FGC:Episode 04 Cut 040

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Shinji hangs his head and listens to his Walkman.

The background changes from the Mirror System to a mountain ravine. Female high school students get on. Shinji remains sitting as they multiply. Suddenly they enter a tunnel. We hear only the sound of the cassette reversing.

BGM END: "Aoi Legend [Blue Legend]"

Shin-seiki: Speaking as a guy, I would say that you have to be pretty far gone to be surrounded by cute girls, and not even spare them a glance… Shinji's habit of zoning out with the headphones into his own little world is going to get him in trouble later on with Asuka (who is a person who tends to insist on the attention of others) in #09.

Reichu: If ya'll recall, the Mirror System is that funky array of buildings on Tokyo-3's southern edge, right on the shore of Ashinoko. They're in the second thumbnail down.