FGC:Episode 06 Cut 119

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Ritsuko and Ibuki on the catwalk inside the hangar.

TEXT:“Hangar 8, Nerv Headquarters”

RITSUKO (BACK):“The only thing we can defend with now is a shield.”

Along with them, there is a giant shield made for SSTO* leaning against the hangar wall.

*Single Stage to Orbit

TEXT:“Eva Anti-Heat and Light Wave Defensive Equipment (Makeshift Specs)”

IBUKI (BACK)(OFF):“This is a shield?”

RITSUKO (BACK)(OFF):“Yes. A hand-me-down SSTO.”

EvangelionFan: Something I always wondered: if the shield has a gap in it for sight, won't excess heat/energy from Ramiel's laser pass through it and severely damage Unit-00?

Fireand'chutes77: I think that is exactly what happened to Unit-00... Though I don't know if that hole is for sight, or just where the landing gear used to be. A model of the space shuttle I used to have had a slot in *exactly* the same position, but I don't know how accurate it was. Here's a nice high-res shot of the underside of Endeavorer.

EvangelionFan: It could be from the landing gear, but given the position of the slot and the indents around it I'd say it was put in there afterwards so it's likely for sight. Also, although the shuttle image is awesome, keep in mind that space shuttles are a two-stage and booster launch system - the transcript for the episode explicitly says the shield is a hand-me down from a single stage booster system.

Additional Commentary  

Fireand'chutes77: Ah. The Ritsuko from my Platinum DVDs says it's "borrowed from the space shuttle," and I hadn't clicked into that part of the episode guide until earlier today.

thewayneiac: Ummm... Is that line about the Space Shuttle from the dub? The Platinum subtitles have:

"Yes. It's a hand-me-down from a single stage to orbit rocket."