Reichu: What a great one-liner to stick halfway through a heated battle scene. I love it.
tv33: Almost makes it sound like they were counting on her going berserk.
Sharp-kun: Given the fact that 01's jaw armour can open, it seems so.
Reichu: So Gendo anticipated the fact that EVA-01 would eventually want to use her chompers on the enemy?
Sharp-kun: More a case of anticipated 01 would go nutty. He and Fuyutsuki aren't surprised in the least; they anticipated this. I wouldn't be surprised if the head was designed with that in mind.
Reichu: BTW, this shot the same as C-333 from episode #01, just with a different background. Have we mentioned that NGE involves lots of recycling?
Keisuke-kun: I never really noticed Eva's recycling. I guess compared to an anime like Gundam Wing (good show nonetheless), NGE's recycling is nonexistent.