Theory and Analysis Talk:Kaworu's Agenda

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This page is pretty ugly as is right now. I copied, pasted, and edited from something I had written in Microsoft Word, so any beautifying anyone could do would be much appreciated. Also, some images are needed. Specifically Kaworu at the lake surrounded by the 15 Seele monuments. --Eva Yojimbo 15:24, 18 August 2007 (EDT)

I uploaded your images; you can find them in the screenshots category. (Go to the "Community portal", at the very bottom, for a shortcut.) Try inserting them yourself -- it's good practice.
Also, nuke this (the bolded part):
Note how many times the word "Hope" is used in this exchange. It's even capitalized once where it shouldn't be. There is no capitalization in Japanese, but it's possible this could've been merely emphasized in the original script, and capitalized in the sub. This "hope" thing is very possibly an example of Anno playing word games.
I already told you this was just a liberty of translation and it doesn't mean anything. Other people who know any Japanese will tell you the same thing.
Kibou is written in katakana once, when Kaworu repeats it to Seele emphatically, but is otherwise written with the kanji having the meaning "hope". I'm not sure if this eliminates the possibility of "word games" or not.
Also, pick up the latest version of the scripts at the old site (second to last news post); 24's script was revised to include the old geezer's designations. --Reichu 10:05, 21 August 2007 (EDT)
I'll insert the images ASAP (which might not be for a while as I'll be gone today and likely tomorrow).
With regard to the Hope/translation thing, your explanation seems to (somewhat) back this up unless I'm missing something: Is there any reason it would've been written in katakana one time out of its seven (in the episode) uses if it had no "other" meaning? That also seems like a very funky use of translation liberty, but never mind that...
Will do on the scripts as well.--Eva Yojimbo 11:05, 21 August 2007 (EDT)
It's a translation liberty. Give it up. ::p
Occam's Razor would dictate that the only reason kibou was in katakana that one time was for emphasis, which is evident in Ishida's performance. This is probably an instance of "seeing things that aren't there". --Reichu 11:16, 21 August 2007 (EDT)
If NGE (or any of us) followed Occam's Razor in the least bit we wouldn't still be here! I will not give it up! We all have our quirks and hang-ups when it comes to NGE's "unseeables" and this is one of mine. If you can have yours, I can have mine so... *crossed arms and stern look directed at Grand Mistress.* (please don't behead me...) ;)
EDIT: Image posted and dialogue fixing to come when I get the time. --Eva Yojimbo 11:24, 21 August 2007 (EDT)


I've cleaned up the first section of this page, axing all the "hope wordgames" and "Ghosts of the Lake" stuff. I will tackle the other sections, probably tomorrow. They need a lot of work too. --thewayneiac 19:40 EDT. May 12, 2009.

I'm glad to see the "hope" stuff gone, but maybe the "Ghosts of the Lake" crap can get dumped onto a provisional T&A page that will eventually address (properly) the idea that Armisael was trying to resurrect the Angels and etc.? ("Ghosts" is a 'continuation' of the Armisael thing, albeit not quite as popular.) --Reichu 17:19, 12 May 2009 (PDT)
O.K., I'll see if I can come up with a page for that. That's probably where the one Israfel or two stuff should go as well. If I remember right you had to count Israfel twice to get the Monolith count to match up with the Angel count. (Which was one reason why I was a lake ghost skeptic.) I do support the Armisael Angel resurrection business, however. --thewayneiac 21:12 EDT. May 12, 2009.
The Israfel issue does feature in "Ghosts", but it's really a separate topic. A tangent about whether Israfel has one soul or two would just be out of place on a T&A page about something entirely different. We managed to have a whole thread about Israfel, so coming up with enough content for a corresponding T&A page shouldn't be too hard.
As for the rest of the mess... "Episode 24' Analysis" really isn't a good title, since this is less about Episode 24' and more about Kaworu-Seele machinations. I think Jimbo was trying to condense what he thought were the highlights from that monstrous 24' Plot Hole thread, but it's not really "directed" or non-NPOV enough to work. That disastrously convoluted material really does deserve some well-organized coverage, though, so maybe if we can figure out how we want to go about doing it, we'll have a better idea of how to "best butcher" this particular page? Give me your thoughts, anyhow. --Reichu 19:30, 12 May 2009 (PDT)
I'm thinking about what to do with the rest of this page right now. One thing I noticed is that it makes no mention of Scott's theory that Kaworu knew it wasn't Adam and was actually play-acting to tell Rei "this is Lilith". That should certainly be worked in somewhere.
I agree about the need for a new title. Since this is all about Kaworu's actions and motivations, how about: "Theory and Analysis: Kaworu's Agenda"? "Kaworu's Relationship with Seele" seems too narrow as it's also about Kaworu's motivations re shinji. --thewayneiac 13:27 EDT. May 13, 2009.
BTW is that Israfel thread archived yet? I see "Kaworu Nagisa and the Imaginary Monoliths" and "Armisael in Ep. 23" in the archive, but nothing with Israfel in the title. What was its title? --thewayneiac 18:58 EDT. May 13, 2009.