Talk:Shinji Ikari

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"I mustn't run away" is his "catchphrase"? I wouldn't exactly call that a "catchphrase". He isn't Jimmy "JJ" Walker with "Dyne-O-Mite"!--Eva Yojimbo 05:03, 18 August 2007 (EDT)

It's his catchphrase. --V 19:38, 18 August 2007 (EDT)
Maybe it's just me but it just sounds really tacky to refer to that as a "catchphrase". I'd very much like to remove that, or atleast put it in notes with a little history regarding the usage of it.--Eva Yojimbo 10:36, 24 August 2007 (EDT)
I don't like the "current deployment", either. Let's see what you can do with it, Jimbo. (I think there's a similar thing going on with Asuka and "Anta baka?!?".) --Reichu 11:06, 24 August 2007 (EDT)
"Anta baka?" is actually more of a catchphrase in that she repeats it constantly and it's in a much lighter tone. Is there any history behind the line in terms of how and why it became a running phrase for Asuka? See what you think of the "run away" line. I put it in notes with its history as well. --Eva Yojimbo 05:07, 25 August 2007 (EDT)


Not to be an arse, but isn't most of the stuff here superstition and theories? Especially the drowning comment, it's the first I've heard of it.--Szmitten 07:37, 17 August 2007 (EDT)

I wasn't planning on having the "psychology" sections be used to 'diagnose' the characters, myself... yeah. More to write about the "psychological aspects" of their characters, without the intention of slapping on "professional labels". E.g., Shinji's depression and anxiety in general and some of the forms it takes; psychological implications of being a "neat freak"; the so-called "Oedipus Complex"; etc.
First time you see him in EoE, Shinji's head is sopping wet. That's typically been taken as an indication of "dunking", though softener words might be used here. --Reichu 08:36, 17 August 2007 (EDT)

If somebody would be interested in changing the Psychology sections (I wrote up some stuff on Shinji, Asuka, and Rei's pages), they can feel free to do so. (I'm really not certain how to fix it to make it better, so I guess a geekier Eva-fan than I am can do that. ^^; ) And with getting into the specifics of what I personally added about Shinji, I tried to make sure it is things that are actual fact, going so far as to adding links to certain episodes as citing my sources. --Sailor Star Dust 22:05, 17 August 2007 (EDT)

Well, discussing human psychology doesn't necessarily entail giving them professional diagnoses. That's not what we're here to do. What I had in mind is kind of like, "what makes Shinji who he is, why he behaves and thinks the way he does, etc.". The sections are basically meant to provide an overview of what you can directly observe in the show, without doing any heavy-duty speculation. I might try one of the characters sometime if I feel inspired. --Reichu 22:18, 17 August 2007 (EDT)
I agree with Reichu here. I think something along the lines of referring to Shinji as merely introverted would work well. It's a broad enough term that could accompany alot of different psychological diagnoses, but it's also a perfect description of Shinji's demeanor.--Eva Yojimbo 05:14, 25 August 2007 (EDT)
That works for me if that's what everybody else prefers. Sorry about what was written before, I wasn't sure where you (the collective you) wanted to go with this. Just to make sure I have this straight: for the respective Shinji, Asuka and Rei pages, should it just be stated that their introverted or extroverted (character depending) and leave it at that? With mentioning the suicide attempts, I think what's written for Shinji is good, (Thoughts??), but I'll be sure to fix up and include a link to a non-existent T&A page about Asuka's Roman Bath if you'd like. --Sailor Star Dust 16:03, 26 August 2007 (EDT)
You don't have to be sorry; ease of correction is what this is all about.
There is considerably more to say about Shinji's psychology than "he is introverted". The show devotes an inordinate amount of time, from beginning to end, to developing his psychology. Things like, "What are Shinji's outstanding personality traits and psychological issues/quirks? What makes him who he is? Why does he behave and think the way he does?" This must be written to minimize the introduction of conjection; just say it like it is, based on what you can see and what you are told. And there are so many topics that a certain amount of economy would need to be employed.
If you're still flabbergasted, pick an episode and walk through it until you bump into something. The mind-trips are especially good due to the sheer concentration of material: 16, 20, EoTV, EoE. --Reichu 16:59, 26 August 2007 (EDT)

Which Children Shinji is

Just so you know, Shinji is the Third Children, NOT First. The First Children is Rei and the Second is Asuka. As a side note, these wikis drive me nuts with all the copying and pasting that needs to be done when several people are working on the same page. It's great that people are working on it, just confusing. Any tips on how to alleviative this? e.g.: Is copying and pasting your progress/additions into a text document a good idea? Thanks! --Sailor Star Dust 22:21, 16 August 2007 (EDT)

If I ever wrote that, either (A) you imagined it, or (B) I was being absent-minded. (It probably happens because of Eva-01.)
People working on the same page at the same time? Integrating the changes you've made with a page that's been updated since you started working on it is a pain, but it's one of those small prices that we have to pay. --Reichu 02:45, 17 August 2007 (EDT)
Edit a subsection as opposed to the entire article at once. That's the only real way to handle this, but there's no real way around it when the main body text itself is being altered by multiple people. Diplomacy is the art of compromise. --V 11:41, 17 August 2007 (EDT)


Having the note on it meaning "teacher in Japanese" is incomplete/misleading. There should probably be a page that explains what the various honorifics and things like sensei and sempai mean, since I am seeing a need for it. Any occurence of one of the terms can simply link to a more complete explanation. --Reichu 02:50, 17 August 2007 (EDT)

If you want a complete definition is simply linking to the Wiki page out of the question? It covers most all honorifics I think.--Eva Yojimbo 05:16, 25 August 2007 (EDT)
Oh, no, no. We're writing our OWN page on them. Just for NGE. That's where any explanation on the word sensei would go, not here -- otherwise we'd be, like, explaining it on Fuyutsuki's page, and Yui's page, and Gendo's page...
Isn't this "sensei" person somebody who, aherm, "took over for" Gendo? Why would Shinji end up with somebody whom he regards as sensei?
Plus, where'd Shinji's cello go? --Reichu 08:24, 25 August 2007 (EDT)
I put Shinji-kun's cello back where it rightfully belongs. :P It IS a part of who he is, afterall. --Sailor Star Dust 15:57, 26 August 2007 (EDT)

Shinji in the Manga

Need more NPOV. --Reichu 21:39, 16 August 2007 (EDT)

Will fix that... --UrsusArctos 21:46, 16 August 2007 (EDT)

Shouldn't the Manga stuff go into a special Manga section of the Encyclopedia, not on the anime character's biopage? --thewayneiac Aug. 19, 2007 21:52 EDT.

Nah, I thought we'd agreed that all the character information from all the canons (Anime, Manga, Rebuild, etc.) all come together in the same article. --UrsusArctos 22:00, 16 August 2007 (EDT)
See the conventions page, Wayne. If one of the sections gets too long, it'll be split off. --Reichu 02:45, 17 August 2007 (EDT)