FGC:OP Cut 046

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Screenshots Cut # Description/Dialogue Commentary

Chairman Keel.

SE <<>>

Reichu: Everyone's favorite German cyborg, Keel Lorenz, the crotchety mastermind behind Seele. The name “Keel” doesn't look especially German, but it is the official spelling. Carl Horn (a long-time Eva geek who has worked on the English adaptation of the manga) insists on the proper German spelling “Kiel”, for which I really cannot blame him, but I'm just going to be a stickler here, heh. ^_^ In case you're thinking, “What the hell kind of name is ‘Keel’?”, there actually is an explanation (which encompasses many of the other names in the series) — you can read more about it here.[1]

BTW, in the storyboards, this was going to be a side profile of Gendo.