Mass Production Evangelions

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Mass Production Evangelions
Placeholder Image
Model Type Mass Production
Pilot(s) Kaworu Nagisa dummy plugs
Soul(s) Unknown
First Sortie Episode 25'


The nine Mass Production seres Evangelions, Unit 05 through Unit 13, were manufactured by Seele at various facilities throughout the globe. The specifics of their creation are unknown, but presumably they were made from Adam's genetic material other Evangelions.


The MP Evangelions were deployed as part of Seele's assault on the Nerv Geofront as part of the Human Instrumentality Project.


In addition to incredible size and strength, the MP Evangelions had large, mechanical wings attached to their backs, allowing them to fly. They were also given individual S^2 engines, removing the need for umbilical cables or batteries.

They carried no armament except for replicas of the Spear of Longinus.

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Evangelions (general)
Failed Evangelion Prototypes | Simulation Bodies
Eva-00 | Eva-01 | Eva-02 | Eva-03 | Eva-04 | Mass Production Evangelions (Evas 05~13)
Rebuild of Evangelion: Mark.04 | Eva-05 | Mark.06 | Eva-08 | Mark.09 | Eva-13
Eva 8+2 | Mass Production Evangelions | Failures of Infinity
Other: Extracanonical Evas