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Name DarkBluePhoenix
Real Name Eric
Date of birth April 8, 1992
Homeland New England
Role {{{role}}}
Lot in life Forever Alone?
Favorite Episode Episode 6 & Episode 9 (Tie)
Favorite Character Mari
Favorite Relationship Shinji/Asuka & Hikari/Toji
Favorite Angel Ramiel, Sahaquiel, & Zeruel (Tie)
Favorite Evangelion Unit–01

How I got into NGE

Well, a few years ago (2014–ish), a buddy of mine recommended Evangelion because of my love of Gundam Wing (which explains my profile picture).

But what actually got me to search it out was this image I saved from tumblr way back in 2012, which I found while paroosing my computer one very boring afternoon: (thank god for bordom) File:Https:// After using the almighty Google to find "hot redheads who pilot mechs" I found Asuka Langley Soryu and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

I watched the first episode, and was intrigued, and by episode six, I was a very happy, very hooked person on a wonderful new show. By Epsiode 26, I was thoroughly confused, and by the End of Evangelion, I was enthralled.

Since then I've probably watched the series 20 times through, and the Rebuild series probably 10 times ( icant exactly say though, becasue that implies its actually finished), The only part I've only seen once was that scene in EoE that everyone categorically hates. I've also read the NGE and Raising Project manga (both excellent in their own ways). Then I got into reading fanfiction about NGE because I couldn't get enough (and waiting for Anno to make the final movie is killing me slowly)

And my fandom has now peaked, as I am currently writing a fanfic that goes into the origins of the adult characters, and is a rewrite of the entire series. It is entitled Neon Genesis Eveanglion: Legacy, a work of which I am immensely proud of.

Anime vs. Manga

File:Dark Blue Phoenix.jpg