Guides:Neon Genesis Evangelion (Episode 02) vs. Evangelion 1.0

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Episode 02

"Get down on your knees and..."


Black Eye

Some new-looking stuff actually flashes on the screen during Sachiel's poundage, but we only have enough room for so much. Plus these screens are so crappy, you should consider it an act of mercy.

Rude Awakening


Pen Pen


This one is educated conjecture.

Bousou is Japanese for "Batshit Insane"

When the original battle was THAT cool, why change anything? All available cuts of the Eva-01/Sachiel battle correspond to ones in the original, although some have been completely redesigned. And in over ten years, Sachiel couldn't come up with a more interesting way to piss Sho off than by breaking her arm and poking out her eye.

The original has more detail in the drawing. Also, the Rebuild sequence is wildly different: Rather than prying the jaw pieces apart and breaking a peg, Sho has to... Eh, better to see it in action yourself.

Original much more detailed here, as well. (At least we get some eye-blinking action. And no more silly jointed mandible piece.) Also, dark picture is daaaaark.

The blight of the shrunken pylons... Why? Why?

Taste the rainbow.

Yes, these really are the same thing.

Looks like it's red blood now for our Sachi. Appropriate enough, considering every other Angel known to have blood has it in red.

The original genga is represented here frame for frame.

Oooo... Core is spark-ly...

The rainbow symbolizes the homosexual inclinations that Sachiel had been hiding during his extremely short life. With his completely ineffective suicide explosive, he has been liberated, in more ways than one.

Or not.

Drastic differences, most evident in motion. Also note how Rebuild's Eva-01 looks suspiciously like a man in a suit.

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