a lot bigger while I was away! Doesn't look bad, except I personally don't remember being on antibiotics for my sinus infection. AFAIK, it was going away on its own, except I spontaneously entered a manic mind state for no clearly discernible reason. I don't purport to fully understand what happened -- it was weird. Also, regarding the Keel/Akira gay thing... I don't think that's quite how it went.

I agree with Dr. Nick about length. --Reichu 05:19, 17 October 2007 (PDT)

Spear of Longinus = Adam's S^2

Sharp-kun had already formulated and popularized this theory before I arrived at AN (March 2003). In the Full OP thread (wherein, btw, Achtungaffen was the first to note the Lance sticking out of Adam, and where I first suggested that perhaps Lilith was the culprit), you can find Sharp arguing, in all apparent seriousness, that the Spear sticking out of Adam was a natural, organic component of his body (i.e his S^2). As I recall, Reichu did a rather humorous drawing depicting that concept; maybe she could dig that one up to illustrate this topic. - Shin-seiki

March 2003 is lost history, unless Sharp still has some of that crap stowed away somewhere. Hmmmm...
I was having flashbacks of my old drawing, as well. --Reichu 23:44, 24 August 2007 (EDT)

For fairness' sake, I recall this being a quite well-constructed theory in light of the sparse official info we had back then. --Dr. Nick 03:46, 25 August 2007 (EDT)

Personally, I thought this was a well-constructed theory until recently, myself. (Mostly because I'm still a n00b when it comes to certain aspects of the show. >_<) --Sailor Star Dust 20:03, 30 August 2007 (EDT)
I haven't even seen this retired theory being reiterated anywhere in years -- how did you come upon it, SSD?
As far as I recall, I always thought the theory was silly, as my drawing should attest; and I lying in wait for a chance to knock it down.
Someone still needs to dig to provide "sauce" on this monster's original context. Or whatever we still have, anyway. Ornette can help; and contacting Sharp-kun for anything he may have archived might be a good idea, too. I could always do this myself, but... --Reichu 20:13, 30 August 2007 (EDT)
It wasn't so much people bringing it up anywhere as I read about the S2 Engine/Duel of the Seeds deal on some (probably old) thread on ANF (reading threads on ANF is what I did a lot of and still occasionally did before and after becoming a EMF member). --Sailor Star Dust 17:29, 31 August 2007 (EDT)
Sorry, wasn't reading this thread: here are the 2 oldest threads where the LnY is Adam's S^2 is mentioned:
Why was Shinji selected
It's possible that there's even older mentions that my search foo is either not turning up or it got purged before the days of archiving. --Ornette 09:06, 17 October 2007 (PDT)

TOL at 2I

@Reichu, I see the point about first person; I just didn't want it to seem like I was razzing you and Scott for this when I was fooled myself. Oh well, there's nothing keeping me from refering to myself in the third person.

I don't like the gallery at all and disagree that it looks better. I suppose it's a matter of taste, but I think it looks pretty bad. It makes a lot more sense to have the images Scott discovered come when I'm talking about Scott, the TOL sketch come when I say that it convinced you, and the Kaysow sketches come when I mention him. That way the reader can click on them as he goes and follow the thought process that went into the construction and destruction of the theory. It's also even harder to see the thumbnails as they are now then it was before. --thewayneiac Aug. 28. 2007 16:26 EDT.

The way things were before, the thumbnails were stacking like a staircase, at least in my browser. It looked really bad. --Reichu 16:33, 28 August 2007 (EDT)
It must be a "browser thing" then; it looked good on mine. (Though I did see a little of the affect you mentioned when I clicked "printable version") How does it look now? I changed the left/right allignment on some of the thumbnails. If it's still terrible we can go with the gallery (at least until I can ask V how to make the pics allign properly on your browser. Do any of the other articles with multiple pics have the same problem? --thewayneiac Aug. 28, 2007. 17:26 EDT.

It still looks screwy in Safari --Shin-seiki 06:48, 31 August 2007 (EDT)

That's essentially how it looks in my Firefox. --Reichu 13:11, 31 August 2007 (EDT)

OK, if everyone else's multi-image articles look good and mine suck, then I must be doing something wrong. I shall go make an extensive study of other articles and do version 1.3. (It still looks like it's supposed to in Explorer.) --thewayneiac Aug. 31, 2007 16:16 EDT.

OK, folks, how does it look now? It looks a little too symetrical for my taste, but if having the pictures staggered a little freaks out some browsers I'll have to go with this. The only other thing I can think of is to put the Images all on one side, but V doesn't care for that.

From the Boot Camp: "You can also change what side of the article the image is located on. If you just type "thumb" for five or six images in a row within an article, they're all automatically on the right-hand side and this can look a bit repetitive. So vary it up if there are many images by moving the images from side to side a bit."

This is the look I was originally going for. --thewayneiac Aug. 31, 2007 16:45 EDT.

Quoth Reichu: "Wayne, the ToL pics still don't look too hot."

Than's odd Scott says they're OK in Safari now, and I'm not doing anything different here than I am in the Geektionary. Could you take a look and see if the pictures there are coming out screwy on your browser too? Meanwhile, I'll tweak it one more time. --thewayneiac Sept. 03, 2007 21:36 EDT.

I went back to this and re-formatted the images using the same template Zuggy used on the Extra-canonical Mecha page. How does it look? --thewayneiac March 25, 2008 20:18 EDT.
Now I've used OMF's new template. How does it look to everyone? --thewayneiac 20:33 EDT. April 02, 2008.
Looks good to me.--UrsusArctos 18:11, 2 April 2008 (PDT)

I've refined this a little. I felt that there was too much text in the table; by the time you had read it all, the images had scrolled completely off-screen. So I moved it all back to the article proper, and turned what had been the captions into the table notes. It's much nicer this way, I think. --thewayneiac 17:22 EDT. April 03, 2008.

Wevangeriwon is after 3I/ Instrumentality

Does this classify as radioactive waste, or, God forbid, is this true???--UrsusArctos 22:30, 3 September 2007 (EDT)

We'll probably have to defer that question until we get more information. Either way, this probably isn't the right page. It should go on a Webuild specific page. --thewayneiac Sept. 03, 2007 22:37 EDT.