FGC:Episode 06 Cut 130

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Misato and Ritsuko Ritsuko speaks lightly while studying the data display

Misato’s face is turned away, and she speaks without meeting Ritsuko’s gaze

RITSUKO:“I wonder if he'll pilot it again...”

MISATO (Does not respond to Ritsuko's comment.):“Let’s hurry to the showdown on Mountain Futago!”

MAN:“No changes in the target’s aerial position.”

MAN:“Operation Yashima will proceed as planned at 0 hours in the morning.”

WOMAN:“Heads of all sections, please report on the progress of stage 1 of the operation immediately.”

Kendrix: Usual Ritsuko nonchalance. As we can see, Misato is in 'business mode' for the entire scene, but she's inwardly worried about Shinji and his willingness to pilot, even if she tries to hide her worry. She doesn't respond to a question that she has been asking herself seconds before- As we frequently see, what Misato thinks and feels inside and how she outwardly presents herself according to what she considers right for the situation are two vastly different things.

On the one hand, this discrepance is, as we later see, the source of many of Misato's inner troubles, we see her wondering whether she is "fake". On the other hand, this also gives her the admirable ability to pull herself together in the face of danger, even if she feels devastated on the inside. It is the beauty of many of Anno's characters that their greatest streghts are often their flaws at the same time.