Talk:S² Engine

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I know that there was a forum discussion somewhere where it was decided/determined that S2 Organs are inside of an Angel's Core, but I lost track of it. Besides, that's what I actually believe anyway. But how was this decision reached?/can someone point me to it? Btw, where is Zeruel's S2 Organ inside of Eva 01 after it eats it? in the core?--V 14:38, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

The discussion is at EMF, thus currently unavailable. They never tell you where Yui puts her new organ, but I would imagine Evas keep their S2s in the same place. Aside from the precedent already established, there are little hints, e.g.: In #20, there is a lingering shot of EVA-01's core during the conversation about the S2 being dormant. --Reichu 15:02, 1 August 2007 (EDT)
Okay, so what did the EMF discussion thread (unavailable) say? Basically pointing out the lingering shot on the core and that it's implied? (sorry to ask twice, but I intend to find out now so I never have to ask again). --V 15:29, 1 August 2007 (EDT)
It had isolated lines of dialogue from episode #05 scene that essentially spelled out what they REALLY want Shamshel's core for (script here) and showcased prepared images pointing out where EVA-01's mouth is located when Ritsuko goes, "she's taking the S2 Engine into herself!" (images 3 to 5 here). Chronicle, from what I can make out on a casual glance, seems to be pretty chummy with the S2/core stuff, as well; not that we really need its support here or anything. --Reichu 20:51, 1 August 2007 (EDT)
......(salivating) have the full Renewal script production notes already posted up scene my scene on your Commentary site? I only saw 1-4 because they were the only finished ones. By the horns of the Sky Demon, where do I see the REST?!?!? ^_^ --V 22:10, 1 August 2007 (EDT)


Does the bit on the "engine/organ" wordplay deserve a mention? This stuff does give me a bad vibe. --UrsusArctos 03:24, 14 May 2009 (PDT)