FGC:OP Cut 006

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary


Entry plug interior UP.

SE <<>>

Reichu: This is called the “interior plate”, which contains all the stuff you need to know about the Eva: Home phone number, e-mail address, Social Security Number, maybe even what substances the Eva's allergic to. ::p The cockpit for the pilot can be found below.

HeWhoPostsStuff: In my opinion, it sort of resembles Yui's grave in its layout, with the name/title on top with the date below it. The shape's sort of similar as well… Probably just coincidence, though.

MDWigs: It's interesting to note the date, 2014 here. We are told in the beginning of the first episode that NGE takes place in 2015, with Shinji just arriving. This is the start of (many) date clues in the show.