User:Sachiel 13

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Sachiel 13
Name Sachiel 13
Real Name Kyle
Date of birth June 02, 1993
Homeland 'Merica
Role That Punk Rock Dude.
Lot in life Highschooler
Favorite Episode Episode 02
Favorite Character Don't know..
Favorite Relationship Sachiel/Shammy
Favorite Angel Sachiel
Favorite Evangelion Mass Production Evangelions

A Little Bit About Sachiel_13

My name is Kyle. I have no idea what I want to do with my life, so I just take life as it comes and hope I don't screw up too bad (which has worked about pretty good so far.) Anywayz! I'm pretty quiet (though my fellow Evageeks members may beg to differ)unless I'm with my friends. Then I can be loud and obnoxious. Currently a Freshman in high school, and life is good. My favorite pass times are the Internet, the movies, the park when with friends, school, and just hanging out. So long as I'm with friends, I don't care what I do because it's always gonna be fun. Music. Music is a big part of my life, I almost can't survive a long ride in a car without listening to my music. I play a few instruments, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Drums, and Piano. My favorite being Bass and Drums. I listen to a small variety of genres, such Punk, Metal, Thrash, Power Metal, Alt. Metal. Which is pretty amazing because some fans hate the other genres. Obviously I like Anime. Though I'm not as big as an Anime Otaku as other people. I mostly watch Evangelion, FullMetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Fooly Cooly, and I can't really think of any other favorites.

<a href="" target="new"> <img src="" border= 0> </a>
Take the <a href="" target="new">What Manga Stereotype Are You?</a> quiz, by <a href="">Rachel the Great</a>.

What Drew Me To Evangelion

[Adult Swim], Back when I first started getting into anime, I watched [Adult Swim] a lot. It started playing Neon Genesis Evangelion for a short period. I watched the first episode and was "w/e" about. I thought it was cool, but it just looked like another mecha show. Then I saw ep 2, even better, but still "w/e". I stopped watching it for a while, and when I caught back up with it, I saw ep 15, which hooked me! The Psychological aspects of it amazed me, and I continued to watch the rest of the series. Later to buy EoE and D&R. And thanks to my buddies at EvaGeeks, they kept me hooked as we over-analyzed every single minor detail. I'm gonna get the actual DVD of Rebuild 1.0: You Are (Not) Alone on DVD sent straight from Japan when it comes out. And that made me a happy little son of a bitch.

Why do I like Sachiel so much?

Well, Sachiel is friggin' awesome! First of all, he just looks cool. Second, he's just so dorky, kinda like me. The blinking is awesome!! Plus he was the only Angel to not get killed by an Eva or mankind in general. As a true Japanese warrior, he chose to die with honor before letting himself fall to the hands of an Eva. I'm currently working on an Post-3I World RPG on EvaGeeks ([1]) where I get to control Sachiel if he were human. My user picture for this Wiki site is what he would look like as a human (mostly according to my design), all credit for the drawing goes to a fellow member of EvaGeeks, AsukaChan. She's a marvelous artist and has drawn a few Angels in Lilin form, which can be found in the Unofficial Fan-Art Thread, along with the other member's amazing art([2]) but not my own. I had posted my own little crappy drawing of Sachi in a different thread, but a separate link to the picture is right here: ([3]). Hope you enjoy.

EvaGeeks Fun

Evageeks is lots of fun. Some whacky characters. Been a proud member since August 2006. God, I've wasted so much of my life on this site. But it has helped me through some tough times. We're the tightest dysfunctional family ever. I've come a long way since then. I used to be that annoying, idiot n00b who didn't know how to post. Now I'm just that annoying, idiot n00b. Making the IRC room was a good idea, gives great opportunity to commune with the other members in real time and to blow off steam. Especially in #egf-rpg (and #egfrpg and #egfcyber (lots of fun in #egfcyber hehehe)). The Mods and Admins are fun...most of them. For the most part, they let us get away with just about anything, either that or they're in on it with us.

"Mustache Gang" I'm Canti (click for larger image)
Current Avatar (click for larger image)

Where To Find Me

- EvaGeeks [4]

- Myspace [5]

- Yahoo | [email protected]

- Gmail | [email protected]