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Panoramic view of Village-3

Village-3 is one of the villages of survivors established after the Near Third Impact. It has about 1000 residents, including some of Shinj's former classmates. To reverse the effects of coreification, the village makes use of the Anti-L System, provided by Kredit.


The village depends on Kredit for various supplies, such as medical instruments.[1] In addition, they depend on cooperation with other villages. Nevertheless, the village organizes itself independently in many aspects: they grow their own food, generate their own electricity through solar power and maintain their infrastructure. They also depend on the water of the neighboring lake, which is regularly checked for contamination.


The village is built in many parts from recycled materials. Many houses are patched together from metal sheets or consist of thin wooden constructions. As far as old houses are still intact and in use, holes in the roof are covered by plastic or metal sheets. In addition, use is made of the old freight station and the surrounding rail network, around which most of the village is located. Some of the wagons have been converted, e.g. into bathhouses or libraries. Cargo containers are also used as houses. Many of the house roofs are equipped with solar panels to generate electricity.


One of the named locations in the area of Village-3 are the ruins of Nerv-2.[2] The official 2nd Branch of Nerv is located in the US, which is not meant here though. The only other base of Nerv in Japan is in Matsushiro, which was also the location of Magi 02. Thus, the village is presumably located around the Nerv base in Matsushiro, although this could still mean another, unknown location.


  1. Toji self-thought being a doctor with the help of Kredit's supplies. (Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0 Thrice Upon a Time at 00:46:50)
  2. Asuka tells Rei the location of Shinji. (Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0 Thrice Upon a Time at 00:35:55)

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