FGC:Episode 06 Cut 045

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

The Angel’s shield descends from above

The cylinder pierces the ground.

SE <<Viiiiiiii... bang!>>

thewayneiac: In another major blooper, Ramiel's drill is turning the wrong way throughout the episode. It shouldn't be able to pierce anything.

Xard: I always thought something about it looked wrong...

Mr. Tines: The tip isn't threaded at all; it would have to just brute force abrade. The sort-of-thread on the side could equally well be channels conveying debris.

thewayneiac: The tip isn't even physical; it's some sort of A.T. Field. At the episode's climax it shuts off.

ath: Well, it's Gainax we're talking about. Their "drills" are known to Go Beyond the Impossible and Kick Reason to the Curb, so...

EvangelionFan: Ramiel: Operation 'Phallic Motif' Engaged

Twin Drive Sigma Aquarion: Drill baby drill! Turns out angels are human enough to produce spiral energy.