User talk:ObsessiveMathsFreak/Threads Of Interest

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Threads of Interest

This is a list of Evangelion Discussion Threads containing theories, discussions and/or observations of some interest and/or insight and/or historical interest. Updated periodically(And by no way, manner, or means comprehensive). The threads are added as I—(or any other wiki editors who come across this page)—remember or come across them, so this list is patchy at best. Since some organisation is needed, the threads are arranged in approximate chronological order of their first posts.



  • Shinji and Asuka: If, like me, you are rather slow on the uptake when it comes to Shinji and Asuka's relationship, Shin-Seiki's analysis can help. This thread deals with the ins and outs of their troubled relationship in painstaking detail. A must read for all 'shippers, no matter what their preference. Rather long, but vital to understanding the central relationship in Evangelion.


  • Rei, Lilith, and Quantum Mechanics: A list of references to Quantum mechanics in Evangelion is brought up by Shin-Seiki and others. Anno's physics geek qualifications are also brought up. Some interesting finds here. Probably one of the the first threads discussing quantum mechanics and its importance in Evangelion's meta-physics.



  • EoE Ritsuko's Last Scene: Gendo's Unheard Line: There will never be a truly definitive answer to this question, but this thread runs through the gamut of possibilities and I think comes tantalisingly close to the true answer. A long discussion, over many page and may years, and with quite a few less serious posts; but worth a read nonetheless.
  • Why was Misato at the South Pole?: Why indeed. This thread discusses the possibilities, along with other details of the Anarctic expedition. No firm conclusion, but everyone should be aware of this mystery and it's potential consequences for the narrative.


  • Misato & Shinji: One of many threads discussing Misato's deeper feelings when it comes to Shinji. A difficult topic for some, but I think the thread lays out enough evidence



  • Are we overanalyzing things?: Every serious Eva analyst should be aware that what they do, and more importantly what they conclude, may not neccessarily be what the writers, or anyone else, ever had in mind. A meta thread, but a cautionary one. Know thy limits.


  • What REALLY motivated Ritsuko to turn against Gendo in #23: Evangelion analysis 101. The true reasons behind Ritsuko's betrayal of Gendou are revealed in a careful and comprehensive analysis by Shin-Seiki. A long thread, but the payoff (8 pages in) is well worth your time. The conclusion can be difficult for some to accept, but the evidence presented is compelling. To my mind, this is also the first thread that really opens the pandora's box that is Ritsuko and which examines the astounding depth of her relationship with Gendou and other characters. Proper understanding of Evangelion is largely impossible without this thesis. If you read only one thread on this list, make it this one.


  • My Eva TV Ending Journal Or Something: Modelled after CUPS' great "live blogging" of his first viewing of the series, this was my attempt at a blow by blow account of my first viewing of EoTV. Goes through episodes #25 and #26 in some detail. Also, it seems to have a cathartic effect on those who weren't too fond of the original ending.
  • Misato's Apartment Layout: The layout of Misato's apartment is shown via production diagrams, and its implications for Asuka's actions in episode #09 are discussed. I include this as it's a good example of how the answer to one topic can have bearing on discussions of another.


  • Is The S^2 Organ In The Core?: In this thread, the analysis community finally comes to terms with the presence of the S^2 Organ in the core; something which (if I recall correctly) up to that point we had been in stringent denial about for some reason. Also contains discussion on the Dummy Bodies from episode #13 and the potential origins of cores.
  • They Came For The Bridge Bunnies: In which I make a complete fool of myself. The moral of this thread is that if everyone is telling you that your Evangelion Theory is wrong, then it probably is; and that tacking precarious wafers of additional evidence to an insubstantial core really just amounts to beating a very dead horse.
  • The Mystery of Gendo's Office: An entirely too silly discussion on the location of Gendou's office and continuity errors in the series. This is what happens when you don't spend enough time trying to figure out Third Impact and get distracted by trivialities.


  • AT Field Orders Of Magnitude: This is what happens when you mix maths, Evangelion, and too much free time. The lesson for screenwriters is to never lightly throw out numbers in a Sci-Fi show.


  • Toji's dream/hallucination in Episode 19: Touji's mysterious "dream" of Shinji and Rei in episode #19 is briefly discussed. While the possibility of a hallucination is brought up, I put forward the suggestion that Rei II is in fact "telepathically" communicating with Shinji here.



  • The Dead Sea: An unsuccessful attempt of mine to shift the consensus view on the location/identification of the Dead Sea. It didn't inspire the kind of revelations I had intended.


  • Soul rant: A discussion about souls that was quickly hijacked into one about the visual effects associated with AT and AAT Fields. The thread notes the subtle blurring and heat haze effects that are associated to both, along with several screen-caps. A good thread for those who may have missed this effect.


  • The Kaworu-Katsuragi Connection?: This thread is probably the largest proponent of K^4 theory, an speculative but potentially intriguing thesis on the potential connections between Misato, Kaworu, Kaji and Dr. Katsuragi. Sceptical as I am, I must admit that the sheer amount of otherwise unexplained parallels and connections made by Reichu in this thread makes it worth a reading.


  • EoTV/EoE Concurrency and Gainax: Probably one of the better discussions on Ending Concurrency (There are many). Discusses concurrency from a production and thematic standpoint, and goes though the reasons for interpretations on both sides of the debate.
  • Gendo's Mysterious Induction, or, How I Ate My Husband: Discuss the mysterious fate of Gendou in EoE in some depth. Two main viewpoints are presented: Reichu offers evidence for Yui being the one who dispatches him, while the case for Shinji is put forward by myself. The thread also discusses the meaning of the scene for Gendou's ultimate destination.


  • The Great Episode 24' Plot Hole / Fanwank Thread: Sailor Star Dust called for aid, and Reichu called her banner and summoned her lances. Thus began the magnificent 27 page charge of the EML analysis Light Brigade in their attempt to finally make episode #24' make sense. I like to think that our failure made for a more immortal moment; but that doesn't mean this thread isn't a great read. On the bright side, we got a great meme out of the whole event.
  • Definitive timeline: For the chronophiles amongst us, this thread is the communities attempt to place definitive dates on the various events that occur in the year 2015. It's amazing what geeks can accomplish when they work together.



  • Passage of Time (EoE Final Scene): One of the many threads discussing just how long Shinji was alone on the beach at the end of EoE. Expect many arguments about rusted crosses, malnutrition and clean clothes with a level of pedantry that only the Evangelion community can muster. It may not be pleasant, but these threads do have to be read.



  • Shinji & the Pendant / Fun in Tang Land: Discussions on the water layer "interstice" seen in EoE and its link to the entry plug. Also contains some discussions on Misato's cross as a visual anchor.


  • My Big Honkin' "Mechanics of the Impacts" Theories: An ambitious thread by Eva Yojimbo attempting to explain the mechanics of Third Impact. Not much in the way of solid conclusions, but a huge amount of material is discussed in a relatively short thread. An interesting read if you can slog through the posts.


  • So, was emo Asuka really trying to be AN HERO in #24?: A long standing assumption of the community was put to the test in this thread and found wanting. The nature of Asuka's "suicide attempt" was discussed in some detail and the old assumption about wrist slitting was finally put to rest (as near as I can tell). A good thread, and a good example of how we analysts are not necessarily so set in out ways.


  • Asuka and Hikari: The thread that definitively proves that the Evangelion analysis community in fact consists of perverts. We do manage to reach the correct interpretation, but then lapse back before our reputations can recover. Nevertheless, a good thread to insight into both Asuka and Hikari.


  • I got it! Why Gendo was so concerned about Rei II, maybe!: A discussion of Gendou's motives for dramatically saving Rei in episode #05. Opinions on motives, both personal and professional are presented. To my mind, one of the few threads that seriously discusses the Gendou/Rei relationship.





  • EoE Instrumentality 101: A thread discussing Instrumentality and the motivations of characters during it. Notable for Reichu's side topic discussion on exactly where the Sea of LCL is. Millisecond visual hints, character quotes, production materials and kabbalistic lore are wound into a coherent framework in a way that only Reichu is capable of doing. The idea of the LCL sea as a parallel "imaginary" dimension is introduced, but you'll need to keep up.


  • Why did Kaworu think he'd find Adam at Terminal Dogma?: Once again the Episode #24' plothole is discussed. However, picking up the pieces from the Great Fanwank Thread, I'd like to think that in this thread I managed to present some kind of resolution to the paradox. ....I'd like to think that.


  • Was emo Shinji becoming AN HERO in 25'?: The question of Shinji's alleged suicide attempt at the lake at the beginning of EoE is discussed, and evidence is presented which points towards it, though it remains only an inferred matter. Interesting visual links between various scenes in EoE and EoTV suggest there is more going on during Shinji morning at the lake than meets the eye.
  • Shinji/Rei in the Scheme of Things: For a long time, most serious analysis has concentrated on the Shinji/Asuka relationship, to the exclusions of Shinji/Rei. But is this entirely correct? This deeper exploration of Shinji and Rei's relationship takes place in the chit-chat forum, benefiting greatly from the resulting wider participation.



  • "Chief Ikari changed after that day": If like me, you are slightly slow on the emotional uptake, this thread and the images therein might be of some interest. Discusses how the impact of Yui's death on Gendou is shown visually though the change in his character.
  • Dress to Impress When Naoko put on her pearls for Gendo, it turns out that wasn't the only change to her attire. Sometimes, it's amazing how long certain minutiae can go unnoticed in Evangelion.
  • The Nature of the Ghostly Reis: Rei/Lilith/GNR and all that Despite the unnecessary proliferation of numerical labels, this thread tries to argue that the ghostly "bookend" Rei's in #01 and #25' are not in fact the result of time-travel, but instead represent an aspect of Lilith. This goes against the prevailing "acausal" explanation of these Rei's, as products of the instrumentality which occurs in #26'.


  • Kensuke The Spy What did Kensuke know? When did he know it? A debate about whether or not Kensuke knew that all of Class 2-A were Eva pilot candidates.







  • Who's worse? Gendo or the teacher? One of the few threads discussing Shinji's relationship with the "Sensei" he lived with before coming to Tokyo-3. Notable for BC Baron's highlighting of the obvious distance between Shinji and his previous guardian.


  • [REBUILD Gone to Guf. Back for Final. -- Love Gen & Fuyu]: When 3.0 ends, where exactly have Fuyutsuki and Gendo ended up? This thread proposes that the Guf in Rebuild is a real place, and that the intrepid pair have literally crossed through the door in some kind of Wunder-like "Nemesis" craft.
  • [REBUILD Turned to core]: A discussion of the mysterious "core effect". The landscape of Tokyo-3 has been seemingly converted into the same, slowly animated substance that the Eva and Angel's cores are made from. Also discusses the further effects including the mysterious "whisps" which seem to be associated with Lilith (L-particles?).




REBUILD: How did Mari and Asuka get into Lilith's chamber? [split]] When you need plot-hole minutae explained, there are few better ways than via one of TMBounty_Hunter's patented explanatory diagrams. Really emphasises how helpful visual discriptions can be.