FGC:Episode 09 Scene 03

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To my honey

Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary



IBUKI (OFF):“Today, at 10:58:15 AM, Unit 01 was attacked by Target A,”

Zusuchan: Kaji appears quite relaxed considering the situation-he even smirks.


IBUKI (OFF):“which split from the target submerged 2 km off Suruga Bay.”


IBUKI (OFF):“At the same time, plus 20 seconds, Unit 02 was halted by Target B.”


IBUKI (OFF):“We have a comment from the chair of Project E.”

RITSUKO (OFF):“This is pathetic.”

Dr. Nick: The James Bond of mecha himself, Banjo Haran, once ended up in this pathetic position, but at least he managed to piledrive his enemy to the ground with him.


ASUKA:“This is all your fault! You totally screwed up my debut battle!”

UrsusArctos: (Added following Zusu's Cut 113 comment) Asuka in this cut and Shinji in the next stand up and cast a shadow upon the humiliating images of their Evas buried in the soil/underwater with their legs sticking up, effectively trying to blank out the disastrous attempt at fighting Israfel. There's something amusing about the way those Nerv hovercraft hovering in the air around the downed Evas like curious hummingbirds.


SHINJI:“What are you talking about? You're the one who did something stupid!”


ASUKA:“Stupid?! Where does a lamebrain like you get off calling me that? That's just shameless!”

SHINJI:“What do you mean?! We got in this trouble because you were in such a rush to defeat it!”

Zusuchan: Shinji actually talking back shows how much he's improved compared to the show's beginning.


ASUKA:“What was that? You look like a drowned rat! How lame!”

SHINJI:“Like you can talk!”

IBUKI (OFF):“At 11:03 AM, NERV abandoned the operation and transferred command to the UN secondary Force.”

UrsusArctos: (Added following Zusu's Cut 113 comment) The pilots stand right in front of the images of their respective Evas, causing the legs of the downed Evas to stick up like bunny ears behind their shadows. It might be a subtle way of poking fun at Shinji and Asuka, and it also provides a way to keep their messup in the background while both of them argue in the foreground.


FUYUTSUKI:“You've humiliated us.”

IBUKI (OFF):“At 11:05 AM,”


IBUKI (OFF):“the UN forces made an attack with an N2 mine.”


FUYUTSUKI (OFF):“We'll have to re-draw the map again.”

IBUKI (OFF):“They succeeded in burning off 28% of the target's structural substance.”

ASUKA (OFF):“Did they kill it?”

FUYUTSUKI (OFF):“This is merely temporary relief. A second attack is a matter of time.”

TEXT:“7th Angel A/B”

TEXT:“7th Angel B 7th Angel A”

TEXT:“Report: Department of Investigation Division 2, Nerv Scientific Investigation Branch”

UrsusArctos: Does 28 percent of Israfel's structural substance mean 28 percent of Israfel's total body mass? If so, they could've simply dropped three more N2 mines and gotten rid of the KO'd Angel themselves, to add insult to injury for Nerv. (One mine or four, it wouldn't make a difference, they already needed to redraw the map anyway.)

Dr. Nick: Since this is a very super-roboty episode, that probably wouldn't work. Genre conventions dictate that a monster of the week must be defeated by the hero robot's finisher attack, so Israfel is likely plot-shielded against anything else. Or, to put it in SRW gameplay terms, the angel has high levels of Potential/Prevail.


KAJI:“At least it bought us time to regroup, so we got something out of it.”

FUYUTSUKI:“Listen up, you two.”


FUYUTSUKI (OFF):“Do you know what your job is?”

ASUKA:“Piloting Eva.”


Zusuchan: This shot is really great. Shinji and Asuka are directly under a display of their failures on which their shadows are also cast, while Fuyutsuki's shadow looms larger than theirs, showcasing his grander status and authority.

UrsusArctos: Great observation - Fuyutsuki's looming shadow somehow completely escaped my attention here! On the basis of this shot I've added a couple of comments about the use of character positions and shadows to Cuts 105 and 108 as well.


FUYUTSUKI:“Your job is to defeat the Angels.”

Mr. Tines: This scene is the only time that Fuyutsuki directly interacts with the pilots.


FUYUTSUKI:“Nerv does not exist to make grotesque displays like this. Therefore, you two must cooperate.”

SHINJI & ASUKA:“Why should we?!”

UrsusArctos: There's something hilarious about how they have an Eva-sized lifebuoy around!


FUYUTSUKI:“Enough already.”


ASUKA:“Why's everyone so touchy here?”

KAJI:“It's because adults don't like to be embarrassed.”

SHINJI:“Where's Miss Misato?”

KAJI:“Cleaning things up. The person in charge”


KAJI (OFF):“exists to take responsibility.”


RITSUKO:“Here are the internal protests and damage reports, and this is a bill from the UN, and here you have complaints from the PR department as well. Make sure you read them all.”

MISATO:“I don't have to read them to know what they say. "If you're going to fight, do it here," right?”

RITSUKO:“How insightful.”

Mr. Tines: The standard paperwork gag for any time things go pear shaped.



MISATO (OFF):“I don't need them to tell me. I'll do it here as soon as the topside gets cleaned up.”


MISATO (OFF):“I'll destroy the Angels without fail.”

Zusuchan: Misato, while talking about her mission of destroying the Angels, doing the pose commonly associated with Gendo, a man set on his task with a steadfastness and obsessiveness that come from his feelings towards a long-dead person he loved, with the ultimate motivation still having to do with his own mental issues and unwillingness to progress from them. This might be a coincidence, but it also might not.

Misato's feelings towards her own father are by her own admission a lot more complicated, but there might still be something here nonetheless.


RITSUKO:“The Vice Commander is livid. You'll almost certainly be demoted if you embarrass him again.”


MISATO:“It was a silver lining that Commander Ikari wasn't here.”

RITSUKO:“If he'd been here, you'd have been fired before he ever saw these.”

UrsusArctos: This does make me wonder who they'd bring in to replace Misato if they did fire her. The bridge bunnies seem too low in the command hierarchy and too preoccupied with their own technical stuff. Gendo and Fuyutsuki are often away on their own sinister business, which means that the only two people that she obviously answers to and who are shown to have direct authority over Eva operations can't be trusted to keep an eye on things.


MISATO:“So, you brought me an idea to help save my job, right?”


RITSUKO:“Just one.”


MISATO:“You're amazing, Dr. Ritsuko Akagi.”


MISATO:“It's good to have kind friends from way back.”

RITSUKO:“Unfortunately, I'm not the one who will be bailing out my old friend.”


RITSUKO:“This is Kaji's idea.”

TEXT:“To my honey”

UrsusArctos: It really does say "My Honey" in Katakana there.



UrsusArctos: Interesting how swiftly Misato's facial expression transitions from one of disgust to something like tenderness.


Zusuchan: Ritsuko easily notices how despite her initial "ugh-really" reaction, Misato actually is glad he's helping her.

dzzthink: I think that Ritsuko also realizes Misato's weakness of letting her emotions affect her judgment. She later gets into arguments with Misato in future episodes over this.

UrsusArctos: On the contrary, Ritsuko seems happy that Misato is glad for the help - it's a sign that their friendship was genuine, and it makes the unraveling of things between both of them in later episodes far sadder.

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