Radioactive Waste

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This is the home of things we'd rather forget. Not the same as Common Misconceptions, which are long standing and widespread falacies, but concepts that make one say, "What were we thinking?"


A fanon name for Dr. Katsuragi, coined by Reichu, and sometimes used as a shorthand identifier. Borrowed from Akira Ishida (Kaworu's seiyuu) due to speculation that Kaworu was cloned from Misato's father. For some reason, even though it's just a pet name, for a brief time certain people began using it in serious posts, rather than confining it in the fan-fic post where it first came up. This lead to much confusion among the uninitiated, who wondered who it was they were talking about. The practice thankfully petered out before long.

Duel of the Seeds

Adam on Spear

The idea that the dominance of Lilith-based life on Earth was determined by the outcome of a primordial battle that took place between Lilith and Adam (with the name referring to the battle itself, as well). Now, this made perfect sense at the time. We know that Lilith is essentially an imposter on Earth, whose Black Moon collided into the planet (= First Impact) after Adam's own arrival, and that, obviously, the "true successors from the lost White Moon" (Adam's offspring) got the short end of the stick. The show contains an image of Adam being exhumated (see figure), wherein the tines of the Spear of Longinus are visible emerging from her back -- i.e., she's skewered on it -- and Shin-seiki offered, way back, that Lilith is the one who did the skewering[Source needed].

The concept of a full-fledged duel -- perhaps echoing that between Eva-01 and Eva-02 in Episode 24 -- gained further momentum early in 2006[Source needed], spurred on by initial glimpses into the NGE2 Classified Information (intimations that every Seed was sent with her own Spear, for example) and various theoretical dabblings. However, once the relevant parts of the CI were fully translated, this most excellent theory was drop-kicked down into "oh, if only it were true..." whimsy. "Adam, skewered by her own Spear? What the hell was Anno thinking?!?" (...Wait. Don't answer that.)

At the height of its glory, DotS was sufficiently infectious that (as of this writing) its falsified status has not been universally dispersed. This effectively means the occasional poor soul shows up brandishing it, and has to be dealt with accordingly. "What? The Duel of the Seeds was disproven?!?"

Revelations Incident



A fictional character concocted by Tbozfan at AnimeNation Forums whom he used to answer all controversial questions. Whose soul is in Eva-00?: Sarai! Who shot Kaji?: Sarai! Who caused the Episode 11 blackout?: Sarai! I wish I could say that Tboz was just tired of the same questions over and over, but I'm afraid he was just being a pain. Once again, for some reason some people played along with this gag.

The Spear of Longinus = Adam's S² Engine


The Tree of Life at Second Impact

The theory that the Tree of Life tried to form in Antarctica during Second Impact; it was originated by Shin-seiki. One day, while watching Death, he noticed something curious: a group of wavy lines in the upper left hand corner of the screen as Adam's wings emerge. He checked, and this did not appear in the scene as originally presented in Episode 12, so he concluded that it had been added along with the red soul dots. Then he took a closer look to try and figure out just what it was supposed to be. The more he looked, the more he thought that it looked like the twiggy end of the Tree of Life.

When he posted this conclusion, some of the leading lights of AnimeNation and Eva Monkey Forums were incredulous at first, until Reichu compared a flipped version to a sketch of the Tree of Life from the Groundwork of Evangelion. She was convinced and became a champion of this theory. Most of the old timers then followed suit. Much accolades and back-pattings were directed at Shin-seiki for this important discovery.

Unfortunately, a party-pooper extraodinaire with the handle "Kaysow" proceded to decisively demonstrate that what we were looking at was just a flaw in the cell, by posting screencaps of several other instances in Death where the same phenomenon occurs. He posted about 20 or 30 examples, but two should suffice here.

Faced with this evidence, Shin-seiki was at last forced to say, "Never mind."