Talk:Minor Characters

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What was the name of the Chinese guy that Gendo met on a plane?--Ornette 12:28, 17 August 2007 (EDT)

In the script, he's "Man", stupidly enough. We can feasibly call him something more interesting here (like "Chinese ~"), otherwise we'd end up with a lot of incidental characters named "Man" and "Woman".
If anyone wants to incorporate Dog Lady [10] and Cat Lady [15], that's fine too. --Reichu 12:32, 17 August 2007 (EDT)
Anyone know the voice actor/actresses for these 3 roles? The credits at the end of platinum doesn't mention them--Ornette 12:46, 17 August 2007 (EDT)
Got 'em. Adding now... --Reichu 13:07, 17 August 2007 (EDT)

The OTHER Characters

This isn't the last characters article, unfortunately. We've still got people in the other canonicities (manga and Rebuild), and then the buttload from extracanonical things. I don't imagine the former will amount to much, but they would make an all-encompassing "Extra-Canonical Characters" article a bit of a misnomer, since we treat them as "separate canons", not "extra-canon". ...suggestions? Just make two separate articles anyway? --Reichu 13:29, 17 August 2007 (EDT)

I was actually wondering about this, since there were other Nerv characters that had names and stuff in the games. How about a page that says "Characters that did not appear in the original series"? --Ornette 13:52, 17 August 2007 (EDT)
Everyone eventually gets their own article. Like that "Girlfriend of Steel" girl gets her own article, with a big warning sign on top going "not from the original continuity". --V 15:26, 17 August 2007 (EDT)