Talk:Rei Ayanami

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How necessary are separate articles on Rei's three incarnations really going to be? --Reichu 13:43, 17 August 2007 (EDT)

From what I can see, the three articles on the three Rei incarnations are just stubs that say how long each incarnation lived and when. Not to mention that fleshing out each article would be going over what we already know. I say they're not needed. --UrsusArctos 09:18, 18 August 2007 (EDT)
Rei I might deserve some extra attention due to the fact she's only in one episode and her history is a bit... well, obscure. I began writing a Rei I article a while back and realized that just too much of it fell under T&A. I'd suggest adding the Rei versions to the main Rei page and elaborating on the significance of the various Reis along the way. --Eva Yojimbo 10:19, 18 August 2007 (EDT)
(sits in Captain's chair and points at minions) Make it so. --Reichu 14:57, 18 August 2007 (EDT)
Is this to your liking your exalted highness? ;) If these aren't elaborated on in the future we might just consider removing them all together. But I suggest we wait and see. --Eva Yojimbo 15:19, 18 August 2007 (EDT)
Personally, I think having info about each incarnation of Rei on the same page is a good idea. Anything else about her (lol Rei I=Zerogoki) can simply get its own T&A page if it doesn't have it already. --Sailor Star Dust 18:20, 31 August 2007 (EDT)

Rei and her emotions

(I gave the section that title, dunno who wrote it though) Doesn't this section actually belong in a T&A type article? I ask only because it seems to be mostly speculative (though who am I to talk; maybe the stuff I added to "Rei 3" is speculative also. ^^;)...Thoughts? --Sailor Star Dust 18:55, 31 August 2007 (EDT)

Yeah, the "emotions" thing doesn't belong here. I'd axe the bit about "realizing she has Yui's DNA", as well; it doesn't really fit. --Reichu 20:40, 31 August 2007 (EDT)

The Death of Rei 1

I see no evidence at all in the show that Gendo "sent Rei" to taunt Naoko. Thus this seems to me to be the worst kind of speculation. It should certainly be removed from the main Rei article, either to a T&A page marked as highly speculative, or left out altogether. --thewayneiac Nov. 02, 2007. 10:27 EDT.

Gladly.--UrsusArctos 18:02, 2 November 2007 (PDT)

I need some delicious sauce

"The night before Nerv headquarters would become officially operational, Rei I became lost and encountered Naoko on the bridge of the Command Center" - where is it said in ep.#21 that the 1st Branch was to become fully operational a day later? Isn't the pyramid in that episode still being built? --Zugzwang 09:52, 27 January 2008 (PST)

Gehirn was reorganized into Nerv the day after the Magi went online, and work on Tokyo-3's facilities was finished. Doubtless construction work continued on one task or another, but they were officially operational by that point. --V 11:18, 27 January 2008 (PST)