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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Missiles being fired from a frigate.

SE <<Splash!! Splash!!
Splash!! Splash!!>>

They pass temporarily out of frame then hit the water and explode!!

UrsusArctos: The weapon that's firing from the vessel in the foreground looks like an ASROC Anti-Submarine rocket launcher, but those have eight barrels, not four, so I'm not sure what I'm looking at here. The vessel seen in the background is an American California-class nuclear powered guided missile cruiser, although I can't tell if it's California or South Carolina without the hull number (It's also missing the "Christmas Tree" antennae at the bow). There appears to be a second California on the left side of the images in 119a and b, which means both the sisters are present for this shot. In real life, their nuclear reactors made them highly expensive to run and the conventional Ticonderoga-class cruisers could do a better job for a lot cheaper, and they were decommissioned in 1999. EDIT: ASW_Canuck corrects me below. Major fail on my part.

ASW_Canuck: Not a California-class nuclear cruiser, since she's got the funnels for a conventional power plant. The superstructure aft of the bridge has the Albany-class cruiser's distinctive dual funnel+mast design, but the bow could be off of an early Spruance-class destroyer with the Mk-112 ASROC launcher in front of the bridge. EDIT: She's one of the JMSDF's Tachikaze-class guided missile destroyers, reference photo here


The captain, vexed.

CAPTAIN:“Why doesn't it sink!”

In the back Toji quietly speaks his true feelings.

TOJI:“As I thought, you won't beat it without Eva.”

Kendrix: As in “the Emperor’s new cloak”, the truth often comes from the mouths of babes.

The captain and first officer glare sharply at Toji.
Toji cowers.


Asuka's spare plugsuit is thrown into Shinji's hands.
Shini looks at it, dumbfounded.
He lifts his gaze.

SE <<Flomp!>>

Kendrix: This is a good, quick transistion that immediately gets the idea across – the suit literally “dumped” in Shinji’s hands.

UrsusArctos: Bringing Shinji along was clearly an afterthought, and this is why I think Asuka doesn't get the bigger picture. If she'd thought about it, she'd have told him to change simultaneously with her so both of them could get in Eva-02 ASAP. Although Shinji wouldn't take long to change himself, the added delay has given Gaghiel - who can sink a ship in a second - more time to rampage unchecked and has put them in added danger as well.


A catwalk inside the tanker.
Asuka, domineering, puts her hands on her hips.

ASUKA:“Okay, let's go.”

Kendrix: Another classic Asuka pose. In general, they’re very consistent about putting a lot of work into body language as a characterization points. Her words seem to have more force because they’re accompanied by holistic movements (see also the next shot where her pointing emphasizes her words)

IDK to which extent this is just based on a generic “rude American” stereotype, maybe laced with some criticism of both the West & Japan, as Asuka is (In Asia tend to be lumped together as just “the west” though cultural norms & social institutions are vastly different these days) Then again, the Austrians & Swiss do maintain that us northerners are all incredibly rude because we occasionally say “I’ll have a beer” instead of “could I please have a beer?”


Shinji, bewildered.



Asuka speaks angrily, pointing. She is kind of a bad-tempered person.

ASUKA:“You're coming too!”

Line: This Asuka pointing finger moment, many memes will be born because of it. Thank you Eva!

Kendrix: The script is dissing her so much I’m starting to feel sorry for her.

Here we start to see that though she acts like she doesn’t care what anyone thinks & puts them down etc. she actually wants their praise, hence she is dragging her rival along to make him acknowledge her superiority.Of course making yourself dependent on what others think to the point of engineering situations to getting specific reactions out of specific people is a trap because you cannot control those. We are social beings & wanting some praise & love is normal, but it might not come from the one specific person that you wanted or in the way that you imagined it.

A pretty impulsive decision that Ritsuko probably wouldn’t have okayed if she were there seeing as it might cause interference, though it did sorta work out in the end.


Shinji in disbelief.
He looks at the plugsuit in his hands.
(I'm supposed to wear this!?)

Kendrix: This is when Shinji realized that he is not leaving with his dignity intact.


Shinji, standing on a pier in the pool, with Unit-02 in the foreground. He is wearing Asuka's plugsuit and his feet are turned inwards.

SHINJI:“Hey, why'd we change into plugsuits?”

ASUKA (OFF):“Are you stupid?”

thewayneiac: Arrrgh!!! That's painful just looking at it.

Javi2541997: The only time we've ever seen Shinji with the red suit.

UrsusArctos: True, we never again see a pilot wear another pilot's plugsuit, and it looks horribly uncomfortable.


Asuka stands imposingly upon the entry plug hatch.

ASUKA:“It's obvious!
I'm going to beat that thing with Unit-02!”

She pushes a small switch on the hatch and, with an extremely quick movement, the hatch opens and the entry plug emerges.

SE <<Ka-sha>>

SE <<Vashuuu>>

Kendrix: So far we’ve only seen Evas activated in a complex procedure requiring many machines & several operators but in another example of Nerv’s NASA-level preparedness, it seems they made sure that they can be activated manually in an emergency, and such emergencies did indeed come. It was kind of a desperate move to make the tech for this seeing as the Evas have such short battery times of. But it’s common nowadays to build tech upwards compatible or to expect certain innovations to happen within a foreseeable timeframe maybe they hoped they might figure out better batteries, or replicate the S2-Engine.

UrsusArctos: SEELE-01 brings attention to the same question in Cut 136. It occurs to me that Asuka is also capable of independently using the Eva catapult to launch (Episode 22) and is the first up to confront Zeruel in Episode 19, so the ability to launch quickly and independently in an emergency may be a special feature of the production-model Evangelion. It certainly justifies a change in designation and makes Asuka's claims that it is superior in combat seem at least partly genuine, instead of being empty talk.


Shinji, bewildered, with a part of Unit-02 in the foreground.

SHINJI:“You're going to — ! What about getting permission from Misato?”

Kendrix: The suit is very, very Asuka-shaped, boob protectors and all. The contrast between the two continues to be drawn – Shinji is more of a follower & low on initiative, though he’s also more cautious (unless seriously enraged) – Asuka is bolder but also more reckless. Asuka seems like she could be a leader if she didn’t have this compulsion to hog the spotlight (a good leader must know to delegate & know the strengths of their underlings)


Her hands on her hips, Asuka feels that she's already won.

ASUKA:“I'll get it after I've won.”


Starting with a black screen,
the hatch of the entry plug opens.

SE <<VUSHUuuuuu>>

Asuka and Shinji are about to enter. Asuka shows off.

ASUKA:“Now, I will directly show you my magnificent piloting.”


ASUKA:“Just don't get in my way.”

Sailor Star Dust: Real subtle, Asuka.


A warship sinking with its stern pointing upwards.

SE <<Rrrrrrrrrrrr>>

The propellers spin uselessly.
There is deep black smoke from the fuel oil!


Ships sinking, one after another.
The Angel's wake speeds onwards.

SE <<Fwsssssssshh>>


Misato on the bridge, looking out of the window.

MISATO:“Strange. It's as though it were searching for something.”

Kensuke is shooting video with great joy.

Kendrix: As often, Misato’s instincts/intuition are right on the money. I would presume that Gaghiel only got a very weak/vague signal from the small Adam embryo in its shielded box.


Kaji's compartment.
Gathered together is his luggage and an enormous trunk case (radiation resistant).

KAJI (OFF to start with):“An Angel attack in a place like this, that's not quite the deal we had, is it?”

IKARI (OFF - TELEPHONE):“That's what Unit-02 is there for.
I've also supplied a reserve pilot.”

Kaji speaks on the phone while he sits by a window, holding the blinds down and looking on through a pair of binoculars.

SE <<Brackow>>

IKARI (OFF - TELEPHONE):“In the worst case scenario...”

UrsusArctos: Where on a ship do you get a window like that, I wonder? Shipboard inaccuracies aside, the real reason for the giant convoy, Eva-02, Asuka, and Misato and Shinji's visit are in that one Gendo line, and all you need to do is wait for that radiation-resistant case to open for the last piece in this puzzle to dramatically click into place.

SEELE-01: I never really understood what Gendo meant by "a spare pilot". I mean, I know he means Shinji, but what was the contingency he was planning for? Asuka being unavaliable? Eva 02's core would've rejected Shinji, right? Also, it implies that Misato was ordered to take Shinji along, instead of the "date" she said had planned.

UrsusArctos: Interesting observation! Based on Ritsuko's reaction in Cut 297 I'm guessing Gendo and Ritsuko had considered the possibility of cross-compatibility and were willing to risk sending Shinji into battle against an Angel in Eva-02 if Asuka wasn't up to it. The Angels seem to preferentially approach from the south, along the same vector that the fleet is heading, and it would be curtains if an Angel intercepted the fleet and grabbed Kaji's prize. Misato wouldn't have taken Toji and Kensuke if she seriously expected a battle(also see Cut 108), so I'm guessing that Ritsuko suggested taking Shinji out to the carrier for a "date" along with Eva-02's power cable, making an unsuspecting Misato play into Gendo's hands.


Shift to close angle.
Kaji looking outside through the binoculars.

IKARI (OFF - TELEPHONE):“...escape by yourself.”

He removes the binoculars and his face becomes serious.
Kaji, in earnest.

KAJI:“(In a serious tone) I know.”

Sailor Star Dust: Animation-wise, I've always appreciated the nice detail of Kaji growing serious.


The entry plug is injected into the Eva at a high speed.

SE <<Vashuuu>>

SEELE-01: I always wondered just how did Asuka activated the Entry Plug ejection, opening and re-insertion. Chapter 11 states that they needed diesel generators for doing so at Nerv (somewhat implying that the Eva's internal battery could not do so).

UrsusArctos: I'd forgotten about those! Episode 11's diesels were emergency generators used because the mains power was out. Perhaps Eva-02 simply used the Othello's onboard electrical power to operate the entry plug? There are quite a few coolant lines and cables running into the Eva, and it's quite conceivable that there's an electrical circuit that connects to the ship's onboard electrical power for starting up the Eva. Maybe the Othello, like Over the Rainbow, has enough onboard electrical energy installed to start up and operate an Eva, but didn't have an umbilical cable (which Misato ferried in). EDIT: I wonder if this is a feature of a "production-model Evangelion", see the Cut 127 comment.

UrsusArctos: The effectiveness of this scene varies widely along the varying dubs, with the first German dub (unsurprisingly) changing Asuka's German dialogue entirely to something that sounded more logical and grammatically correct in German. Shinji's response and choice of food changes too - in the original Japanese dub he says "Baumkuchen", a German dessert that's widely popular in Japan year-round. I must say that the alliteration involved in "Baumkuchen..." and "BAKA!" is funny and doesn't carry over in other dubs I've heard. Oh, and I think this is the start of Asuka's now-legendary "Anta Baka?!" and "Baka-Shinji!" catchphrases.

Kendrix: I love how he backs away when she shouts at him. She brought him for her ego without checking if it’s a good idea, but then she yells at him when there are complications. I don’t know how she expected him to think in a whole different language (it’s not like it’s something like English, Spanish or Arabic that is widely spoken all over) but the obvious answer is that she probably didn’t think it through at all.

As a teen I found it cool to consider that I could probably talk to most of them if I met them in real life. Except for poor, poor Shinji. Well, all the more reason to keep practicing Japanese on duolingo.

When she first speaks, bubbles come out of Asuka's mouth. Shinji is holding his nose and blowing to clear his ears.

ASUKA:“LCL Füllung.”

SE <<Alarm sound>>

Asuka is reciting with her head bowed.

ASUKA:“Anfang der Bewegung.
Anfang des Nervenanschlusses.
Auslöses von Links-kleidung.

SE <<Alarm sound (Warning)>>

An error display appears on the monitor, in German. Asuka remains facing ahead, only turning her eyes to Shinji, as she speaks.

SHINJI:“A bug. What happened?”

ASUKA:“Thought noise! I told you not to get in the way.”

SHINJI:“What do you mean?”

ASUKA:“You're thinking in Japanese. Think in German.”

Shinji is completely clueless.

SHINJI:“O-okay. B-baumkuchen?”

Asuka gets angry and shouts at him. She faces the front again and speaks.


ASUKA:“Okay, forget it! Switch the base thought language to Japanese.”

SE <<Alarm sound (indicating acceptance)>>

The error display vanishes, and the monitor returns to normal (showing the outside).

ASUKA:“Evangelion Unit-02, activate.”

An expression of relief appears on Shinji's face.


BGM Start: E-1 rhythm only [Spending Time in Preparation]

The fleet advancing.

ANNOUNCER (MALE):“Incoming transmission from Othello. Unit-02 is in the process of activation.”


The entire group turns at once to face the camera.
The captain, the first officer, Kensuke, Toji.

CAPTAIN:“What did you say!?”

And Misato, who speaks pressing herself against the window.

SE <<Thud>>

MISATO:“Nice! Asuka!!”

Javi2541997: Misato clearly believes in Asuka and her potential. She cheers Asuka to get into Eva-02 and fight against the Angel.

Kendrix: This is such a funny shot & confers some sense that they know each other & have worked together before. I mean Shinji wanted to ask for permission, but Misato, Patron Saint of risky creative plans, would’ve probably told them to do exactly what they did.


Unit-02 stands up together with its cover!
(Its body is not clearly visible)

SE <<Creeeeeak crack


The captain shouts into the microphone (with his little finger in the air).

CAPTAIN:“No! Halt the activation! Reverse the sequence!!”

Sailor Star Dust: Wasn't this a Junichi Sato* episode (under "Kiichi Hadame" for his Eva storyboard work), too? Or was that mainly 9? The fun animation feels like his style.
  • Of Sailormoon fame. Also Aria, Princess Tutu, and many others.

UrsusArctos: Junichi Sato ("Kiichi Hadame") is credited for Episodes 04, 05, 15 and 21. The storyboards for this episode are credited to the original Baka-Shinji himself, Shinji Higuchi. Given the level of naval nerdery involved, I'd say this makes complete sense.

Kendrix: Who are the boy scouts now? But this sort of insistence on protocol in super urgent situations is alas a lot more common than I used to think as a teen, nowadays this looks a lot less tropey & a lot more “only just barely exaggerated”

Misato suddenly snatches the microphone away
(with her little finger likewise in the air).

MISATO:“It's fine! Asuka, launch!!”

CAPTAIN:“What did you say!? The Eva and its pilot are both under our authority. I will not permit you to just do what you please.”

The captain and Misato struggle to control the microphone.

MISATO:“What are you talking about? We're in an emergency. Who cares about the procedure!”


The group, looking towards the camera.
The captain and Misato are struggling behind them.


When the first officer speaks, both of them turn to the camera in surprise.

1ST OFFICER:“Are you really serious?
Unit-02 is still using B-type equipment.”


UrsusArctos: The Captain and XO, for all their distaste, have paid attention to the operation of the Evangelions and their equipment fits. They may hate what they're doing, but they're professionals.


Asuka, with Shinji, wearing a worried expression, in the background.

SHINJI:“If we fell into the sea, that would be bad, wouldn't it?”

ASUKA:“If we don't fall we're fine.”

Kendrix: Is she too reckless, or is he too worried? A sane person would probably be somewhere in the middle. In any case there’s a lot of those little exchanges draw clear contrasts between the MCs.


Misato and the captain.

MISATO:“Shinji-kun is on board as well?”


The captain is dumbfounded.

CAPTAIN:“Two kids are...”

Misato ponders for a second, then decides to send the two out as they are.

MISATO:“(Talking to herself) I can try it out... right?
Asuka, launch!”

BGM End: E-1 rhythm only [Spending Time in Preparation]

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