FGC:Episode 06 Cut 119

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Ritsuko and Ibuki on the catwalk inside the hangar.

TEXT:“Hangar 8, Nerv Headquarters”

RITSUKO (BACK):“The only thing we can defend with now is a shield.”

Along with them, there is a giant shield made for SSTO* leaning against the hangar wall.

*Single Stage to Orbit

TEXT:“Eva Anti-Heat and Light Wave Defensive Equipment (Makeshift Specs)”

IBUKI (BACK)(OFF):“This is a shield?”

RITSUKO (BACK)(OFF):“Yes. A hand-me-down SSTO.”

EvangelionFan: Something I always wondered: if the shield has a gap in it for sight, won't excess heat/energy from Ramiel's laser pass through it and severely damage Unit-00?

Fireand'chutes77: I think that is exactly what happened to Unit-00... Though I don't know if that hole is for sight, or just where the landing gear used to be. A model of the space shuttle I used to have had a slot in *exactly* the same position, but I don't know how accurate it was. Here's a nice high-res shot of the underside of Endeavorer.