Girlfriend of Steel 2 (manga)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic Days is an Evangelion-based manga series, released in six volumes from 2003-2005. The manga series is based on the video game Girlfriend of Steel 2, which was itself based on the alternate-reality dream world sequence in Episode 26 of the original series.
Differences between the original series and Angelic Days
Angelic Days is an alternate-universe reboot of the series, jumbling up characters and their situations in Shinji's dream world to the point that it bears little resemblance to the original series.
- Shinji and Asuka now have a much less antagonistic relationship: they are both childhood friends, having met when they were both 4.
- Yui Ikari is still alive, and works alongside Gendo Ikari at NERV. Shinji lives with both of his parents.
- Asuka's mother Kyoko is still alive (and not insane), married to her father, and both work alongside Shinji's parents at NERV.
- Misato is the homeroom teacher at Shinji's school.
- Ritsuko is the school nurse, and is still in love with Gendo.
- Both Misato and Ritsuko still have some connection to NERV.
- Rei Ayanami's character has been so drastically altered that she is totally unrecognizable, essentially an entirely new character, that physically looks like Rei from the original series. This Rei is an excitable klutzy extrovert, totally clueless in regards to simple tasks such as cracking an egg, loud, and socially inept.
- Kaworu goes to Shinji's school, though he has a mysterious past that NERV is trying to uncover. Shinji has known Kaworu for over a decade (i.e. for as long as Shinji can remember).
- When Evangelion pilots are eventually chosen, Kensuke is selected as an Eva pilot in addition to Rei, Asuka, Shinji, Toji, and Kaworu.
- The Evangelions actually play a background role with regard to the overall plot, which revolves around the character relationships. The Evas show up towards the end of volume one, when Shinji and Rei battle Sachiel.
Shinji's story concludes at the end of volume four of the manga, when he becomes Asuka's boyfriend. This causes Kaworu to disappear, both literally and even from the memories of the characters. Volume five chronicles Gendo's life as a junior high student with a young Yui.