FGC:Episode 06 Cut 044

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

The Angel is standing still in the middle of Tokyo 3.

Its shield descends.

SE <<Gogogogogo clang vwiiiii>>

Translator's notes: "Tokyo 3" is literally "New Tokyo City Number 3".

What the subtitles refer to as a “drill” is referred to in Japanese as the “shield".

Mr. Tines: Shield as in Tunnelling Shield.

Kendrix: I wonder if the "shield" thing means anything. Is there a japanese word for drill?

thewayneiac: They are actually using the English word "shield" ( シールド). When we were discussing whether to keep "shield" or change it to "drill", as most translators do, Reichu suggested that the A.T. Field light show at the tip was the actual shield. In Gurren Lagann, they seem to always say "drill" in English, so maybe there isn't an indigenous Japanese word. Does anyone here know for certain?