FGC:Episode 03 Cut 238

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Tears in thir eyes, Toji and Kensuke finally raise their heads. They look up at the Evangelion.

Soluzar: I think that despite his fear, Kensuke just fell in love…

Reichu: Lucky for him the Evas are goyls. Things would have gotten terribly wrong had Kensuke ever received his own Eva, though…

OMF: There are folds in the material covering Eva's hands here. Is this stuff just rubber?

Reichu: A note on EVA-01 production drawings says that "the arms are covered by a reinforced plastic-like material (that doesn't wrinkle/crease)". Hmm, okay… I guess the hands are covered by a reinforced plastic-like material that DOES. :P