FGC:Episode 01 Cut 020

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FGC:Episode 01 Cut 020

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary
Photo of Misato doing the “V-sign“.

Writing: To Shinji-kun I'll be picking you up, so wait for me, okay?

→ Check this out!!

Shinji (OFF):“I guess we won't be meeting here.”

MDWigs: The kiss mark on the photo is apparently made by one of the (few) female staff at Gainax, while the handwriting is Anno's himself!

Shin-seiki: This shot is revealing in more ways than one; it hints at aspects of Misato's personality that aren't fully explicated until the near the end of the series…

thewayneiac: It takes a rather unusual personality to lure a 14-year-old boy with this sort of photo.

Gundampilotspaz: I laugh every time I see this; Misato is the kind of person who would do something like that. It's a good look at her character before we even have a chance to pass judgment on her. And I'm sure Shinji comes to the same conclusion as we do.

Additional Commentary  

Reichu: As you can see, the gargantuan nature of Misato's bust is emphasized early on. Strange as it may seem, breasts are actually of incredible thematic importance in NGE.

HeWhoPostsStuff: As opposed to that multitude of anime titles in which breasts are NOT of “incredible thematic importance”? :P

Reichu: Well, amazingly enough, NGE doesn't use them merely for fan service… One of the many items that will be covered as we go through the series.

Kendrix: Misato probably thought this was just a harmless joke. Still, big character establishing moment there: This single shot tells us that mystery lady we'll soon be meeting is apparently hot, humorous, bold, confident about herself and her body and perhaps a little bit lacking in shame and maturity (since that's her superior's son whose stash of fap material she just augmented)...or at least, that's how she wants to sell/advertise herself to others, this card being a means of "presenting" herself/creating the first opinion she wants to create. There are, of course, lots of hidden dephts to be discovered here, but for now, let's believe we've been fooled into thinking she's an uber cool, hypercompetent bond-girl type. Note the pararellism here: Both Shinji and Misato can be seen looking at a photograph of the other before their first meeting. Also, remember those glorious hot pants: We shall soon be seeing them again.