Theory and Analysis:Rei and the Moon

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From the opening credits

Throughout the series, Rei Ayanami is associated with the recurring visual motif of the Moon. In fact, the Moon is rarely shown in Neon Genesis Evangelion without Rei in the foreground. Exceptions would be the shots of the Spear of Longinus heading towards the Moon, and the "Moon's eye view" of Second Impact as seen during Episode 21.

From episode 6

In Episode 06 Rei stands silhouetted against the Moon before the mission starts. Later, in Episode 10, Rei is swimming in the Nerv gym's pool: the "camera" views her from below, passing in front of a ceiling light, visually similar to passing in front of the Moon.

From the closing credits

In many systems of planetary attribution to the human body the moon is associated with one of the eyes (see the myths surrounding of Odin, Horus, Tsukuyomi, etc), usually the left eye is associated with the Moon. In Japanese Shintoism mythology, Tsukuyomi the moon-god was born from Izanami's right eye, while Amaterasu the sun-goddess was born from Izanami's left eye. In Rei's Monologue during Episode 14, this relation is made patent by a cut of Rei's left eye, followed immediately by a cut to the moon. The same shot of Rei's left eye is used during the opening credits.

Lilith's mask resemble the Moon

The white giant in Terminal Dogma, who we later learn is, in fact, Lilith, wears a mask with crater-like markings. This serves to associate her with the Moon, and thus with Rei.

From EOE

Rei is a vessel for the soul of Lilith. During First Impact 4 billion years ago the Black Moon transporting Lilith collided with Earth, and Earth's Moon formed from the resulting debris. Thus, in a sense, Lilith's arvial actually created the Moon.

Rei's first appearance in End of Evangelion is marked by her waking up in the middle of the night with moonlight casting it's light across her apartment. Rei gazes at the Moon out the window, then seems to realize the time for Third Impact is coming close and so leaves for Terminal Dogma.

The Moonlit Rei Awakens in EOE...

...She has a busy day ahead of her.

Asuka and the Sun

The visual motif pairing Rei and the Moon is strong and frequently occurs throughout the series, and due to Rei's connection to Lilith it is thematically important. To a lesser extent there is a visual motif pairing Asuka with the Sun.

The first shot introducing Asuka has her silhouetted against the Sun. In episode 25 Asuka is sitting in a Sun-like spotlight, contrasting with the Moon-like spotlight that Rei is sitting in. In Eva-02's dying moments in The End of Evangelion, Asuka reaches upwards towards the Sun. Beyond representing Asuka's solar and dominant nature, and being a further illustration of the contrast between Asuka and Rei, it's significance to the actual story is less apparent. The thematic significance is this happens to be choice Shinji faces in End of Evangelion; staying with Rei, or returning to reality with Asuka.