Resources:End of Evangelion Screenplays

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Revision as of 17:56, 22 April 2009 by Reichu (talk | contribs) (Episode 26' changes started + other tweaks.)
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A now-defunct Japanese fan site called "Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Mysteries" (NEON GENESIS EVANGELIONその秘密) posted a document they described on the front page as "the secret dialogue" (裏台詞, ura serifu) for The End of Evangelion. On closer inspection, these turned out to be screenplays for both episodes of the film, marked "For Internal [Company] Use" (社内検討用). The website, perhaps for fear of legal repercussions, does not specify where or how it obtained the documents, although they appear to be entirely authentic.

Since the fan site is currently available only through the Internet Archive (provided one knows the page's original URL), the manuscripts have been archived locally.


The screenplays are fully recognizable as The End of Evangelion, although there are a large number of differences between them and the final product. A rather incomplete list:

Episode 25'

  • Episode 25′ was originally entitled "Door Into Summer" (「夏への扉」, "Natsu e no Tobira") rather than "Air". (The second title, "Love is destructive.", is already present.)
  • Following the operators' chat in the Command Center, Toji (in a wheelchair) and Kensuke say their farewells to Shinji. The two are being sent to Germany for reasons unknown. This scene made it to the storyboard stage before being deleted.
  • Misato's monologue at the lake is slightly different. Afterwards, she goes to Shinji's room and says something to him.
  • The meeting between Gendo and Seele is longer.
  • After Misato reads the hacked computer file, she says, "So, that's why they need the thirteen Eva Series units" instead of "So, that's the real truth behind Second Impact".
  • While in the inactive Eva-02, Asuka says, "I'm scared... Mama, help me, Mama." Kyoko's background dialogue while Asuka chants "I don't want to die..." is absent.
  • Asuka says "Hitotsu" ("One") instead of "Erst" after taking down the first Eva Series unit.
  • Misato's expositional speech to Shinji underwent a decent amount of rewriting. Yui is specified to have played a role in Second Impact, the 18th Angel is directly referred to as "Lilin", and Lilith is compared to Adam but not called a "source of life". The dialogue about the two human races "rejecting" each other is absent; in their place are enigmatic comments that seem to be directly connected to Fuyutsuki and Yui's conversation from the end of the film (also present in this screenplay).

Episode 26'

  • Eva-01's scenes prior to being "crucified" are different.
  • Gendo continues to comment on the proceedings after being "rejected" by Rei.
  • Keel's "happy end" is prefaced by a final interchange between the Seele members.
  • Gendo's death is different.
  • The title card for "I need you." appears earlier in the film.
  • A much longer and more involved live action sequence is present. (This was filmed but excised from the final. It was eventually released on the bonus DVD included with the limited edition Renewal of Evangelion DVD Box Set.)
  • Shinji destroys the original Spear of Longinus.
  • Two different ending scenarios are being considered at this point.
    • Last A: The prototype of the final ending. It depicts grave markers erected by Shinji, inscribed with the names (save Rei's) of the people he'd known. Asuka is shown kicking down her marker. (A stand of grave markers, complete with one that's been kicked down, are still there in the final ending, but no explanation is provided.) The infamous throttling scene is present, but Asuka's line afterwards is different.
    • Last B: Also uses the desolate beach for its setting, and includes the grave markers. Instead of Asuka, Shinji has nothing but a disembodied white arm for company, and he talks to himself about how he'll "never see them again" but he'll go on living regardless.
  • End credits are present, set to an unspecific song (probably would have been "Everything You Ever Dreamed"). Behind the credit scroll, there would have been a Moon-Earth-Sun sequence similar to what appears near the end of the final film. Here, Eva-01 is lying on the surface of the Moon instead of floating in space.


A full translation into English is not yet available. Olivier Hague translated/summarized many of the scenes towards the end of episode 26', which may be found archived at MDWigs' site. Additional scene translations by Reichu are included below. (With any luck, more will be added over time.)

Misato & Shinji: Humans & Angels

"They intend to cause Third Impact, using the Eva Series, and return all humanity to nothingness.
Fifteen years ago, people, including your mother, reduced the scale of Second Impact by making Adam undergo degradation.
Shinji-kun... what's made you fight up until now?"

Shinji is silent.

"The Angels. Enigmatic, non-communicative entities. The 18th Angel remaining in the end is mankind. The Angel called Lilin, born from Lilith, who is like Adam.
Angels and Man are fundamentally the same thing. Angels are merely another possible humanity: humans that cast aside human form.
People cannot live without the mothers of life -- the Sun, Earth, and Moon. But an Angel that isn't dependent on them would be a new form of life, capable of surviving the harshest conditions.
Eva was its model.
People will probably perish, any which way. But right this moment, we can't just sit back and let humanity get annihilated.
Okay? Destroy the entire Eva Series. Preventing Third Impact is the only way everyone can stay alive."

Asuka Versus Eva Series (2)

○ Geofront
The Eva Series slowly and steadfastly encircle Eva-02.[1]
Eva-02 brandishes its prog knife.
It stabs the knife into Eva-11's face.
The blade of the knife yields with a snap.
Sparks scattering, the blade goes into the Eva's head.
Eva-02's right hand. The next blade comes out.

Asuka: "Next!"
Eva-02 prepares to leap onto Eva-06.
However, Eva-11 restrains 02 by the arms. (11's head is fracturing.)
The cable is severed by the other Eva.
The countdown starts.
Asuka: "Tch!"
Inserts of hand-to-hand combat.
Asuka: "Dammit! I shouldn't be the only one running off internal power here!"
Inserts of hand-to-hand combat.
Asuka: "Why are they still operational?!"
Eva-02 tears off Eva-11's head. (The vertebrae remain attached.)
Asuka: "...They couldn't all have S2 engines?"
Eva-11 pursues even though its neck is broken.[3]
Asuka: "Geez! They just don't stop! I can't even count on that idiot Shinji!"

Asuka Versus Eva Series (3)

○ Geofront
Another one or two Evas are taken down with a spinning round kick? (Just a thought.)
After dealing the blow, or whatever, the timer count finally hits "0".
Eva-02 comes to an abrupt, lurching halt.

Asuka: "Crap! I've stopped already?!"
Eva-02 receives a light kick from the front.
It collapses heavily into the forest.
Eva-02 is pinned down and immobilized with a knife (Spear?) in each arm.
The Eva Series open their mouths wide.[4]
The armor is bitten off the chest.[5]
(This is, again, a straight image of rape.)[6]
Asuka seizes her chest, her face saturated with disgrace and humiliation.

Asuka Versus Eva Series (4)

○ Geofront, once again
Eva-02's armor is torn off and the basic body exposed.
A white Eva plants down 02's face, about to forcibly dislocate the mandibular joint.[7]
Asuka's face strains as though her own jaw has been seized.
Her face is fraught with humiliation and rage.

Asuka: "Dammit! I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill you!!"
Eva-02's four eyes suddenly open.
It's gone berserk.
Eva-02 fires from the needle gun in its right shoulder pylon.
The other Eva's head is torn asunder.
Eva-02 delivers a kick to the Eva's back, then rises.

Asuka: "How dare you harm this beautiful body."
A Spear of Longinus suddenly flies towards Eva-02. (From an Eva Series unit or launched by a Giant Transport Aircraft, maybe?)
The A.T. Field stops it at first, but its light is devoured and eroded.

Asuka: "The A.T. Field can't be--!?"
The Spear of Longinus pierces Eva-02's head.
Asuka lifts her face.
She presses down on her left eye as blood ceaselessly streams between her fingers.

Asuka (enduring great pain): "What is this...?"
The shapes of the Spear stuck into the ground and Eva-02 completely fixed in place.
Asuka: "No! Spears of Longinus?"
(Three whooshing sounds.)
And then, the Eva's chest, abdomen, foot, etc., are skewered.
In an instant, Eva-02 is turned into an objet d'art.


  1. Honestly not sure what その様にも is "doing". Yes, I did look it up.
  2. Whoa, whoa, hold the phone. In this version (manuscript #2), the umbilical cable actually got severed earlier by the JSSDF, complete with "I don't need the umbilical cable blah blah blah!" So what's going on here...? Is this an artifact of editorial oversight, maybe? That is, perhaps in the draft before this (manuscript #1, I guess), the cable WAS supposed to be severed by Eva-06(?), but, starting with this one, the JSSDF cuts it -- and they forgot to write these two lines out. Whoops? Not that nitpicky fans were ever supposed to see the manuscript anyway.
  3. If the damage sounds like it doesn't match up -- it's either because it doesn't, or I just don't get them Japanese verbs. 首を引きちぎる makes it sound like Asuka was trying out a move she learned from playing too much Mortal Kombat, but 首が折れて makes it sound like a neck is still there, just... broken. I'm lost.
  4. Doesn't really specify whether it's one or many. Bloody Japanese.
  5. No idea what the そのまま上乗りにされ、part means.
  6. Um... huh...
  7. Has me lost with 上乗りのまま. What's with this "supercargo" thing?
  8. Anno has a thing for "objet d'art" references in his scripts. I have no idea why.

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