FGC:Episode 06 Cut 050

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Top-down of the emergency treatment room.

Shinji is placed into a coffin-like capsule (until it closes).

SE <<Sound of monitors (breathing, heartbeat) pi pi shu~~ haa~~ shu~~ haa~~ shu~~ haa~~.>>

thewayneiac: Note the cross-like marking that emphasizes the coffin-like appearance. Shinji has gone from the womb-like entry plug straight into a coffin.

Xard: There's this Finnish classic rock album titled "From Womb to Tomb"... :D

Trajan: This shot always intrigued me, is medical technology advanced enough in Tokyo-3 where robots perform all the procedures? Because even with the sheer multitude of hospital scenes I never see any doctors or nurses milling about.

Additional Commentary  

thewayneiac: Is that album about socialized medicine?