Resources:Explanation of Evangelion 2.22

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A feature was included with Evangelion 1.01 called Explanation of Evangelion 1.01, which was basically a version of the movie accompanied by subtitles pointing out tidbits like people's names and ranks, place names, the laboriously lengthy complete designations of machines and other technical doodads, and so forth. No such thing has so far been released for the following movie, even though, given the wealth of new elements introduced in 2.0, it would be far more useful to pedantic fans than Explanation 1.01.

Therefore, a counterfeit version will be gradually compiled using the available resources, namely the film itself, its publicity poster, and its official tome Evangelion 2.0 Complete Records Collection.

Translations* & Notes: Reichu

* Unless otherwise noted.
Thumbnail Title (Japanese) Title (Translated)


3rd Angel


半暴走状態[2] Semi-Berserk State
真希波・マリ・イラストリアス Mari Makinami Illustrious[3]
汎用ヒト型決戦兵器 人造人間エヴァンゲリオン 正規実用型 2号機(先行量産機)


Ultimate All-Purpose Humanoid Decisive Battle Weapon, Artificial Human Evangelion, Regular Use Model, Eva-02 (First Mass Production Model)[5]


第2の少女 式波・アスカ・ラングレー大尉[4] The Second Girl, Captain Asuka Shikinami Langley
エヴァ有人起動実被験者各種検査テスト用プラグスーツ[6] Eva Manned Activation Experiment Test Subject Multipurpose Biosensor Equipped Plug Suit[6]

Notes & References

  1. As seen on in-film monitor screen(s).
  2. Evangelion 2.22 script.
  3. As seen in caption from 2.0's jikai.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Evangelion 2.0 Promotional Poster
  5. Translation by RockManBalls
  6. 6.0 6.1 Evangelion 2.0 Complete Records Collection