FGC:Episode 05 Cut 268

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Background behind Rei.

MAN-A (OFF, INTERCOM):“Beginning connection of pilot to Unit-00.”

Many different letters and graphics are flowing out of a metal pipe and wrapping around her.

WOMAN-A (OFF, INTERCOM):“Opening circuits.”

Cody MacArthur Fett: OH SWEET BABY MOSES, MY EYES! That shot usually passes by too quick to see in the show, but looking at it frame by frame I really do have to wonder how the pilots stay sane if they have to look at that Technicolor blizzard every time they get into their Evas.

The last one becomes a monitoring screen.

WOMAN-A (OFF, INTERCOM):“Pulse and Harmonics normal.”

A human figure appears on the internal window (it’s Shinji).

MAN-B (OFF INTERCOM):“No problems...”

MAN:“Shape topology within normal range”