Shinji and Rei's Relationship

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Shinji and Rei's relationship is a major point of interest in the first arc of the story, specially in episodes 5 and 6, but, over the time, more directly, with the introduction of Asuka Langley Soryu, it ends up in the background. Anyway, the character of Rei is always on the lookout, with a general development of her personality and her relationship with the Ikari, father and son.

During the first episodes, Shinji seems to be very committed in understanding her character, and somehow also seems to want to teach her to be more responsive to human relations. Over time, this concern seems to resonates with Rei, and her personality becomes more and more zealous, until its resolution, in episode 23. From that point, the character of Rei 2 is replaced by Rei 3, and a new character arc begins. This new Rei, again, was to be a blank slate, but she carries some of her counterpart's experiences, which results in her final decision, in End of Evangelion, which has a vital impact on the future of humanity.

The results and consequences of this will be explored below, in an episode-by-episode analysis of the development progress of both characters.

Episodes Analysis

Episode 1

At the very beginning of the episode, we have a vision of Shinji seeing the appearance of Ghostly Rei, which was never properly explained. Even so, this scene carries some indications to other themes that exist in the show. This appearance of Rei, however, doesn't seem to have a direct connection to the Rei Ayanami we see throughout the series, known as Rei 2.

Later, Shinji arrives in Central Dogma, and is asked by his father to pilot the Evangelion. He denies it, so Gendo Ikari calls Rei Ayanami to pilot the Unit. Rei appears to be severely injured by a previous unknown event.[1] Even so, the team manages to transport her close to the Eva. A shockwave rocks the Eva cage, as an effect of the angel's attack. Rei falls to the ground and Shinji rushes to help her, in the process getting Rei's blood on his hands. Feeling the pressure, he agrees to pilot the Eva so as not to put the girl at fatal risk.

Episodes 3 and 4

In episode 3, Rei makes a brief appearance after Toji hits Shinji. She, still wearing her bandages, calls Shinji after the emergency call. Shinji reacts in confusion, with his initial reaction being to wipe the blood on his nose.

In episode 4, with Shinji's defection, Gendo orders Eva-01 to be reconfigured for Rei. The girl listens to his words with a gaze without hesitation, determined to follow the orders, even though she knows her life is at risk.

Episode 5

The episode begins with a flashback that shows the accident that caused Rei's injuries: an activation test of Eva-00 results in an error when the unit loses control. It begins to attack the central command, until it is finally deactivated and paralyzed with bakelite. In a hurry, Gendo Ikari rushes to see if Rei is all right, burning his hands when opening the door of his capsule at high temperature. The image focuses on his glasses being broken by the high temperature of the LCL.

In the present, Ritsuko describes the profile of Rei Ayanami: 14 years old, the first child selected by the Marduk Institute, past: unknown. Cause of accident unknown, in theory, generated by the pilot's mental instability. Misato questions Rei's diagnosis of "mental instability". Ritsuko argues about a possible hidden cause, but remains silent.

During the works of removing and studying the last Angel's remains, Shinji notices his father's burned hands, and Ritsuko tells about his act of saving Rei. Shinji is surprised by extracting something positive from his father. At school, Shinji watches Rei from afar, in what his classmates interpret as sexual interest. Shinji notices the fact that she is always alone, which Toji agrees with. Back on Nerv, Shinji observes Rei happily chatting with Gendo, which leaves him somewhat distraught.

At home, at night, Ritsuko asks Shinji to give the new access card for Rei. He goes to Rei's place the next day, and enters her apartment when he doesn't get an answer when calls for the girl. He finds a messy house, with too many medicines and bandages. His attention is then diverted to his father's broken glasses. He puts them on, and then Rei appears, naked, behind him. Shinji is very nervous. Rei's reaction is one of anger, and she rushes at him to take the glasses off his face. Shinji loses his balance, and falls over her, his hands on the girl's breasts. Rei doesn't react, while Shinji looks very embarrassed. He tries to justify his visit, too eagerly, while Rei ignores him, dresses, and leaves. Shinji follows her, not saying a word. Upon reaching Nerv, he finally has the opportunity to give the new card to Rei, who takes it violently, without thanking him.

On the escalators, Shinji tries to start a conversation, apologizing for what happened. Attempts of dialogue are flawed, as Rei doesn't mind responding and doesn't show any emotion or interest in Shinji's words. When Shinji expresses his fear of the Evas, Rei asks about his relationship with Gendo, and if he has confidence in his father's work. Shinji is upset by this, and his demonstration of anger towards his father causes Rei to turn to him and slap him on the face. She doesn't speak a word to him during or after this act.

While dressing, Rei has memories of Gendo's kind words, which justifies her trust and affection for him. Rei initiates a new activation test with Eva-00, this one being a success. She breathes a sigh of relief, knowing she might be of use to Gendo.

Episode 6

Shinji is recovering after taking a traumatic blow from the angel Ramiel. Rei Ayanami stands by while the pilot is hospitalized. She visits him in the hospital to bring him food and gives a description of Operation Yashima, which will feature both of them. Shinji is still shaken by the recent events; he refuses to eat and says he is afraid to pilot the Eva again. Rei volunteers to pilot Eva-01 in his place. She leaves him in the hospital bed, perplexed by the ease of her decision.

During the preparation for the Operation Yashima, Shinji and Rei are present, which shows that Shinji made the decision to pilot from Rei's courage. Misato relates the roles of both: Shinji will be the gunner, and Rei the shield. The technical details of the operation make Shinji fearful. In the locker room, Shinji expresses to Rei that they could probably die on this mission. Rei replies that Shinji will not die, because she will defend him. Her obstinacy and coldness in words is present as always. This attitude has the power to convince Shinji about what to do next.

While waiting for the mission to begin, Shinji asks why Rei is piloting the Eva, to which she replies that this is the bound she has with others. Not just with Gendo, but with all people. Having nothing else to cling to, she uses the Eva to get closer to other people, this being her communication tool. When the time for the operation comes, Rei stands up, and, with the moon behind her, she says goodbye to Shinji, who continues to stare in perplexity and wonder. For Shinji, the fact that Rei is so determined makes her strong, and, as a consequence, he, not being so determined, considers himself weak.

Operation Yashima begins, and after a failed first shot, the mission proves successful with Rei's help as a shield, who saves Shinji's life from a fatal attack and provides him a clear shot opportunity. With the angel defeated, Shinji runs to see Rei's situation, in a scene that mimics the flashback that showed his father running to Rei's rescue. Shinji opens the door of the high-temperature capsule, and, seeing Rei alive, cries with relief. He asks her not to say she has nothing else, and to not say "goodbye" before a mission. Shinji, in this way, shows he cares about Rei, even though he doesn't understand her well enough and is somewhat jealous of her relationship with his father. His relieved crying confuses Rei, who says she doesn't know what to do. Relieved and happy, Shinji asks her to just smile. Looking at Shinji's figure, Rei has a memory of Gendo, recognizing in him the same affection she feels for her commander. Thus, she smiles at him, having her first reaction of positive affection towards Shinji.

Episode 9

After two episodes of absence, Rei returns, along with the arrival of Asuka Langley Soryu in Tokyo-3. The first interaction between the two takes place when Asuka tries to force a "friendship" with the First Children, as it would be "convenient" for the two to be closer, in Asuka's words. Rei, who is reading a curious book, doesn't mind too much, and says that she will only approach Asuka if asked to do so. Note that she still observes interactions with other individuals in a strictly logical way, and secondary to her primary objective of piloting the Eva. Her approach to Shinji was through this act of piloting, being an a posteriori factor. Asuka, on the other hand, wanted an a priori approach, which Rei refuses.

Later, during the training between Asuka and Shinji, Rei is asked by Misato to replace Asuka in the dance exercise, as she is blaming Shinji for the poor performance. Alongside Shinji, Rei performs perfectly, showing that they both have good sync and can understand each other's rhythm. This realization irritates Asuka, who, from this moment on, starts to nurture a certain feeling of rivalry and competition with Rei.

Episode 10

In this episode, there is a quick and short scene involving Shinji and Rei. In the pool, Asuka is talking to Shinj and trying to get his attention, to which Shinji is somewhat embarrassed and confused on how to respond. As he shifts his attention away from Asuka, he visualizes Rei, in her usual neutral posture. He looks at her in a somewhat puzzled way, noticing the clear difference between her and Asuka. While Asuka is an irritable and highly sociable girl, Rei is quite lonely and introspective.

Episode 11

After the blackout, Shinji, Rei, and Asuka try to get somehow into Nerv Headquarters. Throughout the episode, Asuka and Rei make opposing decisions about what to do (much due to Asuka's insistence on antagonizing Rei and trying to establish a lead). Shinji stands between the two girls, taking a non-confrontational stance towards them. This makes Asuka's decisions dominant, given her more imposing personality. Rei, despite being more prepared for this type of situation, ends up accepting the decisions made by the other girl. Only during the fight against the angel do the three find an objective form of cooperation, which proves to be successful.

In the final scene, the three pilots are looking at the stars, on a hill far from the city, which is still in the dark, with no electricity. Rei reflects on men's need to confront darkness with fire, in which Shinji is interested, questioning whether this is what makes mankind special. He wonders if this will bring them closer to the answer as to why the angels attack.

Episode 14

See also:Theory and Analysis:Rei's Monologue

During the interchangeability test, Rei experiences a moment of introspection, which is carried out by her monologue. The monologue contains varied thoughts that range from reflections on the environment to the people around Rei. At one point, she says she feels the presence of someone who is not her, indicating the presence of a soul in the Evangelion. Her thoughts also encompass Shinji, with her recognizing him as a close person.

From that point on, it becomes clear that Rei is seeing closeness to other people as something more and more prominent in her existence. That process may have the power to shape her personality and the meanings of her existence. Shinji is a very prominent actor in this process.

The monologue transcript is as follows:

Heavy are the mountains, but that changes over time.
Blue sky.
What your eyes can't see.
What your eyes can see.
There is only one.
Water... Comforting.
Commander Ikari?
So many alike.
So many useless.
Red, red sky.
Red is the color.
Red is the color I hate.
Water flowing.
The smell of blood.
A woman who never bleeds.
From the red earth comes man, from the soil.
Born of man and woman is Man.
Town... A human creation.
Eva... A human creation as well.
What is a human? A creation of God?
Is it a human creation?
The things I possess are my life and soul.
I am a vessel for my heart.
Entry Plug, the throne for a soul.
Who is this? This is me.
Who am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I?
I am myself.
This, that which is, is myself. That which is formed is me.
This is the me that can be seen, yet feels as if this is not myself.
A strange feeling.
I feel as if my body is melting.
I can no longer see myself. My shape is fading.
I feel the presence of someone who is not me.
Who is there, beyond me here?
I know this person. She is Captain Katsuragi.
Doctor Akagi...
The pilot of Unit 02.
Commander Ikari?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?

"We've seen it. The proof of its construction was very useful."
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  1. Rei was injured due to her entry plug violently auto-ejecting and the ejection rockets heating the LCL inside during a synchronization accident where Eva-00 went berserk. We see the berserk incident and the explanation for Rei's injuries in Episode 05.