FGC:Episode 07 Cut 340

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Ritsuko and the man with Ikari, his back turned, in the foreground.
(The man is expressionless. He seems like someone from the intelligence section.)

RITSUKO:“(Glancing over at the man)
Except for Captain Katsuragi's actions, everything proceeded according to the scenario.”

UrsusArctos: Ritsuko is using a variation on Gendo's classic "everything is proceeding according to the scenario" line. It also says a lot about Ritsuko's character - she's very likely one of the principal saboteurs, if not the saboteur responsible for the incident, but she was willing to let her old friend risk herself in a meaningless stunt rather than reveal that the incident was staged. Gendo, for his part, doesn't seem to be too worried about losing his tactical officer or about the expense of running Eva-01 in a needless operation. If nothing else, he probably judges the good publicity worth the cost, and Ritsuko just goes with him.